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synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
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385 lines
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#include "Loot.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "CDClientManager.h"
#include "CDLootMatrixTable.h"
#include "CDLootTableTable.h"
#include "SimplePhysicsComponent.h"
#include "ControllablePhysicsComponent.h"
#include "DestroyableComponent.h"
#include "MissionComponent.h"
#include "CharacterComponent.h"
#include "TeamManager.h"
#include <algorithm>
std::vector<CDLootTable> Loot::GetLootOfRarity(const std::vector<CDLootTable> &lootTable, uint32_t rarity) {
std::vector<CDLootTable> refinedLoot;
for (auto loot : lootTable) {
CDItemComponent item = Inventory::FindItemComponent(loot.itemid);
if (item.rarity == rarity) {
else if (item.rarity == 0) {
refinedLoot.push_back(loot); // powerups
return refinedLoot;
void Loot::GiveLoot(Entity* user, uint32_t lootMatrixID) {
user = user->GetOwner(); // If the owner is overwritten, we collect that here
std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t> result {};
CalculateLootMatrix(lootMatrixID, user, result);
GiveLoot(user, result);
void Loot::DropLoot(Entity* user, Entity* killedObject, uint32_t lootMatrixID, uint32_t minCoins, uint32_t maxCoins) {
user = user->GetOwner(); // If the owner is overwritten, we collect that here
auto* inventoryComponent = user->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t> result {};
CalculateLootMatrix(lootMatrixID, user, result);
DropLoot(user, killedObject, result, minCoins, maxCoins);
void Loot::GiveLoot(Entity* user, std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t>& result) {
user = user->GetOwner(); // If the owner is overwritten, we collect that here
auto* inventoryComponent = user->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
for (const auto& pair : result) {
inventoryComponent->AddItem(pair.first, pair.second);
void Loot::DropLoot(Entity* user, Entity* killedObject, std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t>& result, uint32_t minCoins, uint32_t maxCoins) {
user = user->GetOwner(); // If the owner is overwritten, we collect that here
auto* inventoryComponent = user->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
const auto spawnPosition = killedObject->GetPosition();
const auto source = killedObject->GetObjectID();
for (const auto& pair : result) {
for (int i = 0; i < pair.second; ++i) {
GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(user, source, pair.first, 0, spawnPosition, 1);
uint32_t coins = (int)(minCoins + GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1) * (maxCoins - minCoins));
GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(user, source, LOT_NULL, coins, spawnPosition);
void Loot::DropActivityLoot(Entity* user, Entity* source, uint32_t activityID, int32_t rating)
CDActivityRewardsTable* activityRewardsTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDActivityRewardsTable>("ActivityRewards");
std::vector<CDActivityRewards> activityRewards = activityRewardsTable->Query([=](CDActivityRewards entry) { return (entry.objectTemplate == activityID); });
const CDActivityRewards* selectedReward = nullptr;
for (const auto& activityReward : activityRewards)
if (activityReward.activityRating <= rating && (selectedReward == nullptr || activityReward.activityRating > selectedReward->activityRating))
selectedReward = &activityReward;
if (selectedReward == nullptr)
uint32_t minCoins = 0;
uint32_t maxCoins = 0;
CDCurrencyTableTable* currencyTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDCurrencyTableTable>("CurrencyTable");
std::vector<CDCurrencyTable> currencyTable = currencyTableTable->Query([=](CDCurrencyTable entry) { return (entry.currencyIndex == selectedReward->CurrencyIndex && entry.npcminlevel == 1); });
if (currencyTable.size() > 0) {
minCoins = currencyTable[0].minvalue;
maxCoins = currencyTable[0].maxvalue;
Loot::DropLoot(user, source, selectedReward->LootMatrixIndex, minCoins, maxCoins);
void Loot::GiveActivityLoot(Entity* user, Entity* source, uint32_t activityID, int32_t rating)
CDActivityRewardsTable* activityRewardsTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDActivityRewardsTable>("ActivityRewards");
std::vector<CDActivityRewards> activityRewards = activityRewardsTable->Query([=](CDActivityRewards entry) { return (entry.objectTemplate == activityID); });
const CDActivityRewards* selectedReward = nullptr;
for (const auto& activityReward : activityRewards)
if (activityReward.activityRating <= rating && (selectedReward == nullptr || activityReward.activityRating > selectedReward->activityRating))
selectedReward = &activityReward;
if (selectedReward == nullptr)
uint32_t minCoins = 0;
uint32_t maxCoins = 0;
CDCurrencyTableTable* currencyTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDCurrencyTableTable>("CurrencyTable");
std::vector<CDCurrencyTable> currencyTable = currencyTableTable->Query([=](CDCurrencyTable entry) { return (entry.currencyIndex == selectedReward->CurrencyIndex && entry.npcminlevel == 1); });
if (currencyTable.size() > 0) {
minCoins = currencyTable[0].minvalue;
maxCoins = currencyTable[0].maxvalue;
Loot::GiveLoot(user, selectedReward->LootMatrixIndex);
uint32_t coins = (int)(minCoins + GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1) * (maxCoins - minCoins));
auto* charactert = user->GetCharacter();
