second_coming 13e600634f V53
2016-07-20 20:47:08 +01:00

84 lines
2.0 KiB

private _roadSpawn = _this select 0;
private _waterSpawn = _this select 1;
private _inWater = 0;
private _position = [0,0,0];
private _nearestRoad = [0,0,0];
private _middle = worldSize/2;
private _pos = [_middle,_middle,0];
private _maxDist = _middle - 100;
if (worldName == 'Esseker') then
_pos = [6502,6217,0];
_maxDist = 5000;
if(_roadSpawn) then
_maxDist = _maxDist - 1400;
if(_waterSpawn) then
_inWater = 2;
_inWater = 0;
_validspot = false;
while{!_validspot} do
sleep 0.2;
_tempPosition = [_pos,0,_maxDist,15,_inWater,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_position = [_tempPosition select 0, _tempPosition select 1, 0];
_validspot = true;
if(_roadSpawn) then
// Get position of nearest roads
_nearRoads = _position nearRoads 500;
if (isNil "_nearRoads" OR count _nearRoads == 0) then
_validspot = false;
diag_log format["BIS_fnc_findSafePos no roads found near position %1",_position];
_nearestRoad = _nearRoads select 0;
_position = position _nearestRoad;
_isEmpty = !(_position isFlatEmpty [15, -1, -1, -1, -1, false, player] isEqualTo []); // Check if there is 15m space around the road position to try and stop vehicles spawning on dirt tracks on Tanoa
if(!_isEmpty) then
_validspot = false;
diag_log format["BIS_fnc_findSafePos checking road found at %1",_position];
_isOverWater = surfaceIsWater _position;
if(!_waterSpawn && _isOverWater) then
_validspot = false;
diag_log format["BIS_fnc_findSafePos none waterspawn over water %1",_position];
if(_validspot) then
_validspot = [ _position ] call SC_fnc_isSafePos;
if (isNil "_validspot") then { _validspot = false; };