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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
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A lot of these configs are influenced by WAI :P
Created by eraser1
DMS_DEBUG = false;
/* Mission System Settings */
DMS_DynamicMission = true; // Enable/disable dynamic mission system
DMS_MaxBanditMissions = 3; // Maximum number of Bandit Missions running at the same time
DMS_StaticMission = false; // Enable/disable static missions
DMS_TimeBetweenMissions = [600,900]; // [Minimum,Maximum] time between missions (if mission limit is not reached) | DEFAULT: 10-15 mins
DMS_MissionTimeOut = [900,1800]; // [Minimum,Maximum] time it will take for a mission to timeout | Default: 15-30 mins
DMS_playerNearRadius = 75; // How close a player has to be to a mission in order to satisfy the "playerNear" mission requirement (can be customized per mission).
DMS_AI_KillPercent = 100; // The percent amount of AI that need to be killed for "killPercent" mission requirement (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
DMS_BanditMoneyGainOnKill = 100; // The amount of Poptabs gained for killing a bandit
DMS_BanditRepGainOnKill = 25; // The amount of Respect gained for killing a bandit
DMS_MissionMarkerWinDot = true; // Keep the mission marker dot with a "win" message after mission is over
DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDot = true; // Keep the mission marker dot with a "lose" message after mission is over
DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotTime = 30; // How many seconds the "win" mission dot will remain on the map
DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotTime = 30; // How many seconds the "lose" mission dot will remain on the map
DMS_MissionMarkerWinDotColor = "ColorBlue"; // The color of the "win" marker dot
DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDotColor = "ColorRed"; // The color of the "lose" marker dot
DMS_CompletedMissionCleanup = true; // Cleanup mission-spawned buildings and AI bodies after some time
DMS_CompletedMissionCleanupTime = 3600; // Minimum time until mission-spawned buildings and AI are cleaned up
DMS_CleanUp_PlayerNearLimit = 20; // Cleanup of an object is aborted if a player is this many meters close to the object
DMS_MissionTimeoutReset = true; // Enable mission timeout timer reset if a player is close
DMS_MissionTimeoutResetRange = 1000; // If a player is this close to a mission then it won't time-out
DMS_PlayerNearBlacklist = 2000; // Missions won't spawn in a position this many meters close to a player
DMS_SpawnZoneNearBlacklist = 2500; // Missions won't spawn in a position this many meters close to a spawn zone
DMS_TraderZoneNearBlacklist = 3000; // Missions won't spawn in a position this many meters close to a trader zone
DMS_MissionNearBlacklist = 4000; // Missions won't spawn in a position this many meters close to another mission
DMS_WaterNearBlacklist = 750; // Missions won't spawn in a position this many meters close to water
DMS_SpawnBoxSmoke = true; // Spawn a smoke grenade on mission box upon misson completion during daytime
DMS_SpawnBoxIRGrenade = true; // Spawn an IR grenade on mission box upon misson completion during nighttime
DMS_MinPlayerCount = 0; // Minimum number of players until mission start
DMS_MinServerFPS = 10; // Minimum server FPS for missions to start
//Mission notification settings
DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes = [ // Notification types. Supported values are: ["dynamicTextRequest", "standardHintRequest", "systemChatRequest"]
//"dynamicTextRequest", <--- Currently won't work.
DMS_dynamicText_Size = "0.55"; // Dynamic Text size for "dynamicTextRequest" notification type.
DMS_dynamicText_Color = "#FFCC00"; // Dynamic Text color for "dynamicTextRequest" notification type.
DMS_MissionTypes = [ // List of missions with spawn chances. If they add up to 100%, they represent the percentage chance each one will spawn
DMS_findSafePosBlacklist = [ // For BIS_fnc_findSafePos position blacklist info refer to: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_findSafePos
/* Mission System Settings */
/* AI Settings */
DMS_banditSide = EAST; // The side (team) that AI Bandits will spawn on
DMS_clear_AI_body = false; // Clear AI body as soon as they die
DMS_clear_AI_body_chance = 50; // Percentage chance that AI bodies will be cleared when they die
DMS_remove_roadkill = false; // Remove gear from AI bodies that are roadkilled
DMS_remove_roadkill_chance = 0; // Percentage chance that roadkilled AI bodies will be deleted
DMS_RemoveNVG = false; // Remove NVGs from AI bodies
DMS_ai_offload_to_client = true; // Offload spawned AI groups to random clients. Helps with server performance.
