eraser1 a4144c7c07 More Fixes!
FSM should now call all of the functions...

Fixed debug messages for selectmission

Added recursive call for cleanup for typeName ARRAY arguments

Fixed parsing for FillCrate

Fixed script errors and removed some RPT spam from missionsmonitor

Allow groups for missionsuccesstate

Removed debug log for converting data type into array for TargetsKilled
2015-08-31 02:52:46 -05:00

35 lines
1.0 KiB

Influenced by WAI
Created by eraser1
Selects/Spawns missions. Takes no arguments, returns nothing.
private "_time";
_time = diag_tickTime;
if (DMS_RunningBMissionCount isEqualTo DMS_MaxBanditMissions) then
DMS_BMissionLastStart = _time;
if ((_time - DMS_BMissionLastStart > DMS_BMissionDelay) && {diag_fps >= DMS_MinServerFPS && {(count allPlayers) >= DMS_MinPlayerCount}}) then
private "_mission";
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount + 1;
DMS_RunningBMissionCount = DMS_RunningBMissionCount + 1;
DMS_BMissionLastStart = _time;
_mission = DMS_MissionTypesArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
DMS_BMissionDelay = (DMS_TimeBetweenMissions select 0) + random((DMS_TimeBetweenMissions select 1) - (DMS_TimeBetweenMissions select 0));
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG SelectMission :: Spawning mission: %1 | DMS_BMissionDelay set to %2",_mission,DMS_BMissionDelay];
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (format ["\x\addons\DMS\missions\%1.sqf",_mission]);