/* DMS post-init Created by eraser1 and Defent */ if !(isServer) exitWith { for "_i" from 0 to 99 do { diag_log "The DMS PBO is for the SERVER ONLY. It will NOT work for any form of client! DMS launch cancelled."; }; }; if (isNil "DMS_DynamicMission") exitWith { for "_i" from 0 to 99 do { diag_log "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch."; }; }; // This code is NECESSARY for spawning persistent vehicles. DO NOT REMOVE THIS CODE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING if !("isKnownAccount:DMS_PersistentVehicle" call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField) then { "createAccount:DMS_PersistentVehicle:DMS_PersistentVehicle" call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; }; // Some custom maps don't have the proper safePos config entries. // DMS no longer uses these values as of October 30, 2015. switch (toLower worldName) do { case "altis": // [16000,16000] w/ radius of 16000 works well for Altis { DMS_MapCenterPos = [16000,16000]; DMS_MapRadius = 16000; }; case "bornholm": // Thanks to thirdhero for testing this info { DMS_MapCenterPos = [11265,11265]; DMS_MapRadius = 12000; }; case "esseker": // Thanks to Flowrider for this info { DMS_MapCenterPos = [6275,6350]; DMS_MapRadius = 5000; }; case "taviana"; // Thanks to JamieKG for this info case "tavi": { DMS_MapCenterPos = [12800,12800]; DMS_MapRadius = 12800; }; default // Use "worldSize" to determine map center/radius (not always very nice). { private "_middle"; _middle = worldSize/2; DMS_MapCenterPos = [_middle,_middle]; DMS_MapRadius = _middle; }; }; // Since we use primarily ATL DMS_MapCenterPos set [2,0]; EAST setFriend[WEST,0]; EAST setFriend[RESISTANCE,0]; RESISTANCE setFriend[WEST,0]; RESISTANCE setFriend[EAST,0]; WEST setFriend[EAST,0]; WEST setFriend[RESISTANCE,0]; if ((!isNil "A3XAI_isActive") && {!DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI}) then { diag_log 'DMS DETECTED A3XAI. Enabling "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI"!'; DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI = true; }; if ((isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "Ryanzombies")) && {!DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI}) then { diag_log 'DMS DETECTED RyanZombies. Enabling "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI"!'; DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI = true; }; if !(DMS_ai_offload_to_client) then { DMS_ai_offloadOnUnfreeze = false; }; if !(DMS_ai_allowFreezing) then { DMS_ai_freezeOnSpawn = false; }; DMS_A3_AllMarkerColors = []; for "_i" from 0 to ((count(configfile >> "CfgMarkerColors"))-1) do { DMS_A3_AllMarkerColors pushBack (toLower (configName ((configfile >> "CfgMarkerColors") select _i))); }; if !((toLower DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotColor) in DMS_A3_AllMarkerColors) then { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Unsupported color for DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotColor (""%1""). Switching color to ""ColorBlue"".",DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotColor]; DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotColor = "ColorBlue"; }; if !((toLower DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotColor) in DMS_A3_AllMarkerColors) then { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Unsupported color for DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotColor (""%1""). Switching color to ""ColorRed"".",DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotColor]; DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotColor = "ColorRed"; }; // Send Client Functions using compileFinal for security. publicVariable "DMS_CLIENT_fnc_spawnDynamicText"; publicVariable "DMS_CLIENT_fnc_spawnTextTiles"; publicVariable "DMS_CLIENT_fnc_hintSilent"; publicVariable "DMS_Version"; format["DMS_Version: %1",DMS_Version] remoteExecCall ["diag_log", -2, "DMS_LogVersion_JIP_ID"]; // Add the weighted predefined locations to the list of predefined locations { for "_i" from 1 to (_x select 1) do { DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations pushBack (_x select 0); }; } forEach DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations_WEIGHTED; // Set up the minimum/maximum co-ordinate values for x and y... DMS_MinMax_X_Coords = [DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder, worldSize - DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder]; DMS_MinMax_Y_Coords = [DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder, worldSize - DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder]; execFSM "\x\addons\dms\FSM\missions.fsm"; if (DMS_ShowDifficultyColorLegend) then { private "_title"; _title = createmarker ["DMS_MissionMarker_DifficultyColorLegend",[-500,-200]]; _title setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _title setmarkertext "DMS Mission Difficulties Color Legend"; _title setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _title setMarkerAlpha 0.5; { private _difficulty = _x; private _color = "ColorGreen"; private _markerType = "ExileMissionEasyIcon"; switch (_difficulty) do { case "moderate": { _color = "ColorYellow"; _markerType = "ExileMissionModerateIcon"; }; case "difficult": { _color = "ColorRed"; _markerType = "ExileMissionDifficultIcon"; }; case "hardcore": { _color = "ColorBlack"; _markerType = "ExileMissionHardcoreIcon"; }; }; private _num = -200 * (_forEachIndex - 0.5); private _pos = [100,_num]; if (DMS_ShowMarkerCircle) then { private _circle = createMarker [format ["DMS_MissionMarker_DifficultyColor_%1",_color], _pos]; _circle setMarkerColor _color; _circle setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _circle setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _circle setMarkerSize [100,100]; }; private _dot = createMarker [format ["DMS_MissionMarker_Difficulty_%1",_difficulty],_pos]; _dot setMarkerType _markerType; _dot setMarkerText _difficulty; _dot setMarkerAlpha 0.5; } forEach ["hardcore","difficult","moderate","easy"]; }; { [_x] call DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static; // Spawn all of the bases that are supposed to be spawned on server startup. } forEach DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart; { missionNamespace setVariable [ format["DMS_Mission_%1",_x], compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers (format ["\x\addons\DMS\missions\bandit\%1.sqf",_x]) ]; [_x] call DMS_fnc_SpawnBanditMission; } forEach DMS_BanditMissionsOnServerStart; if (DMS_StaticMission) then { private _temp = DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance; DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance = 0; { missionNamespace setVariable [ format["DMS_StaticMission_%1",_x], compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers (format ["\x\addons\DMS\missions\static\%1.sqf",_x]) ]; [_x] call DMS_fnc_SpawnStaticMission; } forEach DMS_StaticMissionsOnServerStart; DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance = _temp; }; // Add heli paratroopers monitor to the thread system. [5, DMS_fnc_HeliParatroopers_Monitor, [], true] call ExileServer_system_thread_addTask; format ["DMS post-init complete. productVersion: %1 | infiSTAR version: %2", productVersion, if (!isNil "INFISTARVERSION") then {INFISTARVERSION} else {"not installed"}] call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;