#ExAd # Changelog: ## 160726 17:15 . v0.7.10 ### Fixed * Apply custom functions to "More" app buttons. (XM8) ### Added * New App, deploy vehicles (XM8) ## 160720 01:15 . v0.7.9 ### Fixed * Some design flaws in the Apps functions. (XM8) * Added ExAd_Journal class to config.cpp (XM8) ### Added * New App, which is a tutorial app on YouTube (XM8) ## 160703 20:15 . v0.7.7 ###Fixed * Made the ExAd system compatible with Exile 0.9.8 (All) ###Added * XM8 - a feature to add apps to the XM8 "More" button * App for XM8 (Virtual Garage) ###Removed * Support for Improved_XM8_Apps by Vitaly ## 160610 01:20 . v0.7.6 ###Fixed * Quick-fix - VG App scroll for stored list(Virtual Garage) * The configuration file could be reed after the postInit script (All) - IMPORTANT TO UPDATE ALL PLUGINS. ###Added * Extra loggin functionality (All) * Progress bar height customizable (Grinding) * Added a lot of new custom UI Display texts - Check stringtabl.xml for new ones. (All) * Added vehicle details to VirtualGarage DetailsView (Virtual Garage) * Added function ExAd_fnc_territoryPlayerPresent, to see if a player with permissions for a specific flag is online (Core) * Added a feature so the server owner can decide if hacking should require a player with premissions to be online.(Hacking) ## 160510 21:00 . v0.7.5 ###Fixed * Syntax error in postInit.sqf (HaloParachute) * Added battleye exceptions (HaloParachute) ## 160510 18:00 . v0.7.4 ###Fixed * Various documentation has been updated. ###Added * Some small features for HaloParachute ## 160510 16:00 . v0.7.3 ###Fixed * Cleaned the code (Hacking) * Declaration of un custamized variables (All) ## 160507 09:00 . v0.7.2 ### Added * "docs\core\update.md" & "docs\core\changelog.md" * "docs\Grinding\update.md" & "docs\Grinding\changelog.md" * "docs\Hacking\update.md" & "docs\Hacking\changelog.md" * "docs\HaloParachute\update.md" & "docs\HaloParachute\changelog.md" * "docs\VirtualGarage\update.md" & "docs\VirtualGarage\changelog.md" ### Deleted * "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\core\update.md" & "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\core\changelog.md" * "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\Grinding\update.md" & "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\Grinding\changelog.md" * "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\Hacking\update.md" & "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\Hacking\changelog.md" * "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\HaloParachute\update.md" & "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\HaloParachute\changelog.md" * "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\update.md" & "mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\changelog.md" ## 160507 09:00 . v0.7.1 ### Fixed * Hacking isn't dependent on VirtualGarage anymore (Hacking) ## 160506 09:00 . v0.7.0 ### Fixed * Small issue where VG didn't show an advancedHint when storing. (VirtualGarage) ### Added * New stringtable values (VirtualGarage) * New customizable values (Core) Must be implemented for Hacking to work proparly * Implemented Hacking (Hacking) * Added battleye Hacking exceptions ## 160505 01:40 . v0.6.1 ### Fixed * Display null when entering Virtual Garage from Flag (Virtual Garage) * Sound error for grinding, tmp fix, sound will work on Chernarus (Grinding) ## 160502 23:15 . v0.6.0 ### Added * Implemented Grinding * Added battleye grinding exceptions ## 160423 14:04 . v0.5.2 ### Fixed * Description.ext was wrongly configured (Core) ## 160426 14:04 . v0.5.1 ### Fixed * BattlEye filters been updated (All) * VG App return to sideApp on unLoad (VirtualGarage) * VG App clear lists before onLoad and content being loaded. (VirtualGarage) * AdvHint trying to show EXO Logo (VirtualGarage) ### Added * ExAd Logo.png (Core) ### Deleted * EXO Logo.png (Core) ## 160426 . v0.5.0 ### Added * Changelog introduced (All) * Repo public (All)