/** * Weapons, scopes, silencers, ammo */ class Exile_Trader_Armory { name = "ARMORY"; showWeaponFilter = 1; categories[] = { "PointerAttachments", "CUPPointerAttachments", "MASPointerAttachments", "R3FPointerAttachments", "RHSPointerAttachments", "BipodAttachments", //"APEXBipodAttachments", //not used "R3FBipodAttachments", "RHSBipodAttachments", "MuzzleAttachments", "APEXMuzzleAttachments", "HLCMuzzleAttachments", "CUPMuzzleAttachments", "MASMuzzleAttachments", "NIAMuzzleAttachments", "R3FMuzzleAttachments", "RHSMuzzleAttachments", "OpticAttachments", "APEXOpticAttachments", "HLCOpticAttachments", "CUPOpticAttachments", "MASOpticAttachments", "NIAOpticAttachments", "R3FOpticAttachments", "RHSOpticAttachments", "NIAAttachments", "Ammunition", "APEXAmmunition", "GREFAmmunition", "HLCAmmunition", "CUPAmmunition", "MASAmmunition", "NIAAmmunition", "R3FAmmunition", "RHSAmmunition", "Pistols", "APEXPistols", "CUPPistols", "MASPistols", "R3FPistols", "RHSPistols", "Shotguns", "SubMachineGuns", "APEXSubMachineGuns", "CUPSubMachineGuns", "MASSubMachineGuns", "R3FSubMachineGuns", "LightMachineGuns", "APEXLightMachineGuns", "HLCLightMachineGuns", "CUPLightMachineGuns", "MASLightMachineGuns", "NIALightMachineGuns", "R3FLightMachineGuns", "RHSLightMachineGuns", "AssaultRifles", "APEXAssaultRifles", "HAPASSAULTRIFLES", "HLCAssaultRifles", "CUPAssaultRifles", "MASAssaultRifles", "NIAAssaultRifles", "R3FAssaultRifles", "RHSAssaultRifles", "GREFWeapons", "SniperRifles", "APEXSniperRifles", "HAPSNIPERRIFLES", "HLCSniperRifles", "HWPweapons", "CUPSniperRifles", "MASSniperRifles", "NIASniperRifles", "R3FSniperRifles", "RHSSniperRifles" }; }; /** * Satchels, nades, UAVs, static MGs */ class Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations { name = "SPECIAL OPERATIONS"; showWeaponFilter = 1; // for noob tubes categories[] = { "Flares", "Smokes", "UAVs", "StaticMGs", "Navigation", "ExplosiveWeapons", "Explosives", "A3Launchers", "ApexLaunchers", "CUPLaunchers", "MASLaunchers", "R3FLaunchers", "RHSLaunchers", "CUPLauncherAmmo", "MASLauncherAmmo", "R3FLauncherAmmo", "RHSLauncherAmmo", "A3LauncherAmmo", "APEXLauncherAmmo", "CUPExplosive", "MASExplosive", "RHSMines" }; }; /** * Uniforms, vests, helmets, backpacks */ class Exile_Trader_Equipment { name = "EQUIPMENT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Headgear", "APEXHeadgear", "HAPHEADGEAR", "MASHeadgear", "RHSHeadgear", "GREFHeadgear", "TRYKHeadgear", "Uniforms", "APEXUniforms", "HAPUNIFORMS", "RHSUniforms", "GREFUniforms", "TRYKUniforms", "Vests", "APEXVests", "HAPVESTS", "RHSVests", "GREFVests", "TRYKVests", "Backpacks", "APEXBackpacks", "A3Backpacks", "HAPBACKPACKS", "MASBackpacks", "TRYKBackpacks", "Tools", //"APEXTools", //not used "MASTools", "FirstAid" }; }; /** * Cans, cans, cans */ class Exile_Trader_Food { name = "FAST FOOD"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Food", "Drinks" }; }; /** * Light bulbs, metal, etc. */ class Exile_Trader_Hardware { name = "HARDWARE"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Hardware", //"R3FTools", "ExtendedBaseMod", "CBuilding" }; }; /** * Sells cars and general vehicles */ class Exile_Trader_Vehicle { name = "VEHICLE"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Bikes", "Cars", "A3Cars", "ApexCars", "HAPCARS", "HVPCars", "JonzieCars", "MASCars", "CUPUnarmed", "ApexTrucks", "HAPTRUCKS", "MASTrucks", "CUPArmed", "MASArmed", "A3Armed", "RHSVehicles", "GREFArmed", "GREFUnarmed", "CTrucks", "Trucks", "A3Trucks", "CUGVs" //"MASTanks" //"A3Tanks" //"UGV" //"A3UGVs" //"ApexUAVs" }; }; /** * Sells choppers and planes */ class Exile_Trader_Aircraft { name = "AIRCRAFT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Choppers", "ApexChoppers", "CChoppers", "CUPChoppers", "MASChoppers", "RHSChoppers", "GREFChoppers", "A3unarmedChoppers", "A3armedChoppers", "Planes", "A3Planes", "ApexPlanes", "CPlanes", "HVPPlanes", "MASPlanes", "RHSPlanes", "GREFPlanes", //"CUAVs", //"A3UAVs", "Pods" }; }; /** * Sells ships and boats */ class Exile_Trader_Boat { name = "BOAT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Boats", "A3Boats", "ApexBoats" }; }; class Exile_Trader_Diving { name = "DIVERS"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Diving" }; }; /** * Sells Community Items */ class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community2" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community3" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community4" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community5" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community6" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community7" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community8" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community9" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community10" }; };