Update occupationMilitary.sqf

added waypoint option
This commit is contained in:
second_coming 2016-03-18 10:49:00 +00:00
parent c5b9c87a7f
commit 05d0bed5a4

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
// Server Occupation script by second_coming
// Version 2.0
// http://www.exilemod.com/profile/60-second_coming/
// This script uses the fantastic DMS by Defent and eraser1
@ -12,15 +15,15 @@
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
diag_log format ["[OCCUPATION Military]:: Starting Monitor"];
_middle = worldSize/2;
_middle = worldSize/2;
_spawnCenter = [_middle,_middle,0]; // Centre point for the map
_maxDistance = _middle; // Max radius for the map
_maxDistance = _middle; // Max radius for the map
_maxAIcount = maxAIcount;
_minFPS = minFPS;
_debug = debug;
_useLaunchers = DMS_ai_use_launchers;
_scaleAI = scaleAI;
_minFPS = minFPS;
_debug = debug;
_useLaunchers = DMS_ai_use_launchers;
_scaleAI = scaleAI;
_buildings = ["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F"]; // Class names for the military buildings to patrol
_building = [];
@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ if(_currentPlayerCount > _scaleAI) then
// Select an area to scan as nearObjects on the entire map is slooooooooow
_areaToScan = [ 0, 10, 1, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, true, false ] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
_areaToScan = [ 0, 900, 1, 500, 500, 0, 0, 0, true, false ] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Don't spawn additional AI if the server fps is below 8
if(diag_fps < _minFPS) exitWith { diag_log format ["[OCCUPATION Military]:: Held off spawning more AI as the server FPS is only %1",diag_fps]; };
@ -93,34 +96,86 @@ for [{_i = 0},{_i < (count _buildings)},{_i =_i + 1}] do
_side = "bandit";
_spawnPosition = _pos;
_buildingPositions = [_foundBuilding, 5] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
if(count _buildingPositions > 0) then
// Find Highest Point
_highest = [0,0,0];
if(_x select 2 > _highest select 2) then
_highest = _x;
} foreach _buildingPositions;
_spawnPosition = _highest;
DMS_ai_use_launchers = false;
_group = [_spawnPosition, _aiCount, _difficulty, "random", _side] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
DMS_ai_use_launchers = true;
// Get the AI to shut the fuck up :)
enableSentences false;
enableRadio false;
[_group, _pos, _groupRadius] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group setBehaviour "DESTROY";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
if(!useWaypoints) then
DMS_ai_use_launchers = false;
_group = [_spawnPosition, _aiCount, _difficulty, "random", _side] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
DMS_ai_use_launchers = true;
[_group, _pos, _groupRadius] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group setBehaviour "DESTROY";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
_buildingPositions = [_foundBuilding, 5] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
if(count _buildingPositions > 0) then
// Find Highest Point
_highest = [0,0,0];
if(_x select 2 > _highest select 2) then
_highest = _x;
} foreach _buildingPositions;
_spawnPosition = _highest;
DMS_ai_use_launchers = false;
_group = [_spawnPosition, _aiCount, _difficulty, "random", _side] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
DMS_ai_use_launchers = true;
[ _group,_pos,_difficulty,"DESTROY" ] call DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior;
_buildings = _pos nearObjects ["house", _groupRadius];
_buildingPositions = [_x, 10] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
if(count _buildingPositions > 0) then
// Find Highest Point
_highest = [0,0,0];
if(_x select 2 > _highest select 2) then
_highest = _x;
} foreach _buildingPositions;
_spawnPosition = _highest;
_i = _buildingPositions find _spawnPosition;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_spawnPosition, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointFormation "Column";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "DESTROY";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 1;
_wp waypointAttachObject _x;
_wp setwaypointHousePosition _i;
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
} foreach _buildings;
if(count _buildings > 0 ) then
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";