/* DMS_AddMissionToMonitor Created by eraser1 Parses and adds mission information to "DMS_Mission_Arr" for Mission Monitoring. Usage: [ _position, [ [ _completionType1, _completionArgs1 ], [ _completionType2, _completionArgs3 ], ... [ _completionTypeN, _completionArgsN ], ], [ _timeStarted, _timeUntilFail ], [ _AIUnitOrGroup1, _AIUnitOrGroup2, ..., _AIUnitOrGroupN ], [ [_cleanupObj1,_cleanupObj2,...,_cleanupObjX], [_crate,_vehicle1,_vehicle2,...,_vehicleX], [_crate_loot_values] ], [_msgWIN,_msgLose], [_markerDot,_markerCircle], _side ] call DMS_AddMissionToMonitor; Returns whether or not info was added successfully "_completionInfo", "_timeOutInfo", "_inputUnits", "_missionObjs", "_messages", "_markers", "_side", "_timeStarted", "_timeUntilFail" */ private ["_added", "_pos", "_OK", "_completionInfo", "_timeOutInfo", "_inputUnits", "_missionObjs", "_messages", "_markers", "_timeStarted", "_timeUntilFail", "_buildings", "_loot", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgWIN", "_msgLose", "_markerDot", "_markerCircle", "_side"]; _added = false; _OK = params [ ["_pos","",[[]],[2,3]], ["_completionInfo","",[[]]], ["_timeOutInfo","",[[]],[1,2]], ["_inputUnits","",[[]]], ["_missionObjs","",[[]],[3]], ["_messages","",[[]],[2]], ["_markers","",[[]],[2]], ["_side","bandit",[""]] ]; if (!_OK) exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_AddMissionToMonitor with invalid parameters: %1",_this]; false; }; try { if (_completionInfo isEqualTo []) then { throw "_completionInfo is empty!"; }; _timeOutInfo params [ ["_timeStarted",diag_tickTime,[0]], ["_timeUntilFail",(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0)),[0]] ]; _units = []; { if (((typeName _x) == "OBJECT") && {!isNull _x}) then { _units pushBack _x; } else { if (((typeName _x) == "GROUP") && {!isNull _x}) then { { _units pushBack _x; false; } count (units _x); }; }; false; } count _inputUnits; _OK = _missionObjs params [ ["_buildings","",[[]]], ["_loot","",[[]]], ["_crate_loot_values","",[[]],[3]] ]; if (!_OK) then { throw format["_missionObjs |%1|",_missionObjs]; }; _OK = _messages params [ ["_msgWIN","",[""]], ["_msgLose","",[""]] ]; if (!_OK) then { throw format["_messages |%1|",_messages]; }; _OK = _markers params [ ["_markerDot","",[""]], ["_markerCircle","",[""]] ]; if (!_OK) then { throw format["_markers |%1|",_markers]; }; DMS_Mission_Arr pushBack [ _pos, _completionInfo, [ _timeStarted, _timeUntilFail ], _units, [ _buildings, _loot, _crate_loot_values ], [ _msgWIN, _msgLose ], [ _markerDot, _markerCircle ], _side ]; _added = true; } catch { diag_log format ["DMS_AddMissionToMonitor ERROR :: Invalid parameter: %1",_exception]; }; _added