// Get the variables from the event handler _unit = _this select 0; _side = _unit getVariable "SC_unitSide"; _locationName = _unit getVariable "SC_unitLocationName"; _pos = _unit getVariable "SC_unitLocationPosition"; _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit"; if(SC_mapMarkers) then { deleteMarker format ["%1", _locationName]; _nearBanditAI = { side _x == SC_BanditSide AND (_x getVariable "SC_unitLocationName" == _locationName) AND alive _x } count allUnits; _nearSurvivorAI = { side _x == SC_SurvivorSide AND (_x getVariable "SC_unitLocationName" == _locationName) AND alive _x } count allUnits; _logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:locationUnitMPKilled]:: unit: %1 side: %2 location: %3 nearbandits: %4 nearsurvivors: %5",_unit,_side,_locationName,_nearBanditAI,_nearSurvivorAI]; [_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log; _markerName = "Bandits"; _markerColour = "ColorRed"; if(_nearBanditAI == 0 && _nearSurvivorAI == 0) exitWith {}; if(_nearBanditAI > 0 && _nearSurvivorAI > 0) then { _markerName = "Survivors and Bandits"; _markerColour = "ColorOrange"; }; if(_nearBanditAI == 0 && _nearSurvivorAI > 0) then { _markerName = "Survivors"; _markerColour = "ColorGreen"; }; _marker = createMarker [format ["%1", _locationName],_pos]; _marker setMarkerShape "Icon"; _marker setMarkerSize [3,3]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _marker setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _marker setMarkerText _markerName; _marker setMarkerColor _markerColour; _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; };