private["_display","_message","_strTxt","_pos"]; try { _message = preprocessFileLineNumbers "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\ModChecker\xm8modChecker.sqf"; _message = _message select [(_message find "ExAdClient") + (count "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\ModChecker\xm8modChecker.sqf") + 1]; if(count _message == 0)exitWith{ throw "No server info provided"; }; if ((firstCheck == 0) && (errorLevel > 0)) then { player allowdamage false }; // God Mode ON to avoid die and close dialog only if ModCheckerDisplay is auto executed. disableSerialization; [ "", 0, 0.2, 10, 0, 0, 8 ] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CUSTOMIZABLE PART HERE // Remember to add-delete-modify the same mod variable names used in xm8modChecker.sqf ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "..\..\..\..\addons\modChecker\modCheckerDisplayConfig.hpp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OF CUSTOMIZABLE TEXT, DO NOT TOUCH UNDER THIS LINE IF YOU DON'T KWOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]; if(isNull _display)exitWith{ throw "XM8 not loaded!"; }; _strTxt = [_display,"ExAd_ModChecker","strTxt"] call ExAd_fnc_getAppCtrl; _strTxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[_message]; _pos = ctrlPosition _strTxt; _strTxt ctrlSetPosition [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2, ctrlTextHeight _strTxt]; _strTxt ctrlcommit 0; ([_display,"ExAd_ModChecker","strTxt"] call ExAd_fnc_getAppCtrl) ctrlEnable true; } catch { ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["ExAd - Mod Checker", _exception]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; ["extraApps", 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide }