if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _numberofCrashes = 5; // this is the number of helicrashes that you want to spawn if (worldName == 'Namalsk') then { _numberofCrashes = 2; // lower number for a smaller map }; _displayMarkers = SC_debug; // only use for debug, no need for actual gameplay private['_position']; _logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes]:: Initialised at %1",time]; [_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log; for "_i" from 1 to _numberofCrashes do { _validspot = false; while{!_validspot} do { sleep 0.2; _position = [ 0, 50, 1, 500, 500, 200, 200, 200, true, false ] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos; _validspot = true; // Check for nearby spawn points and traders _nearestMarker = [allMapMarkers, _position] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; _posNearestMarker = getMarkerPos _nearestMarker; if(_position distance _posNearestMarker < 750) then { _validspot = false; }; //Check if near another heli crash site _nearOtherCrash = (nearestObjects [_position,["Land_UWreck_MV22_F"],750]) select 0; if (!isNil "_nearOtherCrash") then { _validspot = false; }; //Check if near another loot crate site _nearOtherCrate = (nearestObjects [_position,["CargoNet_01_box_F"],500]) select 0; if (!isNil "_nearOtherCrate") then { _validspot = false; }; //Check if near player base _nearBase = (nearestObjects [_position,["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"],500]) select 0; if (!isNil "_nearBase") then { _validspot = false; }; }; _logDetail = format['[OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash %1 : Location %2',_i,_position]; [_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log; _helicopter = "Land_UWreck_MV22_F"; _vehHeli = _helicopter createVehicle [0,0,0]; _heliFire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle (position _vehHeli); _heliFire attachto [_vehHeli, [0,0,-1]]; _vehHeli setPos _position; _positionOfBox = [_position,3,10,1,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _box = "Box_NATO_Ammo_F" createvehicle _positionOfBox; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box; clearItemCargoGlobal _box; _box enableRopeAttach false; _box setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; _box allowDamage false; _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade", (random 2)]; _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", (random 2)]; _box addBackpackCargoGlobal ["B_Parachute", 1 + (random 1)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["H_CrewHelmetHeli_B", 1 + (random 1)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls", 1 + (random 1)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemGPS", (random 1)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_InstaDoc", (random 1)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater", 2 + (random 2)]; _box addItemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_EMRE", 2 + (random 2)]; // Add weapons with ammo to the Box _possibleWeapons = ["srifle_DMR_02_camo_F","srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F","srifle_DMR_04_F","srifle_DMR_05_hex_F"]; _amountOfWeapons = 1 + (random 3); for "_i" from 1 to _amountOfWeapons do { _weaponToAdd = _possibleWeapons call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weaponToAdd,1]; _magazinesToAdd = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponToAdd >> "magazines"); _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_magazinesToAdd select 0),round random 5]; }; if(_displayMarkers) then { _event_marker = createMarker [ format ["helicrash_marker_%1", _i], _position]; _event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _event_marker setMarkerAlpha 1; _event_marker setMarkerText "Heli Crash"; _event_marker setMarkerType "loc_Tree"; _event_marker setMarkerBrush "Vertical"; _event_marker setMarkerSize [(3), (3)]; }; };