2023-11-18 00:47:18 +00:00
#ifndef __MYSQLDATABASE__H__
#define __MYSQLDATABASE__H__
#include <conncpp.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include "GameDatabase.h"
typedef std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement>& UniquePreppedStmtRef;
// Purposefully no definition for this to provide linker errors in the case someone tries to
// bind a parameter to a type that isn't defined.
template<typename ParamType>
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const ParamType param);
// This is a function to set each parameter in a prepared statement.
// This is accomplished with a combination of parameter packing and Fold Expressions.
// The constexpr if statement is used to prevent the compiler from trying to call SetParam with 0 arguments.
template<typename... Args>
void SetParams(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, Args&&... args) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(args) != 0) {
int i = 1;
(SetParam(stmt, i++, args), ...);
class MySQLDatabase : public GameDatabase {
void Connect() override;
void Destroy(std::string source = "") override;
sql::PreparedStatement* CreatePreppedStmt(const std::string& query) override;
void Commit() override;
bool GetAutoCommit() override;
void SetAutoCommit(bool value) override;
void ExecuteCustomQuery(const std::string_view query) override;
// Overloaded queries
std::optional<IServers::MasterInfo> GetMasterInfo() override;
std::vector<std::string> GetApprovedCharacterNames() override;
std::vector<FriendData> GetFriendsList(uint32_t charID) override;
std::optional<IFriends::BestFriendStatus> GetBestFriendStatus(const uint32_t playerCharacterId, const uint32_t friendCharacterId) override;
void SetBestFriendStatus(const uint32_t playerAccountId, const uint32_t friendAccountId, const uint32_t bestFriendStatus) override;
void AddFriend(const uint32_t playerAccountId, const uint32_t friendAccountId) override;
void RemoveFriend(const uint32_t playerAccountId, const uint32_t friendAccountId) override;
void UpdateActivityLog(const uint32_t characterId, const eActivityType activityType, const LWOMAPID mapId) override;
void DeleteUgcModelData(const LWOOBJID& modelId) override;
void UpdateUgcModelData(const LWOOBJID& modelId, std::istringstream& lxfml) override;
std::vector<IUgc::Model> GetAllUgcModels() override;
void CreateMigrationHistoryTable() override;
bool IsMigrationRun(const std::string_view str) override;
void InsertMigration(const std::string_view str) override;
std::optional<ICharInfo::Info> GetCharacterInfo(const uint32_t charId) override;
std::optional<ICharInfo::Info> GetCharacterInfo(const std::string_view charId) override;
std::string GetCharacterXml(const uint32_t accountId) override;
void UpdateCharacterXml(const uint32_t characterId, const std::string_view lxfml) override;
std::optional<IAccounts::Info> GetAccountInfo(const std::string_view username) override;
void InsertNewCharacter(const ICharInfo::Info info) override;
void InsertCharacterXml(const uint32_t accountId, const std::string_view lxfml) override;
std::vector<uint32_t> GetAccountCharacterIds(uint32_t accountId) override;
void DeleteCharacter(const uint32_t characterId) override;
void SetCharacterName(const uint32_t characterId, const std::string_view name) override;
void SetPendingCharacterName(const uint32_t characterId, const std::string_view name) override;
void UpdateLastLoggedInCharacter(const uint32_t characterId) override;
void SetPetNameModerationStatus(const LWOOBJID& petId, const IPetNames::Info& info) override;
std::optional<IPetNames::Info> GetPetNameInfo(const LWOOBJID& petId) override;
std::optional<IProperty::Info> GetPropertyInfo(const LWOMAPID mapId, const LWOCLONEID cloneId) override;
void UpdatePropertyModerationInfo(const IProperty::Info& info) override;
void UpdatePropertyDetails(const IProperty::Info& info) override;
void InsertNewProperty(const IProperty::Info& info, const uint32_t templateId, const LWOZONEID& zoneId) override;
std::vector<IPropertyContents::Model> GetPropertyModels(const LWOOBJID& propertyId) override;
void RemoveUnreferencedUgcModels() override;
void InsertNewPropertyModel(const LWOOBJID& propertyId, const IPropertyContents::Model& model, const std::string_view name) override;
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void UpdateModel(const LWOOBJID& propertyId, const NiPoint3& position, const NiQuaternion& rotation, const std::array<std::pair<LWOOBJID, std::string>, 5>& behaviors) override;
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void RemoveModel(const LWOOBJID& modelId) override;
void UpdatePerformanceCost(const LWOZONEID& zoneId, const float performanceCost) override;
void InsertNewBugReport(const IBugReports::Info& info) override;
void InsertCheatDetection(const IPlayerCheatDetections::Info& info) override;
void InsertNewMail(const IMail::MailInfo& mail) override;
void InsertNewUgcModel(
std::istringstream& sd0Data,
const uint32_t blueprintId,
const uint32_t accountId,
const uint32_t characterId) override;
std::vector<IMail::MailInfo> GetMailForPlayer(const uint32_t characterId, const uint32_t numberOfMail) override;
std::optional<IMail::MailInfo> GetMail(const uint64_t mailId) override;
uint32_t GetUnreadMailCount(const uint32_t characterId) override;
void MarkMailRead(const uint64_t mailId) override;
void DeleteMail(const uint64_t mailId) override;
void ClaimMailItem(const uint64_t mailId) override;
void InsertSlashCommandUsage(const uint32_t characterId, const std::string_view command) override;
