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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:14 +00:00
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29 lines
747 B
Improved XM8 apps by vitaly'mind'chizhikov
Original idea by Shix.
params ["_pathToFolder"];
//Setting path to app
XM8_apps_folderPath = _pathToFolder;
//Apply config
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1XM8_apps\XM8_apps_config.sqf",_pathToFolder];
//Run init scripts for those apps that made for Improved XM8 apps (not legacy apps)
for "_i" from 1 to 15 do {
private ["_pos", "_data"];
if (!isNil (format ["XM8_apps_app%1", _i])) then {
_data = call compile format ["XM8_apps_app%1", _i];
if (_data select 3) then {
_arr = (_data select 4) splitString "\";
_arr resize ((count _arr) - 2);
((_arr joinString "\") + "\") call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (_data select 4);
} else {