/* DMS_MissionSuccessState Created by eraser1 Usage: [ [_completionType1,_completionArgs1], [_completionType2,_completionArgs2], ... [_completionTypeN,_completionArgsN] ] call DMS_MissionSuccessState; */ if !((typeName _this) == "ARRAY") exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: DMS_MissionSuccessState called with invalid parameter: %1",_this]; }; private "_success"; _success = true; { if (!_success) exitWith { if (DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MissionSuccessState :: Mission not completed with parameters: %1 | at time %2",_this,diag_tickTime]; }; }; private ["_OK","_completionType","_completionArgs"]; _OK = _x params [ ["_completionType", "", [""] ], ["_completionArgs", [], [[]] ] ]; if (!_OK) exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: DMS_MissionSuccessState has invalid parameters in: %1",_x]; }; switch (_completionType) do { // Using switch-do so that future cases can be added easily case "kill": { _success = _completionArgs call DMS_TargetsKilled; }; case "killPercent": { _success = _completionArgs call DMS_TargetsKilledPercent;//<---TODO }; case "playerNear": { _success = _completionArgs call ExileServer_util_position_isPlayerNearby; }; }; false; } count _this; _success;