	Created by eraser1

	Objects to be cleaned up together have an entry in "DMS_CleanUpList"
	The list is formatted as:

	A single object can also be used for (_this select 0)
if (DMS_CleanUpList isEqualTo []) exitWith {};		// Empty array, no objects to clean :)

	if (DMS_DEBUG) then
		(format ["CleanUpManager :: Checking Cleaning Status for: %1",_x]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;

	private ["_objs","_timeAddedToList","_timeUntilClean"];

	if !(_x params
		diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Invalid parameters for DMS_fnc_CleanUpManager: %1 replaced with %2",_x,[_objs,_timeAddedToList,_timeUntilClean]];

	if ((diag_tickTime-_timeAddedToList)>=_timeUntilClean) then
		_objs call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
		DMS_CleanUpList deleteAt _forEachIndex;
		if (DMS_DEBUG) then
			(format ["CleanUpManager :: %1 is not yet ready to clean!",_x]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
} forEach DMS_CleanUpList;