charactert->SetCoins(charactert->GetCoins() + coins);
void Loot::CalculateLootMatrix(uint32_t lootMatrixID, Entity* user, std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t>& result)
user = user->GetOwner();
auto* missionComponent = user->GetComponent<MissionComponent>();
// Get our loot for this LOT's lootMatrixID:
CDLootMatrixTable* lootMatrixTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDLootMatrixTable>("LootMatrix");
CDLootTableTable* lootTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDLootTableTable>("LootTable");
CDRarityTableTable* rarityTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDRarityTableTable>("RarityTable");
std::vector<CDLootMatrix> lootMatrix = lootMatrixTable->Query([lootMatrixID](CDLootMatrix entry) { return (entry.LootMatrixIndex == lootMatrixID); });
// Now, loop through each entry
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lootMatrix.size(); ++i) {
// Now, determine whether or not we should drop this
float chanceToDrop = 1.0 - lootMatrix[i].percent;
float shouldDrop = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1);
const auto rarityTableIndex = lootMatrix[i].RarityTableIndex;
std::vector<CDRarityTable> rarityTable = rarityTableTable->Query([rarityTableIndex](CDRarityTable entry) { return (entry.RarityTableIndex == rarityTableIndex); });
std::sort(rarityTable.begin(), rarityTable.end());
if (shouldDrop < chanceToDrop) {
// We are not able to drop this item, so continue
// If we reached here, we are able to drop the item
uint32_t minToDrop = lootMatrix[i].minToDrop;
uint32_t maxToDrop = lootMatrix[i].maxToDrop;
// Now determine the number we will drop of items from this table
uint32_t numToDrop = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<uint32_t>(minToDrop, maxToDrop);
// Now, query the loot matrix index
const auto lootTableIndex = lootMatrix[i].LootTableIndex;
std::vector<CDLootTable> lootTable = lootTableTable->Query([lootTableIndex](CDLootTable entry) { return (entry.LootTableIndex == lootTableIndex); });
// Now randomize these entries
if (lootTable.size() > 1) {
std::shuffle(std::begin(lootTable), std::end(lootTable), Game::randomEngine);
uint32_t addedItems = 0;
if (lootTable.empty()) continue;
while (addedItems < numToDrop) {
float rarityRoll = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1);
// im sorry
uint32_t highestRarity = 1; // LOOT_COMMON
float highestRandMax = 0.0f;
for (const auto& rarity : rarityTable) {
if (rarityRoll > rarity.randmax && rarity.randmax > highestRandMax) {
highestRandMax = rarity.randmax;
highestRarity = rarity.rarity + 1;
std::vector<CDLootTable> refinedLoot;
if (lootTable.size() == 1)
refinedLoot = lootTable;
refinedLoot = GetLootOfRarity(lootTable, highestRarity);
bool continueLoop = false;
while (refinedLoot.empty())
if (highestRarity == 1)
continueLoop = true;
highestRarity -= 1;
refinedLoot = GetLootOfRarity(lootTable, highestRarity);
if (!refinedLoot.empty())
if (continueLoop) continue;
int randomTable = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(0, refinedLoot.size() - 1);
const auto& selectedTable = refinedLoot[randomTable];
uint32_t itemLOT = selectedTable.itemid;
bool isMissionItem = selectedTable.MissionDrop;
if (isMissionItem && missionComponent != nullptr)
// TODO: this executes a query in a hot path, might be worth refactoring away
if (!missionComponent->RequiresItem(itemLOT))
if (lootTable.size() > numToDrop)
for (size_t i = 0; i < lootTable.size(); i++)
if (lootTable[i].id == selectedTable.id)
lootTable.erase(lootTable.begin() + i);
const auto& it = result.find(itemLOT);
if (it != result.end()) {
else {
result.emplace(itemLOT, 1);
int32_t tokenCount = 0;
const auto& tokens = result.find(13763);
if (tokens != result.end()) {
tokenCount = tokens->second;
if (tokenCount == 0 || user == nullptr) {
if (missionComponent == nullptr) {
LOT tokenId = -1;
if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(545) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) // "Join Assembly!"
tokenId = 8318; // "Assembly Token"
if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(556) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) // "Join Venture League!"
tokenId = 8321; // "Venture League Token"
if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(567) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) // "Join The Sentinels!"
tokenId = 8319; // "Sentinels Token"
if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(578) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) // "Join Paradox!"
tokenId = 8320; // "Paradox Token"
if (tokenId != -1)
result.emplace(tokenId, tokenCount);
void Loot::DropItem(Entity* user, Entity* sourceObject, LOT item, int32_t currency, int32_t count, bool useTeam, bool freeForAll)
if (sourceObject == nullptr)
const auto sourceID = sourceObject->GetObjectID();
const auto sourcePosition = sourceObject->GetPosition();
// If useTeam, drop the item once for each team member.
auto* team = TeamManager::Instance()->GetTeam(user->GetObjectID());
if (team != nullptr && useTeam)
for (const auto& memberID : team->members)
// Get the team member from its ID.
auto* member = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(memberID);
if (member == nullptr)
// Drop the item.
GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(member, sourceID, item, currency, sourcePosition, count);
GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(user, sourceID, item, currency, sourcePosition, count);