atlas-dedicated-server/REDIS example configuration
Kadigan KS/b/ 28ae0a33b6 Update
damn typos
2018-12-29 19:32:26 +01:00
.. Update 2018-12-29 19:32:26 +01:00 Add files via upload 2018-12-29 18:54:14 +01:00

Example Redis DB configuration file

This is an example Redis configuration file. It should run as-is, but you may want to verify the first two lines (bind and requirepassword) to make sure it matches your configuration.

Comment-out the bind line if you wish the Redis server to bind to all network interfaces instead of just (this is important if you're running your Redis database on a machine not local to all of your Shards).

If this machine is on a different network entirely, remember to port-forward your Redis port (TCP).

Getting the Redis

It is advised not to use the bundled Redis DB as you will lose your config file each time it's updated. Please fetch a Redis server for Windows from this Microsoft Archive repository on GitHub (version 3.2.100 is confirmed to work with ATLAS DS).

Under Linux, you probably need to just run your favourite package manager to get a copy.


Drop the file into your Redis DB installation (backup the original first) and then restart the Redis service.

Restarting: Windows

Type net stop redis followed by net start redis into an elevated command prompt.

Restarting: Linux

For systemd systems, systemctl restart redis. Otherwise, try service redis restart or consult the manual for your Linux distribution.