V58 - Random AI Testing
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ An AI spawner and monitor to be used in conjunction with DMS and will not work w
Download the pbo version here:
To install place the pbo into the @ExileServer/addons folder
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
V58 (10-08-2016)
Initial version of random spawn module added
V57 (09-08-2016)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgPatches
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
a3_exile_occupation_version = "V57 (09-08-2016)";
a3_exile_occupation_version = "V58 (10-08-2016)";
requiredAddons[] = {"a3_dms"};
author[]= {"second_coming"};
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ SC_occupyTraders = true; // true if you want to create trader c
SC_occupyStatic = false; // true if you want to add AI in specific locations
SC_occupyTransport = true; // true if you want pubic transport (travels between traders)
SC_occupyLootCrates = true; // true if you want to have random loot crates with guards
SC_occupyRandomSpawn = false; // (WORK IN PROGRESS, NOT WORKING YET) true if you want random spawning AI that hunt for nearby players
SC_occupyRandomSpawn = true; // (WORK IN PROGRESS) true if you want random spawning AI that hunt for nearby players
SC_occupyMilitary = false; // true if you want military buildings patrolled
SC_occupyVehicle = true; // true if you want to have roaming AI land vehicles
SC_occupySky = true; // true if you want to have roaming AI helis
@ -61,12 +61,21 @@ SC_fastNightsEnds = 6; // End fast nights at this
SC_fastNightsMultiplierDay = 4; // the time multiplier to use during daylight hours (4 = 4x speed)
// Random Spawn Setup (not working yet)
// Random Spawn Setup (Work in progress)
SC_randomSpawnMinPlayers = 1; // Minimum number of players to be online before random spawning AI can spawn
SC_randomSpawnMaxAI = 5; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed at any time
SC_randomSpawnMaxGroups = 5; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed at any time
SC_randomSpawnMinGroupSize = 1; // Minimum amount of random AI groups allowed per group
SC_randomSpawnMaxGroupSize = 3; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed per group
SC_randomSpawnChance = 10; // Percentage chance of spawning if suitable player found
SC_randomSpawnIgnoreCount = true; // true if you want spawn random AI groups regardless of overall AI count (they still count towards the total though)
SC_randomSpawnFrequency = 1800; // time in seconds between the possibility of random AI hunting the same player (1800 for 30 minutes)
SC_randomSpawnAnnounce = true; // true if you want a warning toast issued to all players when AI spawns
SC_randomSpawnNearBases = false; // true if you want to allow random spawns in range of territories
SC_randomSpawnNearSpawns = false; // true if you want to allow random spawns in range of spawn zones
SC_randomSpawnTargetBambis = false; // true if you want to allow random spawns to target bambis
// Occupy Places Setup
@ -226,7 +235,7 @@ SC_HeliCrashMagazinesAmount = [2,2]; // [fixed amount to add, random amount to
SC_minimumCrewAmount = 2; // Maximum amount of AI allowed in a vehicle
SC_maximumCrewAmount = 6; // Maximum amount of AI allowed in a vehicle
SC_maximumCrewAmount = 4; // Maximum amount of AI allowed in a vehicle
// (essential crew like drivers and gunners will always spawn regardless of these settings)
@ -450,9 +459,10 @@ if (SC_debug) then
SC_extendedLogging = true;
SC_processReporter = true;
SC_mapMarkers = true;
SC_occupyPlaces = true;
SC_occupyPlaces = false;
SC_occupyVehicle = false;
SC_occupyMilitary = false;
SC_occupyRandomSpawn = true;
SC_occupyStatic = false;
SC_occupySky = false;
SC_occupySea = false;
@ -491,6 +501,7 @@ SC_liveHelisArray = [];
SC_liveBoats = 0;
SC_liveBoatsArray = [];
SC_liveStaticGroups = [];
SC_liveRandomGroups = [];
SC_transportArray = [];
// Remove spawn locations for roaming vehicles that aren't for this map
@ -511,6 +522,7 @@ publicVariable "SC_liveHelisArray";
publicVariable "SC_liveBoats";
publicVariable "SC_liveBoatsArray";
publicVariable "SC_liveStaticGroups";
publicVariable "SC_liveRandomGroups";
publicVariable "SC_numberofLootCrates";
publicVariable "SC_transportArray";
publicVariable "SC_SurvivorSide";
@ -52,14 +52,16 @@ SC_occupationVersion = getText (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "a3_exile_occupati
