/* onLoad.sqf Copyright 2016 Jan Babor Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ params["_display","_slide","_idc"]; _pW = 0.025; _pH = 0.04; _leftCol = 1; _leftColW = 12.8; _rightCol = _leftCol + _leftColW + 2; _rightColW = _leftColW + 3; _margin = 0.2; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","backButton"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[27.6 * _pW, 17.7 * _pH, 6 * _pW, 1 * _pH],'["extraApps", 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide;',STR_ExAd_VG_APP_BTN_BACK] call ExAd_fnc_createButton; /*Stored Vehicle Details*/ [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","InfoTitle"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_rightCol * _pW, 2.75 * _pH, _rightColW * _pW, 1 * _pH],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_TTL_DETAILS,"PuristaMedium",1.2,"#ffffff","left",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","InfoBgBox"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_rightCol * _pW, 4 * _pH, _rightColW * _pW, 13.5 * _pH]] call ExAd_fnc_createBackgroundGUI; _idcInfoPic = ["ExAd_VG","InfoPic"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC; [_display,_slide,_idcInfoPic,[(_rightCol + 9) * _pW, 4 * _pH, 6.75 * _pW, 5.5 * _pH],"",[1,1,1,1],false,true,""] call ExAd_fnc_createPicture; _idcInfoStr = ["ExAd_VG","InfoVehStr"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC; [_display,_slide,_idcInfoStr,[(_rightCol + _margin) * _pW, (4 + _margin) * _pH, (_rightColW - 2 * _margin) * _pW, (13.5 - 2 * _margin) * _pH],"","PuristaMedium",0.75,"#ffffff","left",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","InfoCBStr"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[(_rightCol + _margin + 0.4) * _pW, (16.5 - _margin + 0.25 ) * _pH, (_rightColW - 2 * _margin) * _pW, (13.5 - 2 * _margin) * _pH],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_CB_SECRET,"PuristaMedium",0.65,"#ffffff","left",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","InfoCB"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[(_rightCol + _margin) * _pW, (16.5 - _margin + 0.2) * _pH, 0.75 * _pW, 0.75 * _pH],'profileNamespace setVariable["ExAd_StreamFriendlyUI",_this select 1]',"Toogle - Stream friendly UI"] call ExAd_fnc_createCheckBox; /*Stored Vehicles*/ [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","SubTitle1"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_leftCol * _pW, 2.75 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 1 * _pH],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_TTL_STORED,"PuristaMedium",1.2,"#ffffff","left",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","SubTitle1Cnt"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_leftCol * _pW, 3 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 1 * _pH],"","PuristaMedium",1,"#ffffff","right",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; _idcStoredVehList = ["ExAd_VG","StoreVehList"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC; [_display,_slide,_idcStoredVehList,[_leftCol * _pW, 4 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 5 * _pH],format["[_this select 0,%1,%2] call XM8_VG_elChanged",_idcInfoPic,_idcInfoStr],""] call ExAd_fnc_createList; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","fetchButton"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_leftCol*_pW, 9*_pH, _leftColW*_pW, 1*_pH],format["disableUserInput true;['VGLoad', %1] call ExAd_fnc_onBtnClickVG",_idcStoredVehList],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_BTN_FETCH,""] call ExAd_fnc_createButton; /*Nearby vehicles*/ [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","SubTitle2"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_leftCol * _pW, 10.25 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 1 * _pH],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_TTL_NEAR,"PuristaMedium",1.2,"#ffffff","left",1] call ExAd_fnc_createStructuredText; _idcNearVehList = ["ExAd_VG","NearVehicleList"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC; [_display,_slide,_idcNearVehList,[_leftCol * _pW, 11.5 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 5 * _pH],"",""] call ExAd_fnc_createList; [_display,_slide,(["ExAd_VG","storeButton"] call ExAd_fnc_getNextIDC),[_leftCol * _pW, 16.5 * _pH, _leftColW * _pW, 1 * _pH],format["if(call ExAd_fnc_allowVGStore)then{disableUserInput true;['VGStore', %1] call ExAd_fnc_onBtnClickVG}else{['ErrorTitleAndText', ['ExAd - Virtual Garage', '%2']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast}",_idcNearVehList,STR_ExAd_VG_NOTI_FULL],STR_ExAd_VG_APP_BTN_STORE,""] call ExAd_fnc_createButton; XM8_VG_elChanged = { params ["_listCtrl","_picCtrl","_strCtrl","_ref","_data","_pic"]; _ref = _listCtrl lbData (lbCurSel _listCtrl); _data = {if(str (_x select 0) == _ref)exitWith{_x}}forEach ((objectFromNetId ExAdCurFlagNetId) getVariable["ExAdVGVeh",[]]); if(!isNil "_data")then{ _pic = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_data select 1) >> "picture"); ctrlSetText [_picCtrl, _pic]; ["requestVGDetailInfo", [_ref, ExAdCurFlagNetId, (profileNamespace getVariable["ExAd_StreamFriendlyUI",0]), netId player, _strCtrl]] call ExAd_fnc_serverDispatch; }else{ ctrlSetText [_picCtrl, ""]; ["",_strCtrl] call ExAd_fnc_loadVGDetailView; } }; true