6. Go to Torndeco's download center and download the latest version of extDB3. (https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/downloads/)
7. Copy the TWO tbbmalloc.dll's (tbbmalloc.dll, tbbmalloc_x64.dll) to your server ROOT directory
8. Copy the contents of the @extdb3 folder into your @ExileServer Folder
9. Edit the extdb3-conf.ini file, REMEMBER TO CHANGE [Default] to [exile] . Change the database information to be correct (Example: https://gyazo.com/31cb26f08f9cc4b05360915f5ed84303)
10. Exit the Exile.ini file to match any changes in your older exile.ini
SIDENOTE: the new exile.ini no longer contains the lines with "Number of Inputs = #" (# is refering to any number within the file on this line)
11. Run the Mysql Querys in the "Exile_Database_Update_64x.sql" file to properly update your database.
12. Boot up your server and see if it works. If it does not work then go to your logs folder and find the error code and leave a message here and I'll get to you.