SC_fnc_getOffBus = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\getOffBus.sqf";
SC_fnc_getOnBus = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\getOnBus.sqf";
SC_fnc_locationUnitMPKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\locationUnitMPKilled.sqf";
SC_fnc_staticUnitMPKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\staticUnitMPKilled.sqf";
SC_fnc_staticUnitMPKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\staticUnitMPKilled.sqf";
SC_fnc_randomUnitMPKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\randomUnitMPKilled.sqf";
SC_fnc_unitMPHit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\unitMPHit.sqf";
SC_fnc_unitMPKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\unitMPKilled.sqf";
SC_fnc_unitFired = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\eventHandlers\unitFired.sqf";
SC_fnc_addMarker = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_addMarker.sqf";
SC_fnc_findsafePos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_findsafePos.sqf";
SC_fnc_isSafePos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_isSafePos.sqf";
SC_fnc_isSafePos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_isSafePos.sqf";
SC_fnc_isSafePosRandom = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_isSafePosRandom.sqf";
SC_fnc_selectGear = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_selectGear.sqf";
SC_fnc_selectName = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_selectName.sqf";
SC_fnc_spawnstatics = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_spawnStatics.sqf";
@ -37,11 +37,6 @@ if(count units _group > 0) then
_driver = _groupMembers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
if(_deadDriver == _driver) exitWith { [_vehicle] call SC_fnc_vehicleDestroyed; };
//_driver disableAI "TARGET";
//_driver disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
//_driver disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";
//_driver disableAI "COVER";
_driver assignAsDriver _vehicle;
_driver setVariable ["DMS_AssignedVeh",_vehicle];
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// Get the variables from the event handler
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = group _unit;
_selectedPlayer = _group getVariable "SC_huntedPlayer";
if((count (units _group)) == 0) then
// Remove the group
SC_liveRandomGroups = SC_liveRandomGroups - _group;
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_vehicle removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
//_vehicle removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
//_vehicle removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers "getin";
_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers "getout";
//_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers "getin";
//_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers "getout";
if((damage _vehicle) < 1) then
_vehicle removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
if(_vehicle isKindOf "LandVehicle") then
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
private _position = _this select 0;
private _validspot = true;
// Check if position is near a blacklisted area
private _blacklistPos = _x select 0;
private _blacklistRadius = _x select 1;
private _blacklistMap = _x select 2;
if(isNil "_blacklistPos" OR isNil "_blacklistRadius" OR isNil "_blacklistMap") exitWith
_logDetail = format["[OCCUPATION]:: Invalid blacklist position supplied check SC_blackListedAreas in your config.sqf"];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
if (worldName == _blacklistMap) then
_distance = _position distance2D _blacklistPos;
if(_distance < _blacklistRadius) then
_validspot = false;
diag_log format["%1 is %2m from blacklisted position %3 (blacklisted)",_position,_distance,_blacklistPos];
}forEach SC_blackListedAreas;
if(_validspot) then
// is position in range of a trader zone?
if([_position, SC_minDistanceToTraders] call ExileClient_util_world_isTraderZoneInRange) exitwith { _validspot = false; };
if(!SC_randomSpawnNearSpawns) then
// is position in range of a spawn zone?
if([_position, SC_minDistanceToSpawnZones] call ExileClient_util_world_isSpawnZoneInRange) exitwith { _validspot = false; };
if(!SC_randomSpawnNearBases) then
// is position in range of a territory?
