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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
* NEW CONFIG VALUE: "DMS_HideBox". * Loot vehicles cannot be lifted, pushed, or damaged until the mission is completed successfully. Then the vehicle will be added to the Exile simulation monitor. * AI in vehicles will be automatically ejected on death. * Another potential fix for launchers not despawning off of AI sometimes. * When an AI gunner from an armed ground vehicle is killed, the driver will be switched to the gunner seat after 5-10 seconds. This prevents the driver from driving around aimlessly and trolling. * The above feature should now also work on AI that have been offloaded now (doing so was a major, major pain in the ass, and is the reason why there was no update yesterday).
328 lines
8.3 KiB
328 lines
8.3 KiB
Created by eraser1 and Defent
Influenced by WAI
_side, // "bandit" only for now
_type // Type of AI: "soldier","static","vehicle","heli", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_OnKilled;
private ["_unit", "_killer", "_side", "_type", "_launcher", "_playerObj", "_rockets", "_grpUnits", "_av", "_memCount", "_gunner", "_driver", "_veh", "_moneyGain", "_repGain", "_money", "_respect"];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG OnKilled :: Logging AI death with parameters: %1",_this];
_unit = _this select 0 select 0;
_killer = _this select 0 select 1;
_side = _this select 1;
_type = _this select 2;
_launcher = secondaryWeapon _unit;
_launcherVar = _unit getVariable ["DMS_AI_Launcher",""];
_playerObj = objNull;
// Some of the previously used functions work with non-local argument. Some don't. BIS is annoying
_removeAll =
{_this removeWeaponGlobal _x;} forEach (weapons _this);
{_this unlinkItem _x;} forEach (assignedItems _this);
{_this removeItem _x;} forEach (items _this);
removeAllItemsWithMagazines _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpackGlobal _unit;
moveOut _unit;
// Remove gear according to configs
if (DMS_clear_AI_body && {(random 100) <= DMS_clear_AI_body_chance}) then
_unit call _removeAll;
if(DMS_ai_remove_launchers && {(_launcherVar != "") || {_launcher != ""}}) then
// Because arma is stupid sometimes
if (_launcher=="") then
_launcher = _launcherVar;
diag_log "sneaky launchers...";
if (_launcherVar in (weaponCargo _x)) exitWith
deleteVehicle _x;
diag_log "gotcha";
} forEach (nearestObjects [_unit, ["GroundWeaponHolder","WeaponHolderSimulated"], 5]);
_rockets = _launcher call DMS_fnc_selectMagazine;
_unit removeWeaponGlobal _launcher;
if(_x == _rockets) then
_unit removeMagazineGlobal _x;
} forEach magazines _unit;
if(DMS_RemoveNVG) then
_unit unlinkItem "NVGoggles";
// Give the AI a new leader if the killed unit was the leader
// credit: https://github.com/SMVampire/VEMF/
if (((count (units group _unit)) > 1) && {(leader group _unit) == _unit}) then
_grpUnits = units group _unit;
_grpUnits = _grpUnits - [_unit];
(group _unit) selectLeader (_grpUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
_av = _unit getVariable ["DMS_AssignedVeh",objNull];
if (!isNull _av) then
// Determine whether or not the vehicle has any active crew remaining.
_memCount = {[(alive _x),false] select (_unit isEqualTo _x);} count (crew _av);
// Destroy the vehicle and add it to cleanup if there are no active crew members of the vehicle.
if (_memCount<1) then
_av setDamage 1;
DMS_CleanUpList pushBack [_av,diag_tickTime,DMS_AIVehCleanUpTime];
_av spawn {sleep 1;_this enableSimulationGlobal false;};
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format["DMS_DEBUG OnKilled :: Destroying used AI vehicle %1, disabling simulation, and adding to cleanup.",typeOf _av];
// Only check for this stuff for ground vehicles that have guns...
if ((_av isKindOf "LandVehicle") && {(count (weapons _av))>0}) then
_gunner = gunner _av;
_driver = driver _av;
// The fact that I have to do this in the FUCKING ONKILLED EVENTHANDLER is a testament to why ArmA will make me die prematurely
_gunnerIsAlive = alive _gunner;
_driverIsAlive = alive _driver;
if (_unit isEqualTo _gunner) then
_gunnerIsAlive = false;
if (_unit isEqualTo _driver) then
_driverIsAlive = false;
// If the gunner is dead but the driver is alive, then the driver becomes the gunner.
