/** * Autor: Impulse * License: MIT **/ const { promisify } = require('util'); const redis = require("redis"); const intervalTimer = 600 * 1000 // 10 minutes const expirationTime = 1800; // in seconds -> 1800 = 30 minutes // if a key expires, the next 5 min fork cycle of the redis db will clear it from your harddrive let intervalReference; const client = redis.createClient({ host: "", port: "6379", password: "foobared" // here goes your password! }); const ttl = promisify(client.ttl).bind(client); client.on("ready", () => { performDbCheck(); // init right away on start intervalReference = setInterval(() => { performDbCheck(); }, intervalTimer); }); function performDbCheck() { console.info("[" + new Date() + "] RedisDB check..."); client.keys("RawTravelData:*", async (err, keys) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } for (let key of keys) { const remaining = await ttl(key); if (remaining === -1) { console.info("has no expiration time, setting new one"); await client.expire(key, expirationTime); console.info(key + " - add new expiration seconds: " + await ttl(key)); } else if (remaining < 30) { console.info(key + " - is about to expire, remaining seconds: " + remaining); } } }); } client.on("error", err => { clearInterval(intervalReference); if (err["code"] && err["code"].indexOf("ECONNRESET") > -1) { console.info("Lost RedisDB connection, trying to reconnect..."); } else if (err["code"] && err["code"].indexOf("ECONNREFUSED") > -1) { console.info("Cannot connect to RedisDB, retrying..."); } else { console.error(err); } }); // Respond to 'Ctrl+C' process.on("SIGINT", () => { clearInterval(intervalReference); process.exit(0); }); // Respond to shutting down or closing process.on("SIGTERM", () => { clearInterval(intervalReference); process.exit(0); });