#VirtualGarage ## Instructions: ### 160507 16:00 . v0.7.3 #### Update * Replace "mpmissions\Exile.\ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\postInit.sqf" ### 160506 09:00 . v0.7.0 #### Update * Copy over the new VirtualGarage Package in "stringtable.xml" * Replace and pack "@ExileServer\addons\exad_vg" ### 160505 01:40 . v0.6.1 #### Update * Modify config.cpp ("CfgInteractionMenus" >> "Flag") ```cpp class VG : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Virtual Garage"; condition = "(([_object, getPlayerUID player] call ExileClient_util_territory_getAccessLevel) select 0) >= ExAd_VG_ACCESS_LEVEL"; action = "[] spawn {[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_show; UISleep 1; call XM8_VG_checkNearByFlags}"; }; ``` ### 160429 14:04 . v0.5.1 #### Update * Add battleye exceptions * Replace "ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\Functions" * Replace "ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\CfgHints.cpp" * Replace "XM8_apps\apps\XM8_VG" ### 160428 12:00 . v0.5.0 #### Full installation