var _ = require('underscore') var Backbone = require('backbone') var Marionette = require('marionette') var sweetAlert = require('sweet-alert') var tpl = require('tpl/servers/form.html') module.exports = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: _.template(tpl), initialize: function (options) { this.servers = options.servers this.bind('ok', this.submit) }, serialize: function () { return { additionalConfigurationOptions: this.$('form .additional-configuration-options').val(), admin_password: this.$('form .admin-password').val(), allowed_file_patching: this.$('form .allowed-file-patching').prop('checked') ? 2 : 1, auto_start: this.$('form .auto-start').prop('checked'), battle_eye: this.$('form .battle-eye').prop('checked'), file_patching: this.$('form .file-patching').prop('checked'), forcedDifficulty: this.$('form .forcedDifficulty').val(), max_players: this.$('form .max-players').val(), motd: this.$('form .motd').val(), number_of_headless_clients: this.$('form .headless-clients').val(), password: this.$('form .password').val(), persistent: this.$('form .persistent').prop('checked'), port: this.$('form .port').val(), title: this.$('form .title').val(), von: this.$('form .von').prop('checked'), verify_signatures: this.$('form .verify_signatures').prop('checked') } }, submit: function (modal) { modal.preventClose() var data = this.serialize() if (!data.title) { sweetAlert({ title: 'Error', text: 'Server title cannot be empty', type: 'error' }) return } this.model.set(data) var self = this{}, { success: function () { modal.close() self.servers.fetch({ success: function () { Backbone.history.navigate('#servers/' + self.model.get('id'), true) } }) }, error: function (model, response) { sweetAlert({ title: 'Error', text: 'An error occurred, please consult the logs', type: 'error' }) } }) } })