265 lines
6.7 KiB
265 lines
6.7 KiB
* Interface d'affichage du contenu du véhicule
* Copyright (C) 2014 Team ~R3F~
* This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "dlg_constantes.h"
#define R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h 0.027
class R3F_LOG_dlg_contenu_vehicule
idd = R3F_LOG_IDD_dlg_contenu_vehicule;
name = "R3F_LOG_dlg_contenu_vehicule";
movingEnable = false;
controlsBackground[] =
objects[] = {};
controls[] =
// Définition des classes de base
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
idc = -1;
type = CT_STATIC;
style = ST_LEFT;
x = 0.0; w = 0.3;
y = 0.0; h = 0.03;
sizeEx = 0.023;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
font = "PuristaMedium";
text = "";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_btn
idc = -1;
type = 16;
style = 0;
text = "btn";
action = "";
x = 0; w = 0.17;
y = 0; h = 0.045;
font = "PuristaLight";
size = 0.038;
sizeEx = 0.038;
animTextureNormal = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
animTextureDisabled = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
animTextureOver = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.5)";
animTextureFocused = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
animTexturePressed = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
animTextureDefault = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
textureNoShortcut = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
colorBackground2[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
colorBackgroundFocused[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
color2[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorFocused[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25};
period = 0.6;
periodFocus = 0.6;
periodOver = 0.6;
shadow = 0;
class HitZone
left = 0.000;
top = 0.000;
right = 0.000;
bottom = 0.000;
class ShortcutPos
left = 0.000;
top = 0.000;
w = 0.023;
h = 0.050;
class TextPos
left = 0.010;
top = 0.000;
right = 0.000;
bottom = 0.000;
soundEnter[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscButtonMenu\soundEnter",0.09,1};
soundPush[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscButtonMenu\soundPush",0.09,1};
soundClick[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscButtonMenu\soundClick",0.09,1};
soundEscape[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscButtonMenu\soundEscape",0.09,1};
class Attributes
font = "PuristaLight";
color = "#E5E5E5";
align = "left";
shadow = "false";
class AttributesImage
font = "PuristaLight";
color = "#E5E5E5";
align = "left";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_liste
type = CT_LISTBOX;
style = ST_MULTI;
idc = -1;
text = "";
w = 0.275;
h = 0.04;
wholeHeight = 0.45;
rowHeight = 0.06;
font = "PuristaSemibold";
sizeEx = 0.035;
soundSelect[] = {"",0.1,1};
soundExpand[] = {"",0.1,1};
soundCollapse[] = {"",0.1,1};
maxHistoryDelay = 1;
autoScrollSpeed = -1;
autoScrollDelay = 5;
autoScrollRewind = 0;
shadow = 0;
colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1.0};
colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25};
colorScrollbar[] = {1,0,0,0};
colorSelect[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorSelect2[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
colorSelectBackground2[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
period = 1.2;
class ListScrollBar
color[] = {1,1,1,0.6};
colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
// FIN Définition des classes de base
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_titre_fond : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
x = 0.26; w = 0.45;
y = 0.145 - R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h-0.005; h = 0.07;
colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.69])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.75])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.5])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_A',0.8])"};
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_titre : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_titre;
x = 0.26; w = 0.45;
y = 0.145 - R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h-0.005; h = 0.04;
sizeEx = 0.05;
text = "";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_capacite_vehicule : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_capacite_vehicule;
x = 0.255; w = 0.4;
y = 0.185 - R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h-0.005; h = 0.03;
sizeEx = 0.03;
text = "";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_fond_noir : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
x = 0.26; w = 0.45;
y = 0.220 - R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h-0.005; h = R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h + 0.010 + 0.54 - 0.005;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement;
style = ST_LEFT;
x = 0.26 + 0.0035; w = 0.45 - 0.007;
y = 0.220 - R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h-0.005 + 0.0035; h = R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_jauge_chargement_h;
shadow = 2;
colorBar[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9};
colorExtBar[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorFrame[] = {1,1,1,1};
texture = "";
textureExt = "";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_liste_contenu : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_liste
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_liste_contenu;
x = 0.26; w = 0.45;
y = 0.22 + 0.005; h = 0.54 - 0.005;
onLBDblClick = "0 spawn R3F_LOG_FNCT_transporteur_decharger;";
onLBSelChanged = "uiNamespace setVariable [""R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_lbCurSel_data"", (_this select 0) lbData (_this select 1)];";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_credits : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_texte
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_credits;
x = 0.255; w = 0.19;
y = 0.813; h = 0.02;
colorText[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.75};
font = "PuristaLight";
sizeEx = 0.02;
text = "";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_btn_decharger : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_btn
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_btn_decharger;
x = 0.365; y = 0.765;
sizeEx = 0.02;
text = "";
action = "0 spawn R3F_LOG_FNCT_transporteur_decharger;";
class R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_btn_fermer : R3F_LOG_dlg_CV_btn
idc = R3F_LOG_IDC_dlg_CV_btn_fermer;
x = 0.54; y = 0.765;
text = "";
action = "closeDialog 0;";
}; |