if([_position, SC_minDistanceToTerritory] call ExileClient_util_world_isTerritoryInRange) exitwith { _validspot = false; };
@ -53,7 +53,21 @@ switch (_side) do
_magazines pushBack [_newMagazine,_quantity];
case "cops":
_uniform = "U_B_GEN_Soldier_F";
_vest = "V_TacVest_gen_F";
_headgear = "H_Cap_police";
_weapon = "SMG_05_F";
_weaponAttachments = ["muzzle_snds_L"];
_pistol = "hgun_Rook40_F";
_pistolAttachments = ["muzzle_snds_L"];
_launcher = "";
_backpack = "";
_assignedItems = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemRadio","ItemWatch"];
_magazines = ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02","30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"];
_weaponAttachmentsChance = round (random 100);
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ if(_aiActive > _maxAIcount) exitWith
// Get AI to patrol the area
_aiCount = 2 + (round (random 1));
_groupRadius = 200;
_aiCount = 1 + (round (random 2));
_groupRadius = 500;
_difficulty = "random";
_side = SC_BanditSide;
_spawnPosition = _pos;
@ -15,10 +15,132 @@ _useLaunchers = DMS_ai_use_launchers;
_scaleAI = SC_scaleAI;
_side = "bandit";
// Don't run for the first 5 minutes after restart
if(time < 300) exitWith
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format['[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn] Waiting until the server has been up at least 5 minutes (it has currently been up for %1 seconds)',time];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
// Control Existing Random Spawns
_group = _x;
if((count (units _group)) == 0) then
// Remove the group
SC_liveRandomGroups = SC_liveRandomGroups - [_group];
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format['[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn] group %1 removed (killed by players)',_group];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_groupLeader = leader _group;
_distanceFromSelectedPlayer = 500;
_selectedPlayer = _group getVariable "SC_huntedPlayer";
if(alive _selectedPlayer) then
_distanceFromSelectedPlayer = _selectedPlayer distance _groupLeader;
_selectedPlayer getVariable "SC_lastHunted";
_suitableTargets = [];
if(!alive _selectedPlayer OR _distanceFromSelectedPlayer >= 500) then
// Select a new target or despawn if not target near
_nearPlayers = player nearEntities ["Exile_Unit_Player", 250];
_selectedPlayer = _x;
_playersPosition = position _selectedPlayer;
_suitablePlayer = [ _playersPosition ] call SC_fnc_isSafePosRandom;
_suitablePlayerisBambi = _selectedPlayer getVariable "ExileIsBambi";
if(_suitablePlayer && (!_suitablePlayerisBambi OR SC_randomSpawnTargetBambis)) then
_suitableTargets pushBack _selectedPlayer;
}forEach _nearPlayers;
if(count(_suitableTargets) > 0) then
_selectedPlayer = _suitableTargets call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_group setVariable ["SC_huntedPlayer",_selectedPlayer];
// Hunt the selected player
_group reveal [_selectedPlayer,1.5];
_destination = getPos _selectedPlayer;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_destination, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointFormation "Column";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 25;
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
[_group, _destination, 500] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_group setBehaviour "AWARE";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
// Remove the group
SC_liveRandomGroups = SC_liveRandomGroups - [_group];
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach units _group;
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
}forEach units _group;
// Make sure the target is being hunted
_group reveal [_selectedPlayer,1.5];
_destination = getPos _selectedPlayer;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_destination, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointFormation "Column";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 25;
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
[_group, _destination, 500] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_group setBehaviour "AWARE";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
}forEach SC_liveRandomGroups;
if(count(SC_liveRandomGroups) >= SC_randomSpawnMaxGroups) exitWith
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format['[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn] End check %1 groups active (max %2) @ %3',count(SC_liveRandomGroups),SC_randomSpawnMaxGroups,time];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
// more than _scaleAI players on the server and the max AI count drops per additional player
_currentPlayerCount = count playableUnits;
if(_currentPlayerCount < SC_randomSPawnMinPlayers) exitWith
if(_currentPlayerCount < SC_randomSPawnMinPlayers OR _currentPlayerCount < count(SC_liveRandomGroups)) exitWith
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
@ -43,19 +165,194 @@ if(diag_fps < _minFPS) exitWith
_aiActive = { !isPlayer _x } count allunits;
if(_aiActive > _maxAIcount) exitWith
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 active AI, so not spawning AI this time",_aiActive];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
if(!SC_randomSpawnIgnoreCount) then
if(_aiActive > _maxAIcount) exitWith
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 active AI, so not spawning AI this time",_aiActive];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
SC_suitablePlayers = [];
// Find a player to spawn AI near
// Get current targets
_huntedPlayers = [];
_suitablePlayer = true;
_group = _x;
_huntedPlayer = _group getVariable "SC_huntedPlayer";
_huntedPlayers pushback _huntedPlayer;
}forEach SC_liveRandomGroups;
SC_suitablePlayers = [];
// Find a player to hunt
_selectedPlayer = _x;
_suitablePlayer = true;
_suitablePlayerisBambi = _selectedPlayer getVariable "ExileIsBambi";
if(_suitablePlayerisBambi && !SC_randomSpawnTargetBambis) exitWith
_suitablePlayer = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 is still a bambi, awww!",_selectedPlayer];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
if(_selectedPlayer in _huntedPlayers) exitWith
_suitablePlayer = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 is already being hunted",_selectedPlayer];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_lastHunted = _x getVariable "SC_lastHunted";
if(isNil "_lastHunted") then
_lastHunted = -5000;
if((time - _lastHunted) < SC_randomSpawnFrequency) exitWith
_suitablePlayer = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 has been hunted recently, not spawning another group yet",_selectedPlayer];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
if(vehicle _selectedPlayer != _selectedPlayer) exitWith
_suitablePlayer = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: selected player %1 is in a vehicle, so not spawning AI this round",_selectedPlayer,_diceRoll,(100 - SC_randomSpawnChance)];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_diceRoll = random(100);
if(_diceRoll <= (100 - SC_randomSpawnChance)) exitWith
_suitablePlayer = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 rolled %2 (%3+ required) so not spawning another group yet",_selectedPlayer,_diceRoll,(100 - SC_randomSpawnChance)];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
// rolled more than the needed amount and not spawned hunters recently
_playersPosition = position _selectedPlayer;
// Is the player in a suitable place?