DMS_ai_share_info = true; // Share info about killer
DMS_ai_share_info_distance = 300; // The distance killer's info will be shared to other AI
DMS_ai_nighttime_accessory_chance = 75; // Percentage chance that AI will have a flashlight or laser pointer on their guns if spawned during nighttime
DMS_ai_enable_water_equipment = true; // Enable/disable overriding default weapons of an AI if it spawns on/in water
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills#general
DMS_ai_static_skills = true; // Use "DMS_ai_skill_static" for AI on static guns
DMS_ai_skill_static = [["aimingAccuracy",0.20],["aimingShake",0.70],["aimingSpeed",0.75],["spotDistance",0.70],["spotTime",0.50],["courage",1.00],["reloadSpeed",1.00],["commanding",1.00],["general",1.00]]; // Static AI Skills
DMS_ai_skill_easy = [["aimingAccuracy",0.30],["aimingShake",0.50],["aimingSpeed",0.50],["spotDistance",0.50],["spotTime",0.50],["courage",1.00],["reloadSpeed",1.00],["commanding",1.00],["general",0.50]]; // Easy
DMS_ai_skill_moderate = [["aimingAccuracy",0.60],["aimingShake",0.60],["aimingSpeed",0.60],["spotDistance",0.60],["spotTime",0.60],["courage",1.00],["reloadSpeed",1.00],["commanding",1.00],["general",0.60]]; // Moderate
DMS_ai_skill_difficult = [["aimingAccuracy",0.70],["aimingShake",0.70],["aimingSpeed",0.70],["spotDistance",0.70],["spotTime",0.80],["courage",1.00],["reloadSpeed",1.00],["commanding",1.00],["general",0.70]]; // Difficult
DMS_ai_skill_hardcore = [["aimingAccuracy",1.00],["aimingShake",1.00],["aimingSpeed",1.00],["spotDistance",1.00],["spotTime",1.00],["courage",1.00],["reloadSpeed",1.00],["commanding",1.00],["general",1.00]]; // Hardcore
DMS_ai_skill_random = ["hardcore","difficult","difficult","difficult","moderate","moderate","moderate","moderate","easy","easy"]; // Skill frequencies for "random" AI skills | Default: 10% hardcore, 30% difficult, 40% moderate, and 20% easy
DMS_AI_WP_Radius_easy = 20; // Waypoint radius for "easy" AI
DMS_AI_WP_Radius_moderate = 40; // Waypoint radius for "moderate" AI
DMS_AI_WP_Radius_difficult = 75; // Waypoint radius for "difficult" AI
DMS_AI_WP_Radius_hardcore = 150; // Waypoint radius for "hardcore" AI
DMS_static_weapons = [ // Static weapons for AI
DMS_ai_default_items = [ // Toolbelt items each AI will spawn with
DMS_ai_BipodList = [
//Assault Class
DMS_assault_weps = [ // Assault Rifles
DMS_assault_pistols = [ // Pistols for Assault Class (Set to empty array if you don't want to give them any pistols)
DMS_assault_optics = [ // Optics for Assault Class
DMS_assault_optic_chance = 75; // Percentage chance that an Assault Class AI will get an optic
DMS_assault_bipod_chance = 25; // Percentage chance that an Assault Class AI will get a bipod
DMS_assault_suppressor_chance = 25; // Percentage chance that an Assault Class AI will get a suppressor
DMS_assault_items = [ // Items for Assault Class AI (Loot stuff that goes in uniform/vest/backpack)
DMS_assault_equipment = [ // Equipment for Assault Class AI (stuff that goes in toolbelt slots)
DMS_assault_helmets = [ // Helmets for Assault Class
DMS_assault_clothes = [ // Uniforms for Assault Class
DMS_assault_vests = [ // Vests for Assault Class
DMS_assault_backpacks = [ // Backpacks for Assault Class
//Machine Gun Class
DMS_MG_weps = [ // Machine Guns
DMS_MG_pistols = [ // Pistols for MG Class (Set to empty array if you don't want to give them any pistols)
DMS_MG_optics = [ // Optics for MG Class
DMS_MG_optic_chance = 50; // Percentage chance that an MG Class AI will get an optic
