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Created by eraser1
ALL PARAMETERS ARE OPTIONAL (as long as configs are properly defined).
Excluding parameters will create some RPT spam, but it's not too much of an issue.
_nearestObjectMinDistance, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from the nearest object.
_waterNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from water.
_minSurfaceNormal, // NUMBER (between 0-1): Maximum "surfaceNormal"; Basically determines how steep a position is. Check the comment for config value "DMS_MinSurfaceNormal" in config.sqf for more info
_spawnZoneNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a spawn point.
_traderZoneNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a trader zone.
_missionNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from another mission.
_playerNearLimit, // NUMBER (distance): Minimum distance from a player.
_throttleParams // BOOLEAN: Whether or not some of the distance values should be throttled on repeated attempts.
_waterSpawn // (OPTIONAL) BOOLEAN: Whether or not the mission is supposed to spawn on water. Default: false
] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
private ["_nearestObjectMinDistance", "_waterNearLimit", "_minSurfaceNormal", "_spawnZoneNearLimit", "_traderZoneNearLimit", "_missionNearLimit", "_playerNearLimit", "_territoryNearLimit", "_throttleParams", "_waterSpawn", "_isValidSpot", "_attempts", "_pos", "_restriction", "_generatePos", "_presetLocs", "_presetLocsLength"];
["_nearestObjectMinDistance", 25, [0] ],
["_waterNearLimit", DMS_WaterNearBlacklist, [0] ],
["_minSurfaceNormal", DMS_MinSurfaceNormal, [0] ],
["_spawnZoneNearLimit", DMS_SpawnZoneNearBlacklist, [0] ],
["_traderZoneNearLimit", DMS_TraderZoneNearBlacklist,[0] ],
["_missionNearLimit", DMS_MissionNearBlacklist, [0] ],
["_playerNearLimit", DMS_PlayerNearBlacklist, [0] ],
["_territoryNearLimit", DMS_TerritoryNearBlacklist, [0] ],
["_throttleParams", DMS_ThrottleBlacklists, [true]]
if (!isNil "DMS_DebugMarkers") then
{deleteMarker _x} forEach DMS_DebugMarkers;
DMS_DebugMarkers = [];
_waterSpawn = if ((count _this)>9) then {_this select 9} else {false};
_isValidSpot = false;
_attempts = 0;
_restriction = if (_waterSpawn) then {2} else {0};
_presetLocsLength = 0;
if (DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations) then
// Shuffle the array so that the positions are selected in random order
_presetLocs = DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations call ExileClient_util_array_shuffle;
_presetLocsLength = count _presetLocs;
_generatePos =
if (DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations && {_attempts<=_presetLocsLength}) then
_presetLocs select (_attempts - 1)
[DMS_MinMax_X_Coords call DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal,DMS_MinMax_Y_Coords call DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal] isFlatEmpty [_nearestObjectMinDistance, 0, 9999, 1, _restriction, _waterSpawn, objNull]
while{!_isValidSpot} do
_attempts = _attempts+1;
_pos = [];
while {_pos isEqualTo []} do
_pos = call _generatePos;
_dot = createMarker [format ["DMS_DebugMarker_attempt%1", _attempts], _pos];
_dot setMarkerColor "ColorWEST";
_dot setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_dot setMarkerText format["Attempt #%1",_attempts];
DMS_DebugMarkers pushBack _dot;
// It will only throttle the missionNear blacklist and playerNear limits because those are the most likely to throw an exception.
// The throttling works by decreasing the parameters by 10% every 15 attempts, until it reaches 100 meters (by default).
if (_throttleParams && {(_attempts>=DMS_AttemptsUntilThrottle) && {(_attempts%DMS_AttemptsUntilThrottle)==0}}) then
_missionNearLimit = (DMS_ThrottleCoefficient * _missionNearLimit) max DMS_MinThrottledDistance;
_playerNearLimit = (DMS_ThrottleCoefficient * _playerNearLimit) max DMS_MinThrottledDistance;
// SurfaceNormal is a bit more tricky than distances, so it's throttled differently. To convert from degrees to surfaceNormal, you take the cosine of the degrees from horizontal. Take the arc-cosine to convert surfaceNormal to degrees: arccos(0.8) in degrees ~= 37
_minSurfaceNormal = (_minSurfaceNormal - 0.005) max 0.8;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format ["FindSafePos :: Throttling _missionNearLimit to %1 and _playerNearLimit to %2 and _minSurfaceNormal to %4 after %3 failed attempts to find a safe position!",_missionNearLimit,_playerNearLimit,_attempts,_minSurfaceNormal]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
_isValidSpot = [_pos, _waterNearLimit, _minSurfaceNormal, _spawnZoneNearLimit, _traderZoneNearLimit, _missionNearLimit, _playerNearLimit, _territoryNearLimit, _waterSpawn] call DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition;
if (_attempts>5000) exitWith
diag_log format["DMS ERROR :: Number of attempts in DMS_fnc_findSafePos (%1) exceeded maximum number of attempts!",_attempts];
_pos set [2,0];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format["FindSafePos :: Found mission position %1 in %2 attempts. _this: %3",_pos,_attempts,_this]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;