/* "saltflats" static mission for Altis. Created by eraser1 Credits to "Darth Rogue" for creating the base. */ // For logging purposes _num = DMS_MissionCount; // Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now) _side = "bandit"; _pos = [23300,18800,0]; if ([_pos,DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance] call DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby) exitWith {"delay"}; // Set general mission difficulty _difficulty = "hardcore"; // Define spawn locations for AI Soldiers. These will be used for the initial spawning of AI as well as reinforcements. // The center spawn location is added 3 times so at least 3 AI will spawn initially at the center location, and so that future reinforcements are more likely to spawn at the center. _AISoldierSpawnLocations = [ _pos, _pos, _pos, [23500,18750,0.5], [23498,18715,0.5], [23461,18478.2,0], [23443,18495.3,0], [23424,18479.4,0], [23405.9,18497,0], [23387.1,18479.7,0], [23378.3,18497.6,0], [23359.2,18480,0], [23334.9,18479.2,0], [23295.1,18515.4,3.12796], [23242.7,18793.5,0.5], [23387.2,18638.5,0.5], [23294.6,18640.8,0.2], [23309.1,18683.1,0.6], [23308.5,18683,4], [23360.5,18686.3,4], [23362.9,18679,0.6], [23403.1,18685.1,0.6], [23420.9,18839.6,4.35], [23420.8,18843.4,12.35], [23421,18838.6,0.36], [23422.2,18823.8,0.4], [23502.1,18862.3,15.37], [23494.2,18478.6,15.37], [23206.6,18493.8,15.37], [23239.4,18561.1,0] ]; // Create AI _AICount = 20 + (round (random 5)); _group = [ _AISoldierSpawnLocations, _AICount, _difficulty, "random", _side ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup_MultiPos; _staticGuns = [ [ //[23424.4,18844.1,15.33], // Top of the construction building. I added this and I thought it may be too much. Your choice if you want to uncomment ;) _pos vectorAdd [5,0,0], // 5 meters East of center pos _pos vectorAdd [-5,0,0], // 5 meters West of center pos _pos vectorAdd [0,5,0], // 5 meters North of center pos _pos vectorAdd [0,-5,0], // 5 meters South of center pos [23216.3,18863.6,20.5], // Top of NorthWest Tower [23506.6,18867.6,20.5], // Top of NorthEast Tower [23497.9,18483.8,20.5], // Top of SouthEast Tower [23211.1,18489.3,20.5], // Top of SouthWest Tower [23509.7,18788.1,22.52] // Top of the concrete water tower thing. ], _group, "assault", _difficulty, "bandit", "random" ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIStaticMG; // Create Crate _crateClassname = "I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"; deleteVehicle (nearestObject [_pos, _crateClassname]); // Make sure to remove any previous crate. _crate = [_crateClassname, _pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate; // Spawn the vehicle AFTER the base so that it spawns the vehicle in a (relatively) clear position. _veh = [ [ _pos getPos [_pos,100,random 360], _pos ], _group, "assault", _difficulty, _side ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIVehicle; // Define mission-spawned AI Units _missionAIUnits = [ _group // We only spawned the single group for this mission ]; // Define the group reinforcements _groupReinforcementsInfo = [ [ _group, // pass the group [ [ 5, // Only 5 "waves" (5 vehicles can spawn as reinforcement) 0 ], [ -1, // No need to limit the number of units since we're limiting "waves" 0 ] ], [ 300, // At least a 5 minute delay between reinforcements. diag_tickTime ], [ [23239.7,18865.8,0], [23397,18862.8,0], [23485.5,18861.3,0], [23486,18683.9,0], [23493.1,18515.5,0], [23873.8,19413.2,0], [23211.9,18572.5,0], [23212.9,18751.7,0], [23211.5,18809.1,0] ], "random", _difficulty, _side, "armed_vehicle", [ 7, // Reinforcements will only trigger if there's fewer than 7 members left in the group "random" // Select a random armed vehicle from "DMS_ArmedVehicles" ] ], [ _group, // pass the group (again) [ [ -1, // Let's limit number of units instead... 0 ], [ 100, // Maximum 100 units can be given as reinforcements. 0 ] ], [ 240, // About a 4 minute delay between reinforcements. diag_tickTime ], _AISoldierSpawnLocations, "random", _difficulty, _side, "reinforce", [ 10, // Reinforcements will only trigger if there's fewer than 10 members left in the group 7 // 7 reinforcement units per wave. ] ] ]; // Define mission-spawned objects and loot values _missionObjs = [ _staticGuns+[_veh], // armed AI vehicle and static gun(s). Note, we don't add the base itself because we don't want to delete it and respawn it if the mission respawns. [], [[_crate,[75,250,25]]] ]; // Define Mission Start message _msgStart = ['#FFFF00', "A heavily guarded base has been located on the salt flats! There are reports they have a large weapon cache..."]; // Define Mission Win message _msgWIN = ['#0080ff',"Convicts have successfully assaulted the base on the salt flats and secured the cache!"]; // Define Mission Lose message _msgLOSE = ['#FF0000',"Seems like the guards got bored and left the base, taking the cache with them..."]; // Define mission name (for map marker and logging) _missionName = "Mercenary Base"; // Create Markers _markers = [ _pos, _missionName, _difficulty ] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker; (_markers select 1) setMarkerSize [750,750]; // Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly) _time = diag_tickTime; // Parse and add mission info to missions monitor _added = [ _pos, [ [ "kill", _group ], [ "playerNear", [_pos,100] ] ], _groupReinforcementsInfo, [ _time, DMS_StaticMissionTimeOut call DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal ], _missionAIUnits, _missionObjs, [_missionName,_msgWIN,_msgLOSE], _markers, _side, _difficulty, [] ] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor_Static; // Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff if !(_added) exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor_Static! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName]; _cleanup = []; { _cleanup pushBack _x; } forEach _missionAIUnits; _cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1)); { _cleanup pushBack (_x select 0); } foreach (_missionObjs select 2); _cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp; // Delete the markers directly {deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers; // Reset the mission count DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1; }; // Notify players [_missionName,_msgStart] call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus; if (DMS_DEBUG) then { (format ["MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog; };