Basically, a basic simulation manager is implemented and parseSimpleArray exhanged from call compile so database is faster. For issues PM me on discord or Exile forums.
92 lines
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92 lines
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* ExileServer_object_container_database_insert
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_containerObject = _this;
_position = getPosATL _containerObject;
_vectorDirection = vectorDir _containerObject;
_vectorUp = vectorUp _containerObject;
_territoryFlag = _containerObject call ExileClient_util_world_getTerritoryAtPosition;
_territoryID = if (isNull _territoryFlag) then { '' } else { _territoryFlag getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", '']};
if !(ExileContainerCargo isEqualTo []) then
_data =
typeOf _containerObject,
_containerObject getVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", ""],
_position select 0,
_position select 1,
_position select 2,
_vectorDirection select 0,
_vectorDirection select 1,
_vectorDirection select 2,
_vectorUp select 0,
_vectorUp select 1,
_vectorUp select 2,
ExileContainerCargo select 0,
ExileContainerCargo select 1,
ExileContainerCargo select 2,
ExileContainerCargo select 3,
ExileContainerCargo select 4,
} else
_data =
typeOf _containerObject,
_containerObject getVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", ""],
_position select 0,
_position select 1,
_position select 2,
_vectorDirection select 0,
_vectorDirection select 1,
_vectorDirection select 2,
_vectorUp select 0,
_vectorUp select 1,
_vectorUp select 2,
_extDB2Message = ["insertContainer", _data] call ExileServer_util_extDB2_createMessage;
_containerID = _extDB2Message call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle;
if !(ExileContainerCargo isEqualTo []) then
[_containerObject, (_data select 11)] call ExileServer_util_fill_fillItems;
[_containerObject, (_data select 12)] call ExileServer_util_fill_fillMagazines;
[_containerObject, (_data select 13)] call ExileServer_util_fill_fillWeapons;
_cargoContainers = format ["loadContainerCargo:%1", _containerID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle;
if !(_cargoContainers isEqualTo []) then
[_containerObject, (_cargoContainers select 0)] call ExileServer_util_fill_fillContainers;
ExileContainerCargo = [];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", _containerID];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", true];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileIsContainer", true];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileAccessCode","0000"];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileTerritoryID", _territoryID];
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileMoney", parseNumber (_data select 15), true];
_containerObject addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { if !(isServer) exitWith {}; (_this select 0) call ExileServer_object_container_event_onMpKilled; }];
if(getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _containerObject >> "exileIsLockable") isEqualTo 1)then
_containerObject setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",-1,true];