/* DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus Created by eraser1 https://github.com/Defent/DMS_Exile/wiki/DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus Usage: [ _messageTitle, // <string> The title of the message [ _titleColor, // <string> The color of the message (in hex colors) _message, // <any> The actual message. Usually a string. _status // <string> (OPTIONAL) The mission status. eg "win" or "lose". Currently only used on Exile Toasts. ] ] call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus; Returns nothing */ if !(params [ "_messageTitle", "_messageInfo" ]) exitWith { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus with invalid parameters: %1",_this]; }; _messageInfo params [ "_titleColor", "_message" ]; if (DMS_DEBUG) then { (format["BroadcastMissionStatus :: Notification types: |%1| for broadcasting mission status: %2",DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes,_message]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog; }; if !(_message isEqualType "") then { _message = str _message; }; private _status = if ((count _messageInfo)>2) then { _messageInfo select 2 } else { "start" }; { switch (toLower _x) do { case "systemchatrequest": { format["%1: %2",toUpper _messageTitle,_message] remoteExecCall ["systemChat",-2]; }; case "exiletoasts": { private _toast_type = switch (_status) do { case "win": {"SuccessEmpty"}; case "lose": {"ErrorEmpty"}; default {"InfoEmpty"}; // case "start": }; [ "toastRequest", [ _toast_type, [ format [ "<t color='%1' size='%2' font='%3'>%4</t><br/><t color='%5' size='%6' font='%7'>%8</t>", _titleColor, DMS_ExileToasts_Title_Size, DMS_ExileToasts_Title_Font, _messageTitle, DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Color, DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Size, DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Font, _message ] ] ] ] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; }; case "standardhintrequest": { format [ "<t color='%1' size='%2' font='%3'>%4</t><br/><t color='%5' size='%6' font='%7'>%8</t>", _titleColor, DMS_standardHint_Title_Size, DMS_standardHint_Title_Font, _messageTitle, DMS_standardHint_Message_Color, DMS_standardHint_Message_Size, DMS_standardHint_Message_Font, _message ] remoteExecCall ["DMS_CLIENT_fnc_hintSilent",-2]; }; case "dynamictextrequest": { (format [ "<t color='%1' size='%2' font='%3'>%4</t><br/><t color='%5' size='%6' font='%7'>%8</t>", _titleColor, DMS_dynamicText_Title_Size, DMS_dynamicText_Title_Font, _messageTitle, DMS_dynamicText_Message_Color, DMS_dynamicText_Message_Size, DMS_dynamicText_Message_Font, _message ]) remoteExecCall ["DMS_CLIENT_fnc_spawnDynamicText", -2]; }; case "texttilesrequest": { (format [ "<t color='%1' size='%2' font='%3' align='center'>%4</t><br/><t color='%5' size='%6' font='%7' align='center'>%8</t>", _titleColor, DMS_textTiles_Title_Size, DMS_textTiles_Title_Font, _messageTitle, DMS_textTiles_Message_Color, DMS_textTiles_Message_Size, DMS_textTiles_Message_Font, _message ]) remoteExecCall ["DMS_CLIENT_fnc_spawnTextTiles", -2]; }; default { diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Unsupported Notification Type in DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes: %1 | Calling parameters: %2",_x,_this]; }; }; } forEach DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes;