mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
refactor: allow usage of NiPoint3 and NiQuaternion in constexpr context (#1414)
* allow usage of NiPoint3 and NiQuaternion in constexpr context * removed .cpp files entirely * moving circular dependency circumvention stuff to an .inl file * real world usage!!!!! * reverting weird branch cross-pollination * removing more weird branch cross-pollination * remove comment * added inverse header guard to inl file * Update NiPoint3.inl * trying different constructor syntax * reorganize into .inl files for readability * uncomment include * moved non-constexpr definitions to cpp file * moved static definitions back to inl files * testing fix * moved constants into seperate namespace * Undo change in build-and-test.yml * nodiscard
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,210 +1,24 @@
#include "NiPoint3.h"
#include "NiQuaternion.h"
// C++
#include <cmath>
// Static Variables
const NiPoint3 NiPoint3::ZERO(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const NiPoint3 NiPoint3::UNIT_X(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const NiPoint3 NiPoint3::UNIT_Y(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
const NiPoint3 NiPoint3::UNIT_Z(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const NiPoint3 NiPoint3::UNIT_ALL(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
//! Initializer
NiPoint3::NiPoint3(void) {
this->x = 0;
this->y = 0;
this->z = 0;
//! Initializer
NiPoint3::NiPoint3(float x, float y, float z) {
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->z = z;
//! Copy Constructor
NiPoint3::NiPoint3(const NiPoint3& point) {
this->x = point.x;
this->y = point.y;
this->z = point.z;
//! Destructor
NiPoint3::~NiPoint3(void) {}
// MARK: Getters / Setters
//! Gets the X coordinate
float NiPoint3::GetX(void) const {
return this->x;
//! Sets the X coordinate
void NiPoint3::SetX(float x) {
this->x = x;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
float NiPoint3::GetY(void) const {
return this->y;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
void NiPoint3::SetY(float y) {
this->y = y;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
float NiPoint3::GetZ(void) const {
return this->z;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
void NiPoint3::SetZ(float z) {
this->z = z;
// MARK: Functions
// MARK: Member Functions
//! Gets the length of the vector
float NiPoint3::Length(void) const {
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
//! Gets the squared length of a vector
float NiPoint3::SquaredLength(void) const {
return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
//! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector
float NiPoint3::DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const {
return ((this->x * vec.x) + (this->y * vec.y) + (this->z * vec.z));
//! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector
Vector3 NiPoint3::CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const {
return Vector3(((this->y * vec.z) - (this->z * vec.y)),
((this->z * vec.x) - (this->x * vec.z)),
((this->x * vec.y) - (this->y * vec.x)));
float NiPoint3::Length() const {
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
//! Unitize the vector
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::Unitize(void) const {
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::Unitize() const {
float length = this->Length();
return length != 0 ? *this / length : NiPoint3::ZERO;
return length != 0 ? *this / length : NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
bool NiPoint3::operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const {
return point.x == this->x && point.y == this->y && point.z == this->z;
//! Operator to check for inequality
bool NiPoint3::operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const {
return !(*this == point);
//! Operator for subscripting
float& NiPoint3::operator[](int i) {
float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for subscripting
const float& NiPoint3::operator[](int i) const {
const float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for addition of vectors
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const {
return NiPoint3(this->x + point.x, this->y + point.y, this->z + point.z);
//! Operator for addition of vectors
NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator+=(const NiPoint3& point) {
this->x += point.x;
this->y += point.y;
this->z += point.z;
return *this;
NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator*=(const float scalar) {
this->x *= scalar;
this->y *= scalar;
this->z *= scalar;
return *this;
//! Operator for subtraction of vectors
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const {
return NiPoint3(this->x - point.x, this->y - point.y, this->z - point.z);
//! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(float fScalar) const {
return NiPoint3(this->x + fScalar, this->y + fScalar, this->z + fScalar);
//! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(float fScalar) const {
return NiPoint3(this->x - fScalar, this->y - fScalar, this->z - fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator*(float fScalar) const {
return NiPoint3(this->x * fScalar, this->y * fScalar, this->z * fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar division of a vector
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator/(float fScalar) const {
float retX = this->x != 0 ? this->x / fScalar : 0;
float retY = this->y != 0 ? this->y / fScalar : 0;
float retZ = this->z != 0 ? this->z / fScalar : 0;
return NiPoint3(retX, retY, retZ);
// MARK: Helper Functions
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
bool NiPoint3::IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint) {
if (this->x < minPoint.x) return false;
if (this->x > maxPoint.x) return false;
if (this->y < minPoint.y) return false;
if (this->y > maxPoint.y) return false;
return (this->z < maxPoint.z && this->z > minPoint.z);
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere
bool NiPoint3::IsWithinSpehere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, float radius) {
Vector3 diffVec = Vector3(x - sphereCenter.GetX(), y - sphereCenter.GetY(), z - sphereCenter.GetZ());
return (diffVec.SquaredLength() <= (radius * radius));
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p) {
if (a == b) return a;
const auto pa = p - a;
const auto ab = b - a;
const auto t = pa.DotProduct(ab) / ab.SquaredLength();
if (t <= 0.0f) return a;
if (t >= 1.0f) return b;
return a + ab * t;
float NiPoint3::Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) {
const auto dot = a.DotProduct(b);
const auto lenA = a.SquaredLength();
@ -220,15 +34,7 @@ float NiPoint3::Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) {
return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
float NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) {
const auto dx = a.x - b.x;
const auto dy = a.y - b.y;
const auto dz = a.z - b.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, float maxDistanceDelta) {
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, const float maxDistanceDelta) {
float dx = target.x - current.x;
float dy = target.y - current.y;
float dz = target.z - current.z;
@ -249,29 +55,3 @@ NiPoint3 NiPoint3::MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target,
float length = std::sqrt(lengthSquared);
return NiPoint3(current.x + dx / length * maxDistanceDelta, current.y + dy / length * maxDistanceDelta, current.z + dz / length * maxDistanceDelta);
//This code is yoinked from the MS XNA code, so it should be right, even if it's horrible.
NiPoint3 NiPoint3::RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation) {
Vector3 vector;
float num12 = rotation.x + rotation.x;
float num2 = rotation.y + rotation.y;
float num = rotation.z + rotation.z;
float num11 = rotation.w * num12;
float num10 = rotation.w * num2;
float num9 = rotation.w * num;
float num8 = rotation.x * num12;
float num7 = rotation.x * num2;
float num6 = rotation.x * num;
float num5 = rotation.y * num2;
float num4 = rotation.y * num;
float num3 = rotation.z * num;
NiPoint3 value = *this;
float num15 = ((value.x * ((1.0f - num5) - num3)) + (value.y * (num7 - num9))) + (value.z * (num6 + num10));
float num14 = ((value.x * (num7 + num9)) + (value.y * ((1.0f - num8) - num3))) + (value.z * (num4 - num11));
float num13 = ((value.x * (num6 - num10)) + (value.y * (num4 + num11))) + (value.z * ((1.0f - num8) - num5));
vector.x = num15;
vector.y = num14;
vector.z = num13;
return vector;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#ifndef __NIPOINT3_H__
#define __NIPOINT3_H__
\file NiPoint3.hpp
@ -12,13 +13,13 @@ typedef NiPoint3 Vector3; //!< The Vector3 class is technically the NiPoin
//! A custom class the defines a point in space
class NiPoint3 {
float x; //!< The x position
float y; //!< The y position
float z; //!< The z position
float x{ 0 }; //!< The x position
float y{ 0 }; //!< The y position
float z{ 0 }; //!< The z position
//! Initializer
constexpr NiPoint3() = default;
//! Initializer
@ -26,23 +27,21 @@ public:
\param y The y coordinate
\param z The z coordinate
NiPoint3(float x, float y, float z);
constexpr NiPoint3(const float x, const float y, const float z) noexcept
: x{ x }
, y{ y }
, z{ z } {
//! Copy Constructor
\param point The point to copy
NiPoint3(const NiPoint3& point);
//! Destructor
// MARK: Constants
static const NiPoint3 ZERO; //!< Point(0, 0, 0)
static const NiPoint3 UNIT_X; //!< Point(1, 0, 0)
static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Y; //!< Point(0, 1, 0)
static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Z; //!< Point(0, 0, 1)
static const NiPoint3 UNIT_ALL; //!< Point(1, 1, 1)
constexpr NiPoint3(const NiPoint3& point) noexcept
: x{ point.x }
, y{ point.y }
, z{ point.z } {
// MARK: Getters / Setters
@ -50,38 +49,37 @@ public:
\return The x coordinate
float GetX(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetX() const noexcept;
//! Sets the X coordinate
\param x The x coordinate
void SetX(float x);
constexpr void SetX(const float x) noexcept;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
\return The y coordinate
float GetY(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetY() const noexcept;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
\param y The y coordinate
void SetY(float y);
constexpr void SetY(const float y) noexcept;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
\return The z coordinate
float GetZ(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetZ() const noexcept;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
\param z The z coordinate
void SetZ(float z);
constexpr void SetZ(const float z) noexcept;
// MARK: Member Functions
@ -89,72 +87,70 @@ public:
\return The scalar length of the vector
float Length(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] float Length() const;
//! Gets the squared length of a vector
\return The squared length of a vector
float SquaredLength(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float SquaredLength() const noexcept;
//! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector
\param vec The second vector
\return The dot product of the two vectors
float DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept;
//! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector
\param vec The second vector
\return The cross product of the two vectors
Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept;
//! Unitize the vector
\returns The current vector
NiPoint3 Unitize(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] NiPoint3 Unitize() const;
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
bool operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const;
constexpr bool operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept;
//! Operator to check for inequality
bool operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const;
constexpr bool operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept;
//! Operator for subscripting
float& operator[](int i);
constexpr float& operator[](const int i) noexcept;
//! Operator for subscripting
const float& operator[](int i) const;
constexpr const float& operator[](const int i) const noexcept;
//! Operator for addition of vectors
NiPoint3 operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept;
//! Operator for addition of vectors
NiPoint3& operator+=(const NiPoint3& point);
constexpr NiPoint3& operator+=(const NiPoint3& point) noexcept;
NiPoint3& operator*=(const float scalar);
constexpr NiPoint3& operator*=(const float scalar) noexcept;
//! Operator for subtraction of vectors
NiPoint3 operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept;
//! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components
NiPoint3 operator+(float fScalar) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator+(const float fScalar) const noexcept;
//! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components
NiPoint3 operator-(float fScalar) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator-(const float fScalar) const noexcept;
//! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector
NiPoint3 operator*(float fScalar) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator*(const float fScalar) const noexcept;
//! Operator for scalar division of a vector
NiPoint3 operator/(float fScalar) const;
constexpr NiPoint3 operator/(const float fScalar) const noexcept;
// MARK: Helper Functions
@ -164,14 +160,14 @@ public:
\param maxPoint The maximum point of the bounding box
\return Whether or not this point lies within the box
bool IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint) noexcept;
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere
\param sphereCenter The sphere center
\param radius The radius
bool IsWithinSpehere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, float radius);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsWithinSphere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, const float radius) noexcept;
\param a Start of line
@ -179,15 +175,30 @@ public:
\param p Refrence point
\return The point of line AB which is closest to P
static NiPoint3 ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr NiPoint3 ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p) noexcept;
static float Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);
[[nodiscard]] static float Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);
static float Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);
[[nodiscard]] static float Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);
static float DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr float DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) noexcept;
static NiPoint3 MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, float maxDistanceDelta);
[[nodiscard]] static NiPoint3 MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, const float maxDistanceDelta);
NiPoint3 RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation);
//This code is yoinked from the MS XNA code, so it should be right, even if it's horrible.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr NiPoint3 RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation) noexcept;
// Static Variables
namespace NiPoint3Constant {
constexpr NiPoint3 ZERO(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
constexpr NiPoint3 UNIT_X(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
constexpr NiPoint3 UNIT_Y(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
constexpr NiPoint3 UNIT_Z(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
constexpr NiPoint3 UNIT_ALL(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// .inl file needed for code organization and to circumvent circular dependency issues
#include "NiPoint3.inl"
#endif // !__NIPOINT3_H__
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
#pragma once
#ifndef __NIPOINT3_H__
#error "This should only be included inline in NiPoint3.h: Do not include directly!"
