Go to file
2019-05-30 20:14:30 +00:00
@Mods_ClassLists added RHSFARF dumps 2018-09-06 12:30:24 +01:00
overrides Fail-Safe Checks 2017-06-21 09:33:58 -05:00
requested pre-builds updated POPTART zip 2019-05-24 21:18:34 -04:00
TRADERS Fixed errors in 5 files 2019-05-24 21:16:48 -04:00
install instructions.txt Merge 710e11e916 into 9aae3a0460 2019-05-30 20:14:30 +00:00
README.md Added : TankDLC 2018-04-16 20:44:03 +01:00
trader class list.txt Added : TankDLC 2018-04-16 20:44:03 +01:00
Trader error codes.txt error codes added 2018-03-31 21:17:20 +01:00

Trader-Mod v7.2

Exile Easy Trader Mod System

This trader system is offered free without any guarantee or promise and users should back up their files before proceeding.
It is compiled by [CiC]red_ned of http://cic-gaming.co.uk from different sources including documentation on exilemod and in game from various places.
I have only compiled what i found, attempted to simplify class names and created files for what i couldn't find and is given back to the community as thanks.
If you use then you should consider sharing any further development, bug fixes or expansions (as i have probably missed objects out or spelled things incorrectly).
This file does not include how to install mods or add to loot tables as that is already well documented.

This is a major update so please report bugs on exilemod.com

v7.2 Update
Added : TankDLC
Thanks to @ItsDutch plus his contributors

v7.1 Update
Added : HAFM
Added : MASWW2
Added : NLD
Added : POOK
Thanks to @ItsDutch plus his contributors

v7.0 Update
Updated for Exile 1.0.4 "Pineapple"

v6.6 Update
Added KA Mod - thanks to CHAINSAW SQUIRREL
Text sorted some more files and checked optimisation of tabs not spaces

v6.5 Update
Added new class ApexVTOL
Added 100+ to ARMA3V
Added 100+ to RHSV
Fixed APEX
Cleaned up some code

v6.3 Update
Added 100+ vehicles into RHSV
Added some missing Arma3 vehicles
About 170 new items in total

v6.2 Update


****** Thanks to all the following for help ******
****** XxFri3ndlyxX, [RG] Salutesh, SE7EN ******
****** Tobias Solem, pomp4h, Bob_the_K, ItsDutch ******
****** Razor77, jmayr2000, C][G GhostTown™ ******
****** ElShotte, Killerpoodezz, CHAINSAW SQUIRREL ******

Big thanks to Exile Mod http://www.exilemod.com

Orignal thread and support at http://www.exilemod.com/topic/8586-updated-easy-trader-set-up