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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
Spent a shitton of time setting up SpawnAISoldier. Highly configurable, with the option of using a custom config. I will set up the "private" var line, as well as some debug info later. Increased magazine count for guns spawned in crates
88 lines
2.3 KiB
88 lines
2.3 KiB
Created by eraser1
Based off of WAI
_pos, // Position of AI
_count, // Number of AI
_difficulty, // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
_type // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed"
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_SpawnAIGroup;
//<------ TODO
_position = _this select 0;
_pos_x = _position select 0;
_pos_y = _position select 1;
_pos_z = _position select 2;
_count = _this select 1;
_difficulty = _this select 2;
_type = _this select 3;
_side = _this select 4;
if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("WAI: Spawning AI " + str(_side)); };
// if soldier have AT/AA weapons
if (typeName _type == "ARRAY") then {
_launcher = _type select 1;
_type = _type select 0;
// Create AI group
_unitGroup = createGroup wai_bandit_side;
// Find position
if(_pos_z == 0) then {
if(floor(random 2) == 1) then {
_pos_x = _pos_x - (5 + random(10));
} else {
_pos_x = _pos_x + (5 + random(10));
if(floor(random 2) == 1) then {
_pos_y = _pos_y - (5 + random(10));
} else {
_pos_y = _pos_y + (5 + random(10));
// spawn X numvbers of AI in the group
for "_x" from 1 to _count do {
_unit = [_unitGroup,[_pos_x,_pos_y,_pos_z],_type,_difficulty,_side] call DMS_SpawnAISoldier;
ai_ground_units = (ai_ground_units + 1);
if (!isNil "_launcher" && wai_use_launchers) then {
call {
if (_launcher == "at") exitWith { _launcher = ai_wep_launchers_AT call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };
if (_launcher == "aa") exitWith { _launcher = ai_wep_launchers_AA call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };
_rocket = _launcher call find_suitable_ammunition;
_unit addItemToBackpack _rocket;
_unit addItemToBackpack _rocket;
_unit addWeapon _launcher;
_unit addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo";
if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("WAI: AI "+str(_unit) + " have " + str(_rocket)); };
_unitGroup setFormation "ECH LEFT";
_unitGroup selectLeader ((units _unitGroup) select 0);
if (!isNil "_mission") then {
if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("WAI: mission nr " + str(_mission)); };
[_unitGroup, _mission] spawn bandit_behaviour;
} else {
[_unitGroup] spawn bandit_behaviour;
if(_pos_z == 0) then {
[_unitGroup,[_pos_x,_pos_y,_pos_z],_difficulty] spawn group_waypoints;
diag_log format ["WAI: Spawned a group of %1 AI at %2",_count,_position];
_unitGroup |