if(_suitablePlayer) then
_suitablePlayer = [ _playersPosition ] call SC_fnc_isSafePosRandom;
_spawnLocation = [0,0,0];
// Suitable player and location found
if(_suitablePlayer) then
// Find a safe position to spawn
_suitableLocation = false;
_attempts = 1;
while{!_suitableLocation && _attempts < 50} do
_spawnLocation = [_playersPosition,250,450,15,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_suitableLocation = [ _spawnLocation ] call SC_fnc_isSafePosRandom;
_attempts = _attempts + 1;
sleep 0.1;
if(!_suitableLocation) then
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: unable to find safe place near %1",_suitablePlayer];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_group = createGroup SC_BanditSide;
_group setVariable ["DMS_AllowFreezing",false];
_group setVariable ["DMS_LockLocality",true];
_group setVariable ["DMS_SpawnedGroup",true];
_group setVariable ["DMS_Group_Side", SC_BanditSide];
_group setVariable ["SC_huntedPlayer",_selectedPlayer];
_selectedPlayer setVariable ["SC_lastHunted",time];
SC_liveRandomGroups = SC_liveRandomGroups + [_group];
_groupSize = random [SC_randomSpawnMinGroupSize, SC_randomSpawnMinGroupSize+(SC_randomSpawnMaxGroupSize-SC_randomSpawnMinGroupSize)/2, SC_randomSpawnMaxGroupSize];
for "_i" from 1 to _groupSize do
_loadOut = ["cops"] call SC_fnc_selectGear;
_unit = [_group,_spawnLocation,"custom","random",_side,"soldier",_loadOut] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier;
_unit allowFleeing 0;
_unit allowDamage false;
_unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
_unit disableAI "TARGET";
_unit disableAI "MOVE";
_unitName = ["survivor"] call SC_fnc_selectName;
if(!isNil "_unitName") then { _unit setName _unitName; };
_unit addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", "_this call SC_fnc_randomUnitMPKilled;"];
_unit addeventhandler ["Fired", {(vehicle (_this select 0)) setvehicleammo 1;}];
_unit = _x;
_unit allowDamage true;
_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
_unit enableAI "TARGET";
_unit enableAI "MOVE";
_unit setCaptive false;
}foreach units _group;
if(SC_randomSpawnAnnounce) then
["toastRequest", ["InfoTitleAndText", ["Raid group Incoming!", "A squad of Police have been despatched to take out a trouble prisoner."]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast;
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: Spawning a group of AI @ %2 to hunt player %1",_selectedPlayer,_spawnLocation];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
// Hunt the selected player
_group reveal [_selectedPlayer,1.5];
_destination = getPos _selectedPlayer;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_destination, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointFormation "Column";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 25;
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
[_group, _destination, 500] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group allowFleeing 0;
_group setBehaviour "AWARE";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:RandomSpawn]:: %1 is not in a safe place to spawn AI",_selectedPlayer];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
}forEach playableUnits;
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ if(SC_occupyMilitary) then
if(SC_occupyRandomSpawn) then
uiSleep 15; // delay the start
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationRandomSpawn.sqf";
fnc_occupyRandomSpawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationRandomSpawn.sqf";
[SC_refreshTime, fnc_occupyRandomSpawn, [], true] call ExileServer_system_thread_addTask;
if(SC_occupyLootCrates) then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user