/* This script is based on Xeno Taru mod from NorX Aengell. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27532 Original author: NorX Aengell Rewrite and Epoch adaptation: Slayer */ IL_Taru_DevMod = false; //above this altitude dropping with parachute IL_Taru_Parachute_Altitude = 70; //open parachute when altitude is less or equal this parameter IL_Taru_Parachute_Open_Altitude = 120; //IL_Taru_Parachute_Altitude must be greater then IL_Taru_Parachute_Open_Altitude IL_Taru_Disable_Deattaching_Altitude = 3; //Not posible to deattach when altitude is extrely low, because new position of pod will be under terrain level. //Recomended values are between 3 and 10. if (hasInterface && !isDedicated) then { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "Igi Load Taru started"; }; IL_Taru_Init = { waituntil { sleep 2; { if (isnil {_x getVariable "IL_Taru_Action_Attach"}) then { _x setVariable ["IL_Taru_Action_Attach",true,false]; IL_Taru_Action_Attach = _x addAction [" Attach the Pod", "[""attach"",_this] call IL_Taru_Do_Action;", nil, 2, false, true, "", "[_this] call IL_Verify_Heli and {[vehicle _this] call IL_Verify_Pod} and {!([vehicle _this] call IL_Verify_Attached_Object)}"]; }; if (isnil {_x getVariable "IL_Taru_Action_Deattach"}) then { _x setVariable ["IL_Taru_Action_Deattach",true,false]; IL_Taru_Action_Deattach = _x addAction [" Detach the Pod", "[""deattach"",_this] call IL_Taru_Do_Action;", nil, 2, false, true, "", "[_this] call IL_Verify_Heli and [_this] call IL_Verify_Altitude and {[vehicle _this] call IL_Verify_Attached_Object}"]; }; if (isnil {_x getVariable "IL_Taru_Action_Drop"}) then { _x setVariable ["IL_Taru_Action_Drop",true,false]; IL_Taru_Action_Drop = _x addAction [" Drop the Pod", "[""drop"",_this] call IL_Taru_Do_Action;", nil, 2, false, true, "", "[_this] call IL_Verify_Heli and {[vehicle _this] call IL_Verify_Attached_Object}"]; }; } foreach units group player; }; }; IL_Verify_Attached_Object = { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "IL_Verify_Attached_Object called"; }; _helico = (_this select 0); _object_Verifier = false; if (count (attachedObjects _helico) isEqualTo 0) exitwith {_object_Verifier}; { if (_x isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") exitwith {_object_Verifier = true;}; } foreach attachedObjects _helico; if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log format["IL_Verify_Attached_Object returns %1",_object_Verifier]; }; _object_Verifier }; IL_Verify_Pod = { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "IL_Verify_Pod called"; }; _pod = getSlingLoad (_this select 0); _pod_Verifier = false; if (isnull (getSlingLoad vehicle player)) exitwith {_pod_Verifier}; if (_pod isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") then {_pod_Verifier = true;}; if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log format["IL_Verify_Pod returns %1",_pod_Verifier]; }; _pod_Verifier }; IL_Verify_Heli = { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "IL_Verify_Heli called"; }; _helico = vehicle (_this select 0); _helico_Verifier = false; if (_helico isKindOf "Heli_Transport_04_base_F") then {_helico_Verifier = true;}; if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log format["IL_Verify_Heli returns %1",_helico_Verifier]; }; _helico_Verifier }; IL_Verify_Altitude = { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "IL_Verify_Altitude called"; }; _helico = vehicle (_this select 0); _allow_deattach = false; if ((getPosATL _helico) select 2 > IL_Taru_Disable_Deattaching_Altitude) then {_allow_deattach = true;}; if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log format["IL_Verify_Altitude returns %1",_allow_deattach]; }; _allow_deattach }; IL_Taru_Do_Action = { _action = _this select 0; _helico = ""; if (typename (_this select 1) isEqualTo "OBJECT") then {_helico = vehicle (_this select 1);}; if (typename (_this select 1) isEqualTo "ARRAY") then {_helico = vehicle ((_this select 1) select 0);}; _cables = ropes _helico; if (ropeUnwound (_cables select 0)) then { [_action, _helico] call IL_Pod_Manager; }; }; IL_Taru_Transmission = { private ["_soundToPlay", "_helico", "_soundToPlay","_args","_pod"]; _args = _this select 1; _helico = vehicle (_args select 1); _soundPath = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; switch (_args select 0) do { case 'rope_unwind': { _pod = _args select 2; _helico disableCollisionWith _pod; {ropeUnwind [_x, _args select 3, _args select 4];} foreach ropes _helico; sleep 4; _helico enableCollisionWith _pod; }; case 'rope_unwind_and_wait': { _pod = _args select 2; _helico disableCollisionWith _pod; {ropeUnwind [_x, _args select 3, _args select 4];} foreach ropes _helico; waituntil {ropeLength ((ropes _helico) select 0) isEqualTo 1}; sleep 4; _helico enableCollisionWith _pod; }; case 'chat_attach': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; ["Success",["Pod successfully attached!"]