/* DMS_fnc_SetAILocality Created by Defent and eraser1 Usage: [ _groupOrUnit, _posOrObject // Does not have to be defined if element 1 is a unit ] call DMS_fnc_SetAILocality; Makes a random player within 3 KM of the AI unit or group the owner. Offloading AI can increase server performance. Could however have negative effects if target player has a potato PC. */ private ["_AI", "_pos", "_exit", "_client"]; _AI = param [0,objNull,[objNull,grpNull]]; if (isNull _AI) exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_SetAILocality with null parameter; _this: %1",_this]; }; if ((typeName _AI)=="OBJECT") then { _pos = _AI; } else { _pos = param [1,"",[objNull,[]],[2,3]]; }; if (_pos isEqualTo "") exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_SetAILocality with invalid position; this: %1",_this]; }; _client = objNull; { if ((alive _x) && {(_x distance2D _pos)<=3000}) exitWith { _client = _x; }; } forEach allPlayers; if (!isNull _client) then { ExileServerOwnershipSwapQueue pushBack [_AI,_client]; if (DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG SetAILocality :: Ownership swap of %1 (%4) to %2 (%3) is added to ExileServerOwnershipSwapQueue.",_AI,name _client,getPlayerUID _client,typeName _AI]; }; } else { if (DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG SetAILocality :: No viable client found for the ownership of %1!",_AI]; }; };