
156 lines
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#include "dChatFilter.h"
#include "BinaryIO.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "dLogger.h"
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#include "dConfig.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "Game.h"
using namespace dChatFilterDCF;
dChatFilter::dChatFilter(const std::string& filepath, bool dontGenerateDCF) {
m_DontGenerateDCF = dontGenerateDCF;
if (!BinaryIO::DoesFileExist(filepath + ".dcf") || m_DontGenerateDCF) {
ReadWordlistPlaintext(filepath + ".txt", true);
if (!m_DontGenerateDCF) ExportWordlistToDCF(filepath + ".dcf", true);
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else if (!ReadWordlistDCF(filepath + ".dcf", true)) {
ReadWordlistPlaintext(filepath + ".txt", true);
ExportWordlistToDCF(filepath + ".dcf", true);
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if (BinaryIO::DoesFileExist("blacklist.dcf")) {
ReadWordlistDCF("blacklist.dcf", false);
//Read player names that are ok as well:
auto stmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("select name from charinfo;");
auto res = stmt->executeQuery();
while (res->next()) {
std::string line = res->getString(1).c_str();
std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower); //Transform to lowercase
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delete res;
delete stmt;
dChatFilter::~dChatFilter() {
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void dChatFilter::ReadWordlistPlaintext(const std::string& filepath, bool whiteList) {
std::ifstream file(filepath);
if (file) {
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
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line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), '\r'), line.end());
std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower); //Transform to lowercase
if (whiteList) m_YesYesWords.push_back(CalculateHash(line));
else m_NoNoWords.push_back(CalculateHash(line));
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bool dChatFilter::ReadWordlistDCF(const std::string& filepath, bool whiteList) {
std::ifstream file(filepath, std::ios::binary);
if (file) {
fileHeader hdr;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, hdr);
if (hdr.header != header) {
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return false;
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if (hdr.formatVersion == formatVersion) {
size_t wordsToRead = 0;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, wordsToRead);
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if (whiteList) m_YesYesWords.reserve(wordsToRead);
else m_NoNoWords.reserve(wordsToRead);
size_t word = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wordsToRead; ++i) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, word);
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if (whiteList) m_YesYesWords.push_back(word);
else m_NoNoWords.push_back(word);
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return true;
else {
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return false;
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return false;
void dChatFilter::ExportWordlistToDCF(const std::string& filepath, bool whiteList) {
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std::ofstream file(filepath, std::ios::binary | std::ios_base::out);
if (file) {
BinaryIO::BinaryWrite(file, uint32_t(dChatFilterDCF::header));
BinaryIO::BinaryWrite(file, uint32_t(dChatFilterDCF::formatVersion));
BinaryIO::BinaryWrite(file, size_t(whiteList ? m_YesYesWords.size() : m_NoNoWords.size()));
for (size_t word : whiteList ? m_YesYesWords : m_NoNoWords) {
BinaryIO::BinaryWrite(file, word);
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std::vector<std::string> dChatFilter::IsSentenceOkay(const std::string& message, int gmLevel, bool whiteList) {
if (gmLevel > GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_FORUM_MODERATOR) return { }; //If anything but a forum mod, return true.
if (message.empty()) return { };
if (!whiteList && m_NoNoWords.empty()) return { "" };
std::stringstream sMessage(message);
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std::string segment;
std::regex reg("(!*|\\?*|\\;*|\\.*|\\,*)");
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std::vector<std::string> listOfBadSegments = std::vector<std::string>();
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while (std::getline(sMessage, segment, ' ')) {
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std::string originalSegment = segment;
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std::transform(segment.begin(), segment.end(), segment.begin(), ::tolower); //Transform to lowercase
segment = std::regex_replace(segment, reg, "");
size_t hash = CalculateHash(segment);
if (std::find(m_UserUnapprovedWordCache.begin(), m_UserUnapprovedWordCache.end(), hash) != m_UserUnapprovedWordCache.end() && whiteList) {
if (std::find(m_YesYesWords.begin(), m_YesYesWords.end(), hash) == m_YesYesWords.end() && whiteList) {
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if (std::find(m_NoNoWords.begin(), m_NoNoWords.end(), hash) != m_NoNoWords.end() && !whiteList) {
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return listOfBadSegments;
size_t dChatFilter::CalculateHash(const std::string& word) {
std::hash<std::string> hash{};
size_t value = hash(word);
return value;
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