/* DMS_fnc_AddWeapon created by eraser1 - based off of BIS_fnc_AddWeapon https://github.com/Defent/DMS_Exile/wiki/DMS_fnc_AddWeapon Description: Add a weapon to a unit with the right magazines. Magazine class is obtained from the weapon's config. Usage: [ _unit, // The unit that is to receive the weapon (and magazines). _weapon, // The classname of the weapon to be added. _magazineCount, // Number of magazines to be added. _magClassname // (Optional) The classname of the magazine to be added. ] call DMS_fnc_AddWeapon; Nothing is returned */ if (params [ "_unit", "_weapon", "_magazineCount" ]) then { //Add magazines if (_magazineCount > 0) then { private _magazine = if ((count _this) > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines")) select 0 }; for "_i" from 1 to _magazineCount do { _unit addMagazine _magazine; }; }; //Add weapon _unit addWeapon _weapon; } else { diag_log format["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_AddWeapon with invalid parameters: %1",_this]; };