/* DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition Created by eraser1 Usage: [ _pos, // ARRAY (position): The position to check. _waterNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from water. _minSurfaceNormal, // NUMBER (between 0-1): Maximum "surfaceNormal"; Basically determines how steep a position is. Check the comment for config value "DMS_MinSurfaceNormal" in config.sqf for more info _spawnZoneNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a spawn point. _traderZoneNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a trader zone. _missionNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from another mission. _playerNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a player. _waterSpawn // BOOLEAN: Whether or not the mission is supposed to spawn on water. ] call DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition; All parameters except "_pos" are optional. Returns whether or not the provided position matches the parameters. */ private ["_pos", "_nearestObjectMinDistance", "_waterNearLimit", "_minSurfaceNormal", "_spawnZoneNearLimit", "_traderZoneNearLimit", "_missionNearLimit", "_playerNearLimit", "_territoryNearLimit", "_waterSpawn", "_isValidPos"]; _OK = params [ ["_pos", [], [[]], [0,2,3]], ["_waterNearLimit", DMS_WaterNearBlacklist, [0] ], ["_minSurfaceNormal", DMS_MinSurfaceNormal, [0] ], ["_spawnZoneNearLimit", DMS_SpawnZoneNearBlacklist, [0] ], ["_traderZoneNearLimit", DMS_TraderZoneNearBlacklist,[0] ], ["_missionNearLimit", DMS_MissionNearBlacklist, [0] ], ["_playerNearLimit", DMS_PlayerNearBlacklist, [0] ], ["_territoryNearLimit", DMS_TerritoryNearBlacklist, [0] ], ["_waterSpawn", false, [false] ] ]; _isValidPos = false; if (!_OK) then { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_isValidPosition with invalid parameters: %1",_this]; } else { try { if ((count _pos)<2) then { throw ("(ERROR UNDEFINED POSITION)"); }; if ((count _pos) isEqualTo 2) then { _pos set [2, 0]; }; if (!(DMS_findSafePosBlacklist isEqualTo []) && {([_pos, DMS_findSafePosBlacklist] call BIS_fnc_isPosBlacklisted)}) then { throw ("a blacklisted position"); }; // Only do these checks if the mission is supposed to be on land. if (!_waterSpawn) then { // Check for nearby water if ((_waterNearLimit>0) && {[_pos,_waterNearLimit] call DMS_fnc_isNearWater}) then { throw ("water"); }; // Terrain steepness check // 0 surfacenormal means completely vertical, 1 surfaceNormal means completely flat and horizontal. // Take the arccos of the surfaceNormal to determine how many degrees it is from the horizontal. In SQF: {acos ((surfaceNormal _pos) select 2)}. Don't forget to define _pos. if ((_minSurfaceNormal>0) && {_minSurfaceNormal<=1}) then { if (((surfaceNormal _pos) select 2)<_minSurfaceNormal) then { throw ("a steep location"); }; // Check the surrounding area (within 5 meters) private "_dir"; for "_dir" from 0 to 359 step 45 do { if (((surfaceNormal ([_pos,5,_dir] call DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos)) select 2)<_minSurfaceNormal) then { throw ("a nearby steep location"); }; }; }; } else { // Check to see if the position is actually water. if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then { throw ("land"); }; // Check the depth of the water. if ((getTerrainHeightASL _pos)<-DMS_MinWaterDepth) then { throw ("shallow water"); }; }; { if (((getMarkerPos _x) distance2D _pos)<=_missionNearLimit) then { throw ("an A3XAI mission"); }; } forEach (missionNamespace getVariable ["A3XAI_mapMarkerArray",[]]); { // Check for nearby spawn points if ((_spawnZoneNearLimit>0) && {((markertype _x) == "ExileSpawnZone") && {((getMarkerPos _x) distance2D _pos)<=_spawnZoneNearLimit}}) then { throw ("a spawn zone"); }; // Check for nearby trader zones if ((_traderZoneNearLimit>0) && {((markertype _x) == "ExileTraderZone") && {((getMarkerPos _x) distance2D _pos)<=_traderZoneNearLimit}}) then { throw ("a trader zone"); }; // Check for nearby missions if (_missionNearLimit>0) then { _missionPos = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["%1_pos",_x], []]; if (!(_missionPos isEqualTo []) && {(_missionPos distance2D _pos)<=_missionNearLimit}) then { throw ("a mission"); }; if (((_x find "VEMFr_DynaLocInva_ID")>0) && {((getMarkerPos _x) distance2D _pos)<=_missionNearLimit}) then { throw ("a VEMF mission"); }; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; // Check for nearby players // This is done last because it is likely to be the most resource intensive. if ((_playerNearLimit>0) && {[_pos,_playerNearLimit] call DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby}) then { throw ("a player"); }; if ((_territoryNearLimit>0) && {[_pos,_territoryNearLimit] call ExileClient_util_world_isTerritoryInRange}) then { throw ("a territory"); }; // No exceptions found _isValidPos = true; } catch { if (DMS_DEBUG) then { (format ["IsValidPosition :: Position %1 is too close to %2!",_pos,_exception]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog; }; }; }; _isValidPos;