27 lines
871 B
27 lines
871 B
//created by Sp!ts
// Thanks to ExileZ 2.0 by Patrix87 of http:\\multi-jeux.quebec For some of the code//
//Variable declaration
private [
_position = (_this select 0) select 0;
_radius = (_this select 0) select 1;
_nearestLocation = text nearestLocation [_position, ""];
//Create trigger area
_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", _position];
_trigger setTriggerArea[_radius, _radius, 0, true];
_trigger setTriggerActivation["EAST", "PRESENT", TRUE];
_trigger setTriggerStatements["this && {vehicle _x isKindOf 'Man'} count thislist > 0", "{if (_x isKindOf 'Man') then {_x setdamage 1; deleteVehicle _x;}; }foreach thislist;", ""];
if (Debug) then {
diag_log format["Safer Safezones: Creating Safezone Trigger | Position : %1 | Radius : %2m | Near : %3 ",_position,_radius,_nearestLocation];
}; |