second_coming 1c48de5f5e V31 Roll Back
Problems with versions after this which caused out of memory errors
2016-05-04 09:57:54 +01:00

119 lines
3.7 KiB

_heli = _this select 0;
_heli removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
_heliDamage = getDammage _heli;
_heliPosition = getPosATL _heli;
_heliHeight = getPosATL _heli select 2;
_crewEjected = _heli getVariable "SC_crewEjected";
_damageLimit = 0.2;
_engineDamage = false;
_fueltankDamage = false;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:Sky]:: Air unit %2 hit by %3 at %1 (damage: %4)",time,_this select 0,_this select 1,_heliDamage];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_ejectChance = round (random 100) + (_heliDamage * 100);
_essentials = [ "HitAvionics","HitEngine1","HitEngine2","HitEngine","HitHRotor","HitVRotor","HitTransmission",
_damagedEssentials = 0;
if ((_heli getHitPointDamage _x) > 0) then
if(_x == "HitFuel" && _heliDamage < 1) then
_heli setHitPointDamage ["HitFuel", 0];
_heli setFuel 1;
_damage = _heli getHitPointDamage _x;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:Sky]:: Heli %1 checking part %2 (damage: %4) @ %3",_heli, _x, time,_damage];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
if(_damage > 0) then { _damagedEssentials = _damagedEssentials + 1; };
} forEach _essentials;
if(_heliDamage > 0.2 && _damagedEssentials > 0 && !_crewEjected && _ejectChance > 100) then
_target = _this select 1;
[_heli, _target] spawn
_veh = _this select 0;
_group2 = createGroup east;
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_heliPosition = getPosATL _veh;
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:Sky]:: Air unit %2 ejecting passengers at %3 (time: %1)",time,_veh,_heliPosition];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
_cargo = assignedCargo _veh;
_x joinSilent _group2;
_x action ["EJECT", _veh];
} forEach _cargo;
_target = _this select 1;
_group2 reveal [_target,1.5];
_destination = getPos _target;
_group2 allowFleeing 0;
_wp = _group2 addWaypoint [_destination, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointFormation "Column";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 1;
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
[_group2, _destination, 500] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group2 allowFleeing 0;
_group2 setBehaviour "AWARE";
_group2 setCombatMode "RED";
_heli setVariable ["SC_crewEjected", true,true];
if(_heliDamage > 0.7 && _damagedEssentials > 0) then
if(SC_extendedLogging) then
_logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:Sky]:: Air unit %2 damaged and force landing at %3 (time: %1)",time,_this select 0,_this select 1,_heliPosition];
[_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log;
[_heli] call SC_fnc_vehicleDestroyed;
_currentHeliPos = getPos _heli;
_destination = [_currentHeliPos, 1, 150, 10, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_heli setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
_target = _this select 1;
_group = group _heli;
_group reveal [_target,2.5];
_destination = position _target;
_heli land "LAND";
_group2 = createGroup east;
_x join _group2;
} forEach (fullCrew _heli);
_group2 allowFleeing 0;
_wp = _group2 addWaypoint [_destination, 0] ;
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;
_wp setWaypointType "GETOUT";
[_group2, _destination, 250] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
_group2 setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_group2 setCombatMode "RED";
_heli addMPEventHandler ["mphit", "_this call SC_fnc_airHit;"];