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; case 'chat_deattach': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; ["Success",["Pod successfully dettached!"]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; case 'chat_drop_with_parachute': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; ["Success",["Pod Paradropt!"]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; case 'chat_drop_without_parachute': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; ["Success",["Pod drop without Parachut!"]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; case 'sound_attach': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; _soundToPlay = _soundPath + "IgiLoad\sounds\attach.wss"; playSound3D [_soundToPlay, _helico, false, getPosATL _helico, 10, 1, 0]; }; case 'sound_deattach': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; _soundToPlay = _soundPath + "IgiLoad\sounds\deattach.wss"; playSound3D [_soundToPlay, _helico, false, getPosATL _helico, 10, 1, 0]; }; case 'sound_drop': { if (!(player in crew _helico)) exitWith{}; _soundToPlay = _soundPath + "IgiLoad\sounds\drop.wss"; playSound3D [_soundToPlay, _helico, false, getPosATL _helico, 10, 1, 0]; }; }; }; waitUntil {!isNull player}; [] spawn IL_Taru_Init; IL_Taru_EH_Respawn = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", "[] spawn IL_Taru_Init;"]; }; IL_Pod_Manager = { IL_CLient_Pod_Manager = _this; if (isDedicated || isServer) then { IL_CLient_Pod_Manager spawn IL_Server_Pod_Manager; } else { publicVariableServer "IL_CLient_Pod_Manager"; }; }; "IL_Client_Pod_Manager" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Pod_Manager; IL_Client_Control = { private ["_nearBy","_heli","_heli_pos"]; IL_Server_Client_Control = _this; if (hasInterface && !isDedicated) then { IL_Server_Client_Control spawn IL_Taru_Transmission; Exile_ } else { _heli = IL_Server_Client_Control select 1; _nearBy = (getPosATL _heli) nearEntities [["Exile_Unit_Player","LandVehicle","Ship","Air"], 300]; { if (isPlayer _x) then { (owner _x) publicVariableClient "IL_Server_Client_Control"; }; } forEach _nearBy; }; }; "IL_Server_Client_Control" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Client_Control; if (isDedicated || isServer) then { if (IL_Taru_DevMod) then { diag_log "Igi Load Taru started"; }; IL_Server_Pod_Manager = { private ["_args"]; _args = _this select 1; switch (_args select 0) do { case "attach": { [_args select 1] spawn IL_Taru_Attach_Pod; }; case "deattach": { [_args select 1] spawn IL_Taru_Deattach_Pod; }; case "drop": { [_args select 1] spawn IL_Taru_Drop_Pod; }; }; }; IL_Taru_Attach_Pod = { _helico = _this select 0; _pod = getSlingLoad _helico; _mass_of_pod = getmass getSlingLoad _helico; _mass_of_heli = getmass _helico; if (!isTouchingGround _helico) then { ["sound_attach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; ["rope_unwind_and_wait", _helico, _pod, 1.9, 1, 1] call IL_Client_Control; sleep 1; {ropeUnwind [_x, 1.9, 1];} foreach ropes _helico; waituntil {ropeLength (ropes _helico select 0) isEqualTo 1}; }; _helico disableCollisionWith _pod; [] call { _pod_type = typeOf _pod; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F") exitwith { _pod attachTo [_helico,[0,0.1,-1.13]]; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 680; _helico setmass _mass_of_pod + _mass_of_heli; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F") exitwith { _pod attachTo [_helico,[-0.1,-1.05,-0.82]]; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 1413; _helico setmass _mass_of_pod + _mass_of_heli; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F") exitwith { _pod attachTo [_helico,[0,-0.282,-1.25]]; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 13311; _helico setmass _mass_of_pod + _mass_of_heli; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F") exitwith { _pod attachTo [_helico,[-0.14,-1.05,-0.92]]; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 1321; _helico setmass _mass_of_pod + _mass_of_heli; }; if (_pod_type in ["Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F"]) exitwith { _pod attachTo [_helico,[-0.09,-1.05,-1.1]]; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 1270; _helico setmass _mass_of_pod + _mass_of_heli; }; }; ["rope_unwind", _helico, _pod, 250, 1] call IL_Client_Control; sleep 1; {ropeUnwind [_x, 250, 1];} foreach ropes _helico; _helico enableCollisionWith _pod; ["sound_attach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; ["chat_attach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; if (isnil {_helico getVariable "EH_GetOut_Taru"}) then { _helico addEventHandler ["Getin", "[_this] spawn IL_Taru_GetIn;"]; _helico setVariable ["EH_GetIn_Taru", true, false]; }; }; IL_Taru_Deattach_Pod = { _helico = _this select 0; _attached_object = []; _mass_of_heli = getmass _helico; { if (_x isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") exitwith {_attached_object = _x;}; } foreach attachedObjects _helico; _mass_of_pod = getmass _attached_object; _helico disableCollisionWith _attached_object; [] call { _pod_type = typeOf _attached_object; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F") exitwith { _attached_object attachTo [_helico,[0,0.1,-2.83]]; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F") exitwith { _attached_object attachTo [_helico,[-0.1,-1.05,-2.52]]; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F") exitwith { _attached_object attachTo [_helico,[0,-0.282,-3.05]]; }; if (_pod_type isEqualTo "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F") exitwith { _attached_object attachTo [_helico,[-0.14,-1.05,-2.62]]; }; if (_pod_type in ["Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F"]) exitwith { _attached_object attachTo [_helico,[-0.09,-1.05,-2.8]]; }; }; ["rope_unwind", _helico, _attached_object, 1,9, 10] call IL_Client_Control; sleep 1; { ropeUnwind [_x, 1.9, 10]; } foreach ropes _helico; ["sound_deattach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 0; _helico setmass _mass_of_heli - _mass_of_pod; ["sound_deattach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; ["chat_deattach", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; detach _attached_object; sleep 4; _helico enableCollisionWith _attached_object; //if (!isTouchingGround _helico) then {waituntil {ropeLength (ropes _helico select 0) isEqualTo 10};}; }; IL_Taru_Drop_Pod = { _helico = _this select 0; _attached_object = []; { if (_x isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") exitwith {_attached_object = _x;}; } foreach attachedObjects _helico; _helico disableCollisionWith _attached_object; {ropeCut [_x, 0];} foreach ropes _helico; _helico setCustomWeightRTD 0; ["sound_drop", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; detach _attached_object; sleep 4; _helico enableCollisionWith _attached_object; sleep 0.5; if ((getPosATL _attached_object) select 2 >= IL_Taru_Parachute_Altitude) exitwith { ["chat_drop_with_parachute", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; waituntil {(getPosATL _attached_object) select 2 <= IL_Taru_Parachute_Open_Altitude}; _parachute = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F",getposatl _attached_object, [], 0, "CAN COLLIDE"]; _parachute attachTo [_attached_object,[0,0,-1]]; [_attached_object,_parachute,_helico] spawn { _attached_object = _this select 0; _parachute = _this select 1; _helico = _this select 2; waituntil { if ((getPosATL _attached_object) select 2 <= 5) exitwith { detach _attached_object; _vitesse_nacelle = velocity _attached_object; _parachute setVelocity [_vitesse_nacelle select 0 + 1, _vitesse_nacelle select 1 + 1, 0]; true }; false }; }; waituntil { if (getposasl _helico distance getposasl _attached_object >= 50) exitwith { detach _parachute; _attached_object attachTo [_parachute,[0,0,-1]]; true }; false }; }; ["chat_drop_without_parachute", _helico] call IL_Client_Control; }; IL_Taru_GetIn = { _vehicle = _this select 0 select 0; if ([_vehicle] call IL_Verify_Heli) then { if (count attachedObjects _vehicle > 0) then { _time = time + 2; waituntil { _vehicle setvelocity [0, 0, 0]; if (time > _time or {time > _time + 15}) exitwith {true}; }; }; }; }; IL_Save_Pod_Position = { while{true}do { sleep 20; { sleep 2; //when you dropping with parachute or deattaching pod without player, new position of the pod is not saved to db. //with following ugly hack we are saving pod position every 20 seconds if (_x isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") then { _x call ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_update; }; } forEach vehicles; }; }; [] spawn IL_Save_Pod_Position; };