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Spawns a vehicle, but it isn't saved to database by this function.
This function takes into consideration Exile config settings for enabling/disabling Night Vision and Thermal Equipment on a vehicle.
It will also apply all regular Exile EventHandlers, as well as an additional "RopeAttach" EventHandler that will enable simulation on a vehicle that is about to be lifted to prevent issues. (Only for helis)
The vehicle is LOCKED, has godmode, disabled simulation, and is not able to be slingloaded on spawn.
NOTE: This function only takes ATL, and will not necessarily spawn directly on the given pos. It will attempt to find a clear position for the given vehicle, and then spawn it at the "clear" position.
If you want the vehicle to be placed precisely at the position provided, you will have to do a setPosXXX at that position on the vehicle after spawning.
Created by Zupa
Edited by eraser1
_vehicleClass, // STRING: Classname of the vehicle
_pos // ARRAY: Position to spawn it at (roughly)
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
Returns the vehicle object of the created vehicle.
_exampleVeh = ['Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Green',_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
if !(params
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle with invalid parameters: %1",_this];
if !(isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleClass)) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle with non-existent vehicle className: %1",_vehicleClass];
private _vehpos = [];
private _maxDistance = 5;
while{count _vehpos < 1} do
_vehpos = _position findEmptyPosition [0,_maxDistance,_vehicleClass];
_maxDistance = (_maxDistance + 5);
_vehpos set [2, 0.1];
private _vehObj = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, _vehpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearItemCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehObj;
if (_vehicleClass isKindOf "I_UGV_01_F") then
createVehicleCrew _vehObj;
if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "VehicleSpawn" >> "nightVision") isEqualTo 0) then
_vehObj disableNVGEquipment true;
if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "VehicleSpawn" >> "thermalVision") isEqualTo 0) then
_vehObj disableTIEquipment true;
_vehObj setFuel (0.75+(random 0.25));
_vehObj setDir (random 360);
if ((getTerrainHeightASL _vehpos)>0) then
_vehObj setVectorUp (surfaceNormal _vehpos);
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", false];
_vehObj addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { if !(isServer) exitWith {}; _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onMPKilled;}];
_vehObj addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onGetIn}];
if (_vehObj isKindOf "Helicopter") then
_vehObj addEventHandler ["RopeAttach",
private "_vehicle";
_vehicle = _this select 2;
if !(simulationEnabled _vehicle) then
_vehicle enableSimulationGlobal true;
if (!isNil "AVS_Version") then
_vehObj call AVS_fnc_sanitizeVehicle;
_vehObj lock 2;
_vehObj allowDamage false;
_vehObj enableRopeAttach false;
_vehObj enableSimulationGlobal false;
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileIsSimulationMonitored", false];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format ["SpawnNonPersistentVehicle :: Created %1 at %2 with calling parameters: %3",_vehObj,_vehpos,_this]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;