void UpdateAccountUnmuteTime(const uint32_t accountId, const uint64_t timeToUnmute) override;
void UpdateAccountBan(const uint32_t accountId, const bool banned) override;
void UpdateAccountPassword(const uint32_t accountId, const std::string_view bcryptpassword) override;
void InsertNewAccount(const std::string_view username, const std::string_view bcryptpassword) override;
void SetMasterIp(const std::string_view ip, const uint32_t port) override;
std::optional<uint32_t> GetCurrentPersistentId() override;
void InsertDefaultPersistentId() override;
void UpdatePersistentId(const uint32_t id) override;
std::optional<uint32_t> GetDonationTotal(const uint32_t activityId) override;
std::optional<bool> IsPlaykeyActive(const int32_t playkeyId) override;
std::vector<IUgc::Model> GetUgcModels(const LWOOBJID& propertyId) override;
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void AddIgnore(const uint32_t playerId, const uint32_t ignoredPlayerId) override;
void RemoveIgnore(const uint32_t playerId, const uint32_t ignoredPlayerId) override;
std::vector<IIgnoreList::Info> GetIgnoreList(const uint32_t playerId) override;
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void InsertRewardCode(const uint32_t account_id, const uint32_t reward_code) override;
std::vector<uint32_t> GetRewardCodesByAccountID(const uint32_t account_id) override;
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void AddBehavior(const IBehaviors::Info& info) override;
void RemoveBehavior(const uint32_t characterId) override;
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// Generic query functions that can be used for any query.
// Return type may be different depending on the query, so it is up to the caller to check the return type.
// The first argument is the query string, and the rest are the parameters to bind to the query.
// The return type is a unique_ptr to the result set, which is deleted automatically when it goes out of scope
template<typename... Args>
inline std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> ExecuteSelect(const std::string& query, Args&&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> preppedStmt(CreatePreppedStmt(query));
SetParams(preppedStmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
DLU_SQL_TRY_CATCH_RETHROW(return std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet>(preppedStmt->executeQuery()));
template<typename... Args>
inline void ExecuteDelete(const std::string& query, Args&&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> preppedStmt(CreatePreppedStmt(query));
SetParams(preppedStmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename... Args>
inline int32_t ExecuteUpdate(const std::string& query, Args&&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> preppedStmt(CreatePreppedStmt(query));
SetParams(preppedStmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
DLU_SQL_TRY_CATCH_RETHROW(return preppedStmt->executeUpdate());
template<typename... Args>
inline bool ExecuteInsert(const std::string& query, Args&&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> preppedStmt(CreatePreppedStmt(query));
SetParams(preppedStmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
DLU_SQL_TRY_CATCH_RETHROW(return preppedStmt->execute());
// Below are each of the definitions of SetParam for each supported type.
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const std::string_view param) {
// LOG("%s", param.data());
stmt->setString(index, param.data());
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const char* param) {
// LOG("%s", param);
stmt->setString(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const std::string param) {
// LOG("%s", param.c_str());
stmt->setString(index, param.c_str());
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const int8_t param) {
// LOG("%u", param);
stmt->setByte(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const uint8_t param) {
// LOG("%d", param);
stmt->setByte(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const int16_t param) {
// LOG("%u", param);
stmt->setShort(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const uint16_t param) {
// LOG("%d", param);
stmt->setShort(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const uint32_t param) {
// LOG("%u", param);
stmt->setUInt(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const int32_t param) {
// LOG("%d", param);
stmt->setInt(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const int64_t param) {
// LOG("%llu", param);
stmt->setInt64(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const uint64_t param) {
// LOG("%llu", param);
stmt->setUInt64(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const float param) {
// LOG("%f", param);
stmt->setFloat(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const double param) {
// LOG("%f", param);
stmt->setDouble(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const bool param) {
// LOG("%d", param);
stmt->setBoolean(index, param);
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const std::istream* param) {
// LOG("Blob");
// This is the one time you will ever see me use const_cast.
stmt->setBlob(index, const_cast<std::istream*>(param));
inline void SetParam(UniquePreppedStmtRef stmt, const int index, const std::optional<uint32_t> param) {
if (param) {
// LOG("%d", param.value());
stmt->setInt(index, param.value());
} else {
// LOG("Null");
stmt->setNull(index, sql::DataType::SQLNULL);
#endif //!__MYSQLDATABASE__H__