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synced 2024-08-30 17:22:11 +00:00
Fixed Flag in ground upon building, added full on vector to the snapping system, added mins and max to the movements key handler and cleaned up code
80 lines
2.8 KiB
80 lines
2.8 KiB
* ExileClient_construction_handleAbort
* Exile Mod
* www.exilemod.com
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
Made for Anarchy, adapted to eXpoch and ported into Altis Life and Operation BlockHead by DirtySanchez
and NOW EXILE WILL FEEL THE FREE VECTOR, go get a job sellers of scripts, this is a modding community.
Sharing is caring and douchebaggery is a bannable offense
_simulatePhysics = _this;
switch (ExileClientConstructionResult) do
case 1:
if( ExileClientConstructionProcess isEqualTo 1) then
[player, ExileClientConstructionKitClassName] call ExileClient_util_playerCargo_remove;
[ExileClientConstructionObject, getText (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "staticObject"), _simulatePhysics] spawn ExileClient_construction_simulationCountDown;
if (getText (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "staticObject") isEqualTo "Exile_Container_Safe") then
["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Placed safe!", "The PIN has been set to 0000."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Placed object!", format ["You have successfully placed a %1.", ExileClientConstructionObjectDisplayName]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
case 3:
if (ExileClientConstructionProcess isEqualTo 2) then
[ExileClientConstructionObject, getText (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "staticObject"), true] spawn ExileClient_construction_simulationCountDown;
deleteVehicle ExileClientConstructionObject;
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "Do not move more than 20 meters."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
case 2:
if (ExileClientConstructionProcess isEqualTo 2) then
[ExileClientConstructionObject, getText(ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "staticObject"), _simulatePhysics] spawn ExileClient_construction_simulationCountDown;
deleteVehicle ExileClientConstructionObject;
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "You cannot build during a combat."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Construction aborted!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", keyDownEHId];
ExileClientConstructionObject = objNull;
ExileClientIsInConstructionMode = false;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 0;
ExileClientConstructionProcess = 0;
ExileClientConstructionLock = false;
true |