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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
* **NEW CONFIG VALUES:** DMS_SpawnFlareOnReinforcements DMS_MissionMarkerWinDot_Type DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDot_Type DMS_EnableBoxMoving DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart DMS_AI_Classname DMS_AI_AimCoef_easy DMS_AI_AimCoef_moderate DMS_AI_AimCoef_difficult DMS_AI_AimCoef_hardcore DMS_AI_EnableStamina_easy DMS_AI_EnableStamina_moderate DMS_AI_EnableStamina_difficult DMS_AI_EnableStamina_hardcore DMS_AI_destroyStaticWeapon DMS_AI_destroyStaticWeapon_chance DMS_ai_SupportedRandomClasses DMS_random_non_assault_AI DMS_random_non_MG_AI DMS_random_non_sniper_AI * Please check out the new config values in config.sqf to see what they do :) * Fixed issue with "thieves" mission (and DMS-spawned persistent vehicles in general). Big thank you to [JamieKG from Eternal Gamer](http://eternal-gamer.com/) and Torndeco. * **New static mission: "slums"** * Credit for the base goes to [William from Refugees of the Fallen](http://refugeesofthefallen.enjin.com/) * Spawns 2 crates at 2 different locations from a list of 5 locations. * No AI vehicles, only infantry (introduces Close Quarters Combat) * Added to Altis by default. * Static bases can now be imported on server startup instead of mission spawns. Enabled by default for saltflats and slums. * Increased "DMS_MissionTimeoutResetRange" from 1000 to 1500. * Removed the Navid from config (MG AI and box weapons). * Edited panthera3_config to reduce SpawnZoneNear and TraderZoneNear blacklists. * Edited "blackhawkdown" and "donthasslethehoff" missions to use a slightly different heli wreck classname. * Increased marker circle diameter for saltflats mission to 750 meters. * Moved "DMS_Version" variable assignment to pre-init. * Moved Map Center and Map Radius assignments to post-init. * Added support for 2 new optional parameters: _onMonitorStart and _onMonitorEnd, run before and after the Mission Monitor checks the mission, but AFTER "Mission Success State" is checked. * Mines should now be deleted when a mission fails. * Script optimizations for almost all functions using new command(s) introduced in ArmA v1.54, as well as improved technique(s). * "ExileServer_system_garbageCollector_deleteObject" is now used to actually delete items by DMS_fnc_CleanUp. * AI and vehicle cleanup should now be completely handled by Exile. * Added support for mARMA logging. * **You can now disable the movement/lifting of loot crates after the mission is complete using "DMS_EnableBoxMoving".** * Added some debug code to DMS_fnc_FindSafePos and DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition (commented out by default) * New group reinforcement type "increasing_difficulty". * DMS_fnc_IsNearWater now checks for invalid parameter(s). * DMS_fnc_PlayerAwardOnAIKill now checks for roadkill values AFTER unit-defined respect/tabs. * You can now define different marker types for mission completion/failure using "DMS_MissionMarkerWinDot_Type" and "DMS_MissionMarkerLoseDot_Type" respectively. * "DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior" can now take a unit as parameter as well. It will also now return true if behavior was changed, false otherwise. * "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup" and "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup_MultiPos" now supports the definition of custom gear sets. * Improved function documentation for "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup", "DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup_MultiPos", and "DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier". * "DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier" now supports multiple different random AI class presets. This means that you can define a certain "random" class preset, but have it select from a specially defined list that excludes classes that you don't want. * Added default values to certain "missionNameSpace getVariable"s in DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier to prevent script errors in the event of invalid definitions. * Slight logic tweak/fix to DMS_fnc_TargetsKilled (it shouldn't throw errors when there aren't any).
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Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_OK", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_type", "_launcher", "_staticGuns", "_crate1", "_wreck", "_vehClass", "_vehicle", "_crate_loot_values1", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_markers", "_time", "_added", "_cleanup"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// This part is unnecessary, but exists just as an example to format the parameters for "DMS_fnc_MissionParams" if you want to explicitly define the calling parameters for DMS_fnc_FindSafePos.
// It also allows anybody to modify the default calling parameters easily.
if ((isNil "_this") || {_this isEqualTo [] || {(typeName _this)!="ARRAY"}}) then
_this =
// Check calling parameters for manually defined mission position.
// You can define "_extraParams" to specify the vehicle classname to spawn, either as _vehClass or [_vehClass]
_OK = (_this call DMS_fnc_MissionParams) params
if !(_OK) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Called MISSION donthasslethehoff.sqf with invalid parameters: %1",_this];
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
_staticGuns =
[(_pos select 0)+(5+(random 5)),(_pos select 1)+(5+(random 5)),0],
[(_pos select 0) + -1*(5+(random 5)),(_pos select 1) + -1*(5+(random 5)),0]
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIStaticMG;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_02_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehClass =
if (_extraParams isEqualTo []) then
if ((typeName _extraParams)=="STRING") then
if (((typeName _extraParams)=="ARRAY") && {(typeName (_extraParams select 0))=="STRING"}) then
_extraParams select 0
_vehicle = [_vehClass,_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
8, // Weapons
4, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = ['#FFFF00',"KITT has been kidnapped! Secure the position and reclaim KITT!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = ['#0080ff',"Convicts secured KITT; that will show the bandits not to Hassle the Hoff!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = ['#FF0000',"KITT was never secured and has now been dismantled by the bandits... What a grim fate."];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "KITT's Location";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
[_missionName,_msgStart] call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
(format ["MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
}; |