#Examples Below I provide with some examples of how to use HaloParachute ##Change settings Customize settings to allow different scenarios. * Allow vehicle ejection ```sqf ExAd_ACTION_EJECT_HEIGHT = 0; ``` * Enable safeMode - makes the parachute auto pull itself when reaching ExAd_ACTION_PARACHUTE_HEIGHT ```sqf ExAd_HALOPARACHUTE_SAFE_MODE = true; ``` * Enable parachute Detach - makes it possible to detach the parachute ```sqf ExAd_HALOPARACHUTE_DETACH_PARACHUTE_MODE = true; ``` ##Change defined notification texts Customizing stringtable.xml allows you to easily change defined texts or add language support. * Change detach message in stringtable.xml. ```sqf You can eject from parachute with: Alt Shift x ```