/* --------------------------------- * ATLAS local HTTP server for serving map-related images * * Version: 1.0 * Last change: 2018-12-29 * Author: Kad, kadigan.ksb@gmail.com * License: GPL v3.0 */ // CONFIG: // on what port should the server be listening to? (you will need to forward this port, it's TCP) // NOTE: you only need ONE map server for your entire ATLAS World var ServerWWWPort = 10000; // where do you keep the images on disk? (note: replace all \ with / or it won't work!) var ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder = 'd:/STEAM/steamapps/common/ATLAS Dedicated Server/ShooterGame/ServerGrid'; // ===================================================================================================== // import requirements var http = require ('http'); var fs = require ('fs'); var url = require ('url'); function defaultResponse(type, length){ this['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'; this['Content-Type'] = type; this['Content-Length'] = length; this['Connection'] = 'Close'; console.log(this); }; // ===================================================================================================== // verify the provided path if ( ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder.substring(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder.length-1) != '/' ) ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder = ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + '/'; if ( !fs.existsSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder) ){ console.log("FATAL: path '" + ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + "' doesn't exist or can't be accessed."); process.exit(); } console.log("Serving your ATLAS ServerGrid folder: " + ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder); // ===================================================================================================== // main handler var server = http.createServer (function handler (request, response) { var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname.substring(1); while ( pathname.substring(0, 1) == '/' ) pathname = pathname.substring(1); pathname = pathname.split('/'); console.log(pathname); console.log(request.headers); /* see if the file exists - then serve it */ if ( pathname.length == 1 ){ pathname = pathname[0]; if ( pathname != "" ){ if ( pathname.toLowerCase().match(/^mapimg\.?(png|jpg)?$/i) ){ console.log(">> MapImg request received from " + request.connection.remoteAddress); console.log(">> raw request: " + url.parse(request.url).pathname); if(fs.existsSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'MapImg.jpg')){ console.log(" Serving: JPG"); var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'MapImg.jpg'); response.writeHead(200, new defaultResponse('image/jpeg', fileData.length)); response.write(fileData); response.end(); console.log("\n\n"); return; } console.log(" ERROR: MapImg.jpg not found " + ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + ", cannot serve. Aborting."); response.writeHead(404); response.end(); // can't help you there buddy, sorry :D return; } else if ( pathname.toLowerCase().match(/^cellimg_[0-9]+\-[0-9]+(\.(png|jpg))?$/i) ){ // request for CellImg console.log(">> CellImg request received from " + request.connection.remoteAddress); console.log(">> raw request: " + url.parse(request.url).pathname); var CellImg = pathname.toLowerCase().substring(8).split(".")[0].split("-"); if (fs.existsSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'CellImg_' + CellImg.join('-') + '.jpg')){ console.log(" Serving: JPG"); var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'CellImg_' + CellImg.join('-') + '.jpg'); response.writeHead(200, new defaultResponse('image/jpeg', fileData.length)); response.write(fileData); response.end(); console.log("\n\n"); return; } else if (fs.existsSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'CellImg_' + CellImg.join('-') + '.png')){ // case for GridEditor-generated CellImg_* images which are, in fact, JPEG files... console.log(" Serving: JPG (PNG)"); var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + 'CellImg_' + CellImg.join('-') + '.png'); response.writeHead(200, new defaultResponse('image/jpg', fileData.length)); response.write(fileData); response.end();D return; } console.log(" ERROR: CellImg_" + CellImg.join('-') + ".jpg not found in " + ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + ", cannot serve. Aborting."); response.writeHead(404); response.end(); // can't help you there buddy, sorry :D console.log("\n\n"); return; } } } else if ( pathname.length == 3 ) { // this request never comes in, because if you have your SeamlessDataPort forwarded it never has to, // and if you don't -- the game client will keep re-requesting MapImg or CellImg_* until cosmic death // ... but I left it in for completeness console.log(">> in-game map request received from " + request.connection.remoteAddress); console.log(">> raw request: " + url.parse(request.url).pathname); pathname[2] = pathname[2].split('.')[0]; if (fs.existsSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + '/' + pathname.join('/') + '.png')){ console.log(" Serving: PNG"); var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + '/' + pathname.join('/') + '.png'); response.writeHead(200, new defaultResponse('image/jpeg', fileData.length)); response.write(fileData); response.end(); // can't help you there buddy, sorry :D console.log("\n\n"); return; } console.log(" ERROR: Map slice /" + pathname.join('/') + ".png not found in " + ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder + ", cannot serve. Aborting."); console.log("\n\n"); response.writeHead(404); response.end(); // can't help you there buddy, sorry :D console.log("\n\n"); return; } // any other requests are treated as unrecognized and silently ignored console.log("UNRECOGNIZED REQUEST received from " + request.connection.remoteAddress); console.log("Raw Request:"); console.log(pathname); console.log("\n\n"); response.writeHead(400); response.end(); }); // ===================================================================================================== // start the server console.log ('Listening on port ' + ServerWWWPort); server.listen (ServerWWWPort);