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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
Renamed preInit/postInit All config.sqf options setup and named (for now :P ) Removed "tools" from FillCrate since it was just addItemCargoGlobal as well FindSafePos adjustments + renames IsNearWater function (from WAI) Add "_markers" array to MissionStatusCheck params (planned implemention: [_dot,_circle] for the ability to rename a marker after mission completion. EG: "COMPLETED: Weapons Crate" for X seconds) Created SelectMagazine fnc Created files for a couple TODO functions
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private ["_i","_safePosParams","_validspot","_position"];
if (worldName=="Altis") then {
_safePosParams = [[16000,16000],0,16000,(_this select 0),0,0.5,0,DMS_findSafePosBlacklist];
} else {
_safePosParams = [[],0,-1,(_this select 0),0,0.5,0,DMS_findSafePosBlacklist];
_validspot = false;
_i = 0;
while{!_validspot} do {
_position = _safePosParams call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_validspot = true;
_i = _i+1;
call {
if ([_position,wai_near_water] call DMS_isNearWater) exitWith
_validspot = false;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then {diag_log "Position is too close to water!";};
if ([_position,DMS_PlayerNearBlacklist] call ExileServer_util_position_isPlayerNearby) exitWith
_validspot = false;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then {diag_log "Position has players nearby!";};
markertype _x=="ExileSpawnZone" || "ExileTraderZone"
if(DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log("WAI DEBUG: FINDPOS: Checking nearby mission markers: " + str(wai_mission_markers)); };
if ({getMarkerColor _x != "" && {_position distance (getMarkerPos _x) < wai_avoid_missions}}) exitWith
_validspot = false;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then {diag_log "Position is too close to another mission!";};
} count allMapMarkers;
if(_validspot) then {
if(DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format["Mission position %1 with %2 params found in %3 attempts.",_position,_safePosParams,_i]; };
_position set [2, 0];
_position; |