DMS_MG_bipod_chance = 90; // Percentage chance that an MG Class AI will get a bipod
DMS_MG_suppressor_chance = 10; // Percentage chance that an MG Class AI will get a suppressor
DMS_MG_items = [ // Items for MG Class AI (Loot stuff that goes in uniform/vest/backpack)
DMS_MG_equipment = [ // Equipment for MG Class AI (stuff that goes in toolbelt slots)
DMS_MG_helmets = [ // Helmets for MG Class
DMS_MG_clothes = [ // Uniforms for MG Class
DMS_MG_vests = [ // Vests for MG Class
DMS_MG_backpacks = [ // Backpacks for MG Class
//Sniper Class
DMS_sniper_weps = [ // Sniper Rifles
DMS_sniper_pistols = [ // Pistols for Sniper Class (Set to empty array if you don't want to give them any pistols)
DMS_sniper_optics = [ // Optics for Sniper Class
DMS_sniper_optic_chance = 100; // Percentage chance that a Sniper Class AI will get an optic
DMS_sniper_bipod_chance = 90; // Percentage chance that a Sniper Class AI will get a bipod
DMS_sniper_suppressor_chance = 15; // Percentage chance that a Sniper Class AI will get a suppressor
DMS_sniper_items = [ // Items for Sniper Class AI (Loot stuff that goes in uniform/vest/backpack)
DMS_sniper_equipment = [ // Equipment for Sniper Class AI (stuff that goes in toolbelt slots)
DMS_sniper_helmets = [ // Helmets for Sniper Class
DMS_sniper_clothes = [ // Uniforms for Sniper Class
DMS_sniper_vests = [ // Vests for Sniper Class
DMS_sniper_backpacks = [ // Backpacks for Sniper Class
DMS_ai_SupportedClasses = [ // Allowed AI classes. If you want to create your own class, make sure you define everything as I've defined above, and add it here
DMS_random_AI = [ // The classes that a "random" AI can spawn as | DEFAULT: 60% Assault, 20% MG, 20% Sniper
DMS_ai_use_launchers = true; // Enable/disable spawning an AI in a group with a launcher
DMS_ai_use_launchers_chance = 50; // Percentage chance to actually spawn the launcher (per-group)
DMS_AI_launcher_ammo_count = 2; // How many rockets an AI will get with its launcher
DMS_ai_remove_launchers = true; // Remove rocket launchers on AI death
DMS_AI_wep_launchers_AT = [ // AT Launchers
DMS_AI_wep_launchers_AA = [ // AA Launchers
/* AI Settings */
/* Loot Settings */
DMS_BoxWeapons = [ //List of weapons that can potentially spawn in a crate
DMS_BoxSurvivalSupplies = [ //List of survival supplies (food/drink/meds)
DMS_BoxBuildingSupplies = [ //List of building supplies
DMS_BoxOptics = [
DMS_BoxBackpacks = [ //List of backpacks that can potentially spawn in a crate
DMS_BoxItems = DMS_BoxSurvivalSupplies+DMS_BoxBuildingSupplies+DMS_BoxOptics; // Random "items" can spawn optics, survival supplies, or building supplies
DMS_RareLoot = true; // Potential chance to spawn rare loot in any crate.
DMS_RareLootList = [ // List of rare loot to spawn
DMS_RareLootChance = 10; // Percentage Chance to spawn rare loot in any crate | Default: 10%
// Vehicles
DMS_ArmedVehicles = [ // List of armed vehicles that can spawn
DMS_MilitaryVehicles = [ // List of military vehicles that can spawn
DMS_TransportTrucks = [ // List of transport trucks that can spawn
DMS_RefuelTrucks = [ // List of refuel trucks that can spawn
DMS_CivilianVehicles = [ // List of civilian vehicles that can spawn
DMS_TransportHelis = [ // List of transport helis that can spawn
/* Loot Settings */
// Debug Overwrites
if(DMS_DEBUG) then {
DMS_TimeBetweenMissions = [30,60];
DMS_MissionTimeOut = [240,300];
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG CONFIG :: Overriding DMS_TimeBetweenMissions (%1) and DMS_MissionTimeOut (%2)",DMS_TimeBetweenMissions,DMS_MissionTimeOut];
}; |