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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
* ** NEW CONFIG VALUES: |DMS_MaxStaticMissions| |DMS_TimeToFirstStaticMission| |DMS_TimeBetweenStaticMissions| |DMS_StaticMissionTimeOut| |DMS_StaticMissionTimeoutResetRange| |DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance| |DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations| |DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations| |DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder| |DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder| |DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder| |DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder| |DMS_StaticMissionTypes| ** * Added new value "DMS_Version". * ** "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIStatic" is now "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIStaticMG"; donthasslethehoff, mercbase, and testmission have been updated with the new names** * DMS will now check to make sure that marker colors passed to fn_CreateMarker are valid marker colors. * You can now control how far away from each border a mission will spawn (each border is separate: west, east, south, north). All "supported" maps have config values adjusted in "map_configs". * New salt flats base by [Darth Rogue from SOA](http://soldiersofanarchy.net/). * **IMPLEMENTED STATIC MISSIONS (initial version). "saltflats" is currently the only static mission for Altis ONLY. However, it shouldn't be too difficult to export it to other maps (once positions have been adjusted). ** * Fixed a couple of outdated/inaccurate function documentation comments. * **FINALLY REMOVED THE Default Value "-1" PARAMS RPT SPAM. I FOUND IT. YESSSSS** * Fixed fn_CleanUp producing debug logs even with debug disabled. * Fixed the CleanUp list not Cleaning Up after itself (hah!). * Added diag_tickTime and DMS_Version to debug logs. * You can now define a custom function for DMS_FillCrate. It will be passed params from _lootValues select 0. ** I haven't tested this at all. Just keep that in mind ;) ** * You can now manually define mission spawning locations into an array, and that array will be used to find a location. Each location will still be checked for validity, and if no valid positions are found from the list, a random one is then generated using the normal method. ** I didn't test this part at all either :P ** * fn_FindSafePos should be even more efficient now, and even more controllable. * Quite a few new functions; most notably: fn_GroupReinforcementsManager * fn_GroupReinforcementsManager is used by static missions to provide reinforcements for AI once they fall below a certain threshold (and/or any other parameters you provide). Make sure to check out the function documentation and give any suggestions for new reinforcement types! * New function "DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static" will simply import a base from the provided file (under static). No conversion to relative position or anything. Simply spawning, positioning, and disabling simulation. * Removed the check for being outside map edges from fn_isValidPosition. * "hardcore" AI will now be even more difficult ;)
361 lines
9.6 KiB
361 lines
9.6 KiB
Created by eraser1
Based off of WAI
_group, // Group the AI will belong to
_pos, // Position of AI
_class, // Classname: "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed". Use "custom" to use "_customGearSet"
_difficulty, // Difficulty: "random","static","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
_side, // "bandit","hero", etc.
_type, // Type of AI: "soldier","static","vehicle","heli", etc.
_customGearSet // OPTIONAL: Manually defined AI gear.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier;
Usage for _customGearSet:
_weapon, // String | EG: "LMG_Zafir_F"
_weaponAttachments, // Array of strings | EG: ["optic_dms","bipod_03_F_blk"]
_magazines, // Array of arrays | EG: [["150Rnd_762x54_Box",2],["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",3],["Exile_Item_InstaDoc",3]]
_pistol, // String | EG: "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F"
_pistolAttachments, // Array of strings | EG: ["optic_MRD","muzzle_snds_acp"]
_assignedItems, // Array of strings | EG: ["Rangefinder","ItemGPS","NVGoggles"]
_launcher, // String | EG: "launch_RPG32_F"
_helmet, // String | EG: "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo"
_uniform, // String | EG: "U_O_GhillieSuit"
_vest, // String | EG: "V_PlateCarrierGL_blk"
_backpack // String | EG: "B_Carryall_oli"
Returns AI Unit
private ["_OK", "_useCustomGear", "_unarmed", "_class", "_type", "_unit", "_side", "_nighttime", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_suppressor", "_pistols", "_pistol", "_customGearSet", "_helmet", "_uniform", "_vest", "_backpack", "_launcher", "_magazines", "_weaponAttachments", "_pistolAttachments", "_assignedItems", "_difficulty", "_skillArray"];
_OK = params
_useCustomGear = false;
_unarmed = false;
if (!_OK) then
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: DMS_SpawnAISoldier called with invalid parameters: %1",_this];
if ((_class == "custom") && {((count _this)>6)}) then
_customGearSet = _this select 6;
_useCustomGear = true;
if(_difficulty == "random") then
_difficulty = DMS_ai_skill_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
//Create unit
_unit = _group createUnit ["O_recon_F", _pos, [], 0,"FORM"];
_unit allowFleeing 0;
[_unit] joinSilent _group;
// Remove existing gear
{_unit removeWeaponGlobal _x;} forEach (weapons _unit);
{_unit unlinkItem _x;} forEach (assignedItems _unit);
{_unit removeItem _x;} forEach (items _unit);
removeAllItemsWithMagazines _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpackGlobal _unit;
// Give default items
if !(DMS_ai_default_items isEqualTo []) then
// "Why doesn't linkItem work with any of these? Because fuck you, that's why" - BIS
if (_x in ["Binocular","Rangefinder","Laserdesignator","Laserdesignator_02","Laserdesignator_03"]) then
_unit addWeapon _x;
_unit linkItem _x;
} forEach DMS_ai_default_items;
switch (toLower _class) do
case "random" : {_class = DMS_random_AI call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
case "unarmed" : {_class = "assault";_unarmed = true;};
// Unit name
_unit setName format["[DMS_%3Unit_%1%2]",_class,floor(random 1000),toUpper _side];
