var async = require('async') var fs = require('fs.extra') var path = require('path') var userhome = require('userhome') var Logs = function (config) { this.config = config if (this.config.type === 'linux') { fs.mkdirp(this.logsPath()) } } Logs.generateLogFileName = function () { var dateStr = new Date().toISOString() .replace(/:/g, '-') // Replace time dividers with dash .replace(/T/, '_') // Remove date and time divider .replace(/\..+/, '') // Remove milliseconds return 'arma3server_' + dateStr + '.log' } Logs.prototype.generateLogFilePath = function () { return path.join(this.logsPath(), Logs.generateLogFileName()) } Logs.prototype.logsPath = function () { if (this.config.type === 'linux') { return path.join(this.config.path, 'logs') } if (this.config.type === 'windows') { return userhome('AppData', 'Local', 'Arma 3') } if (this.config.type === 'wine') { var username = process.env.USER return userhome('.wine', 'drive_c', 'users', username, 'Local Settings', 'Application Data', 'Arma 3') } return null } Logs.prototype.logFiles = function (callback) { var directory = this.logsPath() if (directory === null) { callback(null, []) } fs.readdir(directory, function (err, files) { if (err) { callback(err) return } files = (file) { return { name: file, path: path.join(directory, file) } }) async.filter(files, function (file, cb) { fs.stat(file.path, function (err, stat) { file.size = stat.size cb(!err && stat.isFile()) }) }, function (files) { files.sort(function (a, b) { return }) callback(null, files) }) }) } Logs.prototype.getLogFile = function (filename, callback) { this.logFiles(function (err, files) { if (err) { callback(err) } else { var validLogs = files.filter(function (file) { return === filename }) if (validLogs.length > 0) { callback(null, validLogs[0]) } else { callback(null, null) } } }) } module.exports = Logs