# Installation Remember for this plugin to work you first need to install * [Core](https://github.com/Bjanski/ExAd/blob/master/docs/core/installation.md) * [(VirtualGarage)](https://github.com/Bjanski/ExAd/blob/master/docs/VirtualGarage/installation.md) - Only necessary if you want to be able to hack it ## Client * Place the folder "Hacking" into "mpmissions\exile.\ExAdClient\" * Goto "mpmissions\exile.\ExAdClient\CfgFunctions" and uncomment _From_ ```cpp //#include "Hacking\CfgFunctions.cpp" ``` _To_ ```cpp #include "Hacking\CfgFunctions.cpp" ``` * In "config.cpp" find ("CfgInteractionMenus") and add the actions you want used. If you don't want to use a specific action e.g. hacking safe just ignore adding it. Available actions are * HackVG -> ("CfgInteractionMenus" >> "Flag" >> "Actions" >> "HackVG") * HackSafe -> ("CfgInteractionMenus" >> "Safe" >> "Actions" >> "HackSafe") * StopHack -> ("CfgInteractionMenus" >> "Laptop" >> "Actions" >> "StopHack") Example ```cpp class Flag { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"; class Actions { class HackVG : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hack Virtual Garage"; condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canHackVG"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_startHack"; }; }; }; ``` * Modify - "mpmissions\exile.\stringtable.xml" - add package="Hacking" and change to desirable notifications * Now you can go into "mpmissions\exile.\ExAdClient\Hacking\customize.sqf" and change to desirable settings. ## Server * Copy over and pack "@ExileServer\addons\exad_hacking" into a pbo.