# Exile Loot Drop - [Download](https://github.com/maca134/ExileLootDrop/releases) A server mod/extension to replace the Exile loot drop function with a dll. Examples: Get single item (returns string so is backwards compatible with Exile): ``` _item = 'table' call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem; ``` Get multiple items (returns an array of items, this is good for mission stuff): ``` _items = ['table', 10] call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem; ``` To Install: Run the mod on the server and stick the below into CfgExileCustomCode in you mission files ``` class CfgExileCustomCode { ... ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem = "\ExileLootDrop\ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem.sqf"; ... }; ``` Now replace @ExileLootDrop\ExileLootDrop.cfg with your own servers loot (this is the default Exile table). The loot is in the "pre-compiled" format. ### Performance ExileLootDrop.VR mission contains the original Exile method for loot and the original tables for testing ``` // SQF 'CivillianLowerClass' call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem_sqf // DLL 'CivillianLowerClass' call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem_ext ``` ![Performance](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wpk6m54pivmk04g/9964d7ad-7f4f-46bf-b5c5-5c64b696f8c3.png) ### Tester EXE ![Performance1](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8kxb4uhlbv362mu/abd035c5-009b-4c3f-849e-525862c8f09e.png)