// Helps with troll AI vehicles driving around aimlessly after the gunner is shot off. More realistic imo
if (!_gunnerIsAlive && {_driverIsAlive}) then
[_driver,_av,_killer] spawn
_driver = _this select 0;
_av = _this select 1;
_killer = _this select 2;
_grp = group _driver;
_owner = groupOwner _grp;
_grp setVariable ["DMS_LockLocality",true];
// The AI has to be local in order for these commands to work, so I reset locality, just because it's really difficult to deal with otherwise
if (_owner!=2) then
diag_log format ["Temporarily setting owner of %1 to server from %2. Success: %3",_grp,_owner,_grp setGroupOwner 2];
sleep 5+(random 3); // 5 to 8 seconds delay after gunner death
if !(alive _driver) exitWith {};
unassignVehicle _driver;
moveOut _driver;
_driver disableCollisionWith _av;
_av setVehicleAmmoDef 1;
unassignVehicle _driver;
doGetOut _driver;
moveOut _driver;
(vehicle _driver)==_driver
_driver assignAsGunner _av;
[_driver] orderGetIn true;
sleep 1.5;
if !(alive _driver) exitWith {};
_driver moveInGunner _av;
_driver enableCollisionWith _av;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format["DMS_DEBUG OnKilled :: Switched driver of AI Vehicle (%1) to gunner.",typeOf _av];
if (_owner!=2) then
_start = time;
// Controlling AI... yes. I have to do this
_driver assignAsGunner _av;
[_driver] orderGetIn true;
_driver moveInGunner _av;
(((gunner _av) isEqualTo _driver) || {(time-_start)>30})
sleep 3;
_start = time;
_driver assignAsGunner _av;
[_driver] orderGetIn true;
_driver moveInGunner _av;
(((gunner _av) isEqualTo _driver) || {(time-_start)>30})
_driver doTarget _killer;
_driver doFire _killer;
sleep 15;
diag_log format ["Resetting ownership of %1 to %2. Success: %3",_grp,_owner,_grp setGroupOwner _owner];
_grp setVariable ["DMS_LockLocality",false];
if (isPlayer _killer) then
_veh = vehicle _killer;
_playerObj = _killer;
// Reveal the killer to the AI units
if (DMS_ai_share_info) then
if (((position _x) distance2D (position _unit)) <= DMS_ai_share_info_distance ) then
_x reveal [_killer, 4.0];
} forEach allUnits;
// Fix for players killing AI from mounted vehicle guns
if (!(_killer isKindOf "Exile_Unit_Player") && {!isNull (gunner _killer)}) then
_playerObj = gunner _killer;
if (!(_veh isEqualTo _killer) && {(driver _veh) isEqualTo _killer}) then
_playerObj = driver _veh;
// Don't reward players with poptabs/respect if configured to do so
if !(DMS_credit_roadkill) then
_playerObj = objNull;
// Remove gear from roadkills if configured to do so
if (DMS_remove_roadkill && {(random 100) <= DMS_remove_roadkill_chance}) then
_unit call _removeAll;
if ((!isNull _playerObj) && {((getPlayerUID _playerObj) != "") && {_playerObj isKindOf "Exile_Unit_Player"}}) then
_moneyGain = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_%2_MoneyGain",_side,_type],0];
_repGain = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_%2_RepGain",_side,_type],0];
if ((_moneyGain>0) || (_repGain>0)) then
_money = _playerObj getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
_respect = _playerObj getVariable ["ExileScore", 0];
if (_moneyGain>0) then
// Set client's money
_money = _money + _moneyGain;
_playerObj setVariable ["ExileMoney",_money];
// Send notification and update client's money stats
// Somebody done fucked up so you don't see the sender for the money sending ;)
[_playerObj, "moneyReceivedRequest", [str _money, "killing AI"]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
if (_repGain>0) then
// Set client's respect
_respect = _respect + _repGain;
_playerObj setVariable ["ExileScore",_respect];
// Send frag message
[_playerObj, "showFragRequest", [ [["AI KILL",_repGain]] ] ] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
// Send updated respect value to client
ExileClientPlayerScore = _respect;
(owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore";
ExileClientPlayerScore = nil;
// Update client database entry
format["setAccountMoneyAndRespect:%1:%2:%3", _money, _respect, (getPlayerUID _playerObj)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
DMS_CleanUpList pushBack [_unit,diag_tickTime,DMS_CompletedMissionCleanupTime]; |