if (!_useCustomGear) then
if !(_class in DMS_ai_SupportedClasses) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: DMS_SpawnAISoldier called with unsupported _class: %1 | _this: %2",_class,_this];
deleteVehicle _unit;
// Equipment (Stuff that goes in the toolbelt slots)
if (_x in ["Binocular","Rangefinder","Laserdesignator","Laserdesignator_02","Laserdesignator_03"]) then
_unit addWeapon _x;
_unit linkItem _x;
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_equipment",_class],[]]);
// Items (Loot stuff that goes in uniform/vest/backpack)
{_unit addItem _x;} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_items",_class],[]]);
// Clothes
_unit addHeadgear ((missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_helmets",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
_unit forceAddUniform ((missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_clothes",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
_unit addVest ((missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_vests",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
_unit addBackpack ((missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_backpacks",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
// Make AI effective at night
_nighttime = (sunOrMoon != 1);
if (_nighttime) then
_unit linkItem "NVGoggles";
if (!_unarmed) then
_weapon = (missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_weps",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
[_unit, _weapon, 6 + floor(random 3)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;
if((random 100) <= (missionNamespace getVariable [format["DMS_%1_optic_chance",_class],0])) then
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem ((missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_optics",_class],[]]) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
if (_nighttime && {(random 100) <= DMS_ai_nighttime_accessory_chance}) then
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (["acc_pointer_IR","acc_flashlight"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
if((random 100) <= (missionNamespace getVariable [format["DMS_%1_bipod_chance",_class],0])) then
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (DMS_ai_BipodList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
if((random 100) <= (missionNamespace getVariable [format["DMS_%1_suppressor_chance",_class],0])) then
_suppressor = _weapon call DMS_fnc_FindSuppressor;
if(_suppressor != "") then
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _suppressor;
// In case spawn position is water
if (DMS_ai_enable_water_equipment && {surfaceIsWater _pos}) then
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeAllWeapons _unit;
_unit forceAddUniform "U_O_Wetsuit";
_unit addVest "V_RebreatherIA";
_unit addGoggles "G_Diving";
[_unit, "arifle_SDAR_F", 4 + floor(random 3), "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_pistols = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["DMS_%1_pistols",_class],[]];
if !(_pistols isEqualTo []) then
_pistol = _pistols call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
[_unit, _pistol, 2 + floor(random 2)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
// Infinite Ammo
// This will NOT work if AI unit is offloaded to client
_unit addeventhandler ["Fired", {(vehicle (_this select 0)) setvehicleammo 1;}];
_OK = _customGearSet params
if (!_OK) then
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_SpawnAISoldier with invalid _customGearSet: %1 | _this: %2",_customGearSet,_this];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format ["SpawnAISoldier :: Equipping unit %1 with _customGearSet: %2",_unit,_customGearSet]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
// Clothes
if !(_helmet isEqualTo "") then
_unit addHeadgear _helmet;
if !(_uniform isEqualTo "") then
_unit forceAddUniform _uniform;
if !(_vest isEqualTo "") then
_unit addVest _vest;
if !(_backpack isEqualTo "") then
_unit addBackpack _backpack;
if !(_launcher isEqualTo "") then
[_unit, _launcher, 0] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
// Add Magazines before weapon so that gun will be loaded
if ((typeName _x) == "STRING") then
_x = [_x,1];
_unit addMagazines _x;
} forEach _magazines;
// Add items
if (_x in ["Binocular","Rangefinder","Laserdesignator","Laserdesignator_02","Laserdesignator_03"]) then
_unit addWeapon _x;
_unit linkItem _x;
} forEach _assignedItems;
// Add pistol and attachments
if !(_pistol isEqualTo "") then
[_unit, _pistol, 0] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit addHandgunItem _x;
} forEach _pistolAttachments;
// Add gun and attachments
if !(_weapon isEqualTo "") then
[_unit, _weapon, 0] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;
} forEach _weaponAttachments;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;
_unit setSkill [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)];
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable [format["DMS_ai_skill_%1",_difficulty],[]]);
// Soldier killed event handler
_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",'if (isServer) then {[_this, '+str _side+', '+str _type+'] call DMS_fnc_OnKilled;};'];
// Remove ramming damage from players. Also remove any damage within 5 seconds of spawning.
// Will not work if unit is not local (offloaded)
if (DMS_ai_disable_ramming_damage) then
_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",
private ["_unit", "_dmg", "_source", "_projectile"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_dmg = _this select 2;
_source = _this select 3;
_projectile = _this select 4;
_spawnTime = _unit getVariable ["DMS_AISpawnTime", time];
if (((_projectile=="") && {isPlayer _source}) || {((time - _spawnTime)<5) && {!(isPlayer _source)}}) then
_dmg = 0;
_unit enableAI _x;
} forEach ["TARGET", "AUTOTARGET", "MOVE", "ANIM", "FSM"];
if (_difficulty=="hardcore") then
// Make him a little bit harder ;)
_unit disableAI _x;
_unit setVariable ["DMS_AISpawnTime", time];
_unit setVariable ["DMS_AI_Side", _side];
if (_type=="Soldier") then
_unit setVariable ["DMS_AISpawnPos",_pos];
_unit setVariable ["DMS_LastAIDistanceCheck",time];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format ["SpawnAISoldier :: Spawned a %1 %2 %6 AI at %3 with %4 difficulty to group %5",_class,_side,_pos,_difficulty,_group,_type]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;