#include "NiQuaternion.h"
// MARK: Getters / Setters
//! Gets the X coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetX() const noexcept {
return this->x;
//! Sets the X coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetX(const float x) noexcept {
this->x = x;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetY() const noexcept {
return this->y;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetY(const float y) noexcept {
this->y = y;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetZ() const noexcept {
return this->z;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetZ(const float z) noexcept {
this->z = z;
// MARK: Member Functions
//! Gets the squared length of a vector
constexpr float NiPoint3::SquaredLength() const noexcept {
return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
//! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector
constexpr float NiPoint3::DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept {
return ((this->x * vec.x) + (this->y * vec.y) + (this->z * vec.z));
//! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector
constexpr Vector3 NiPoint3::CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept {
return Vector3(((this->y * vec.z) - (this->z * vec.y)),
((this->z * vec.x) - (this->x * vec.z)),
((this->x * vec.y) - (this->y * vec.x)));
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
constexpr bool NiPoint3::operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return point.x == this->x && point.y == this->y && point.z == this->z;
//! Operator to check for inequality
constexpr bool NiPoint3::operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return !(*this == point);
//! Operator for subscripting
constexpr float& NiPoint3::operator[](const int i) noexcept {
float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for subscripting
constexpr const float& NiPoint3::operator[](const int i) const noexcept {
const float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for addition of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x + point.x, this->y + point.y, this->z + point.z);
//! Operator for addition of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator+=(const NiPoint3& point) noexcept {
this->x += point.x;
this->y += point.y;
this->z += point.z;
return *this;
constexpr NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator*=(const float scalar) noexcept {
this->x *= scalar;
this->y *= scalar;
this->z *= scalar;
return *this;
//! Operator for subtraction of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x - point.x, this->y - point.y, this->z - point.z);
//! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x + fScalar, this->y + fScalar, this->z + fScalar);
//! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x - fScalar, this->y - fScalar, this->z - fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator*(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x * fScalar, this->y * fScalar, this->z * fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar division of a vector
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator/(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
float retX = this->x != 0 ? this->x / fScalar : 0;
float retY = this->y != 0 ? this->y / fScalar : 0;
float retZ = this->z != 0 ? this->z / fScalar : 0;
return NiPoint3(retX, retY, retZ);
// MARK: Helper Functions
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
constexpr bool NiPoint3::IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint) noexcept {
if (this->x < minPoint.x) return false;
if (this->x > maxPoint.x) return false;
if (this->y < minPoint.y) return false;
if (this->y > maxPoint.y) return false;
return (this->z < maxPoint.z && this->z > minPoint.z);
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere
constexpr bool NiPoint3::IsWithinSphere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, const float radius) noexcept {
Vector3 diffVec = Vector3(x - sphereCenter.GetX(), y - sphereCenter.GetY(), z - sphereCenter.GetZ());
return (diffVec.SquaredLength() <= (radius * radius));
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p) noexcept {
if (a == b) return a;
const auto pa = p - a;
const auto ab = b - a;
const auto t = pa.DotProduct(ab) / ab.SquaredLength();
if (t <= 0.0f) return a;
if (t >= 1.0f) return b;
return a + ab * t;
constexpr float NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) noexcept {
const auto dx = a.x - b.x;
const auto dy = a.y - b.y;
const auto dz = a.z - b.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
//This code is yoinked from the MS XNA code, so it should be right, even if it's horrible.
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation) noexcept {
Vector3 vector;
float num12 = rotation.x + rotation.x;
float num2 = rotation.y + rotation.y;
float num = rotation.z + rotation.z;
float num11 = rotation.w * num12;
float num10 = rotation.w * num2;
float num9 = rotation.w * num;
float num8 = rotation.x * num12;
float num7 = rotation.x * num2;
float num6 = rotation.x * num;
float num5 = rotation.y * num2;
float num4 = rotation.y * num;
float num3 = rotation.z * num;
NiPoint3 value = *this;
float num15 = ((value.x * ((1.0f - num5) - num3)) + (value.y * (num7 - num9))) + (value.z * (num6 + num10));
float num14 = ((value.x * (num7 + num9)) + (value.y * ((1.0f - num8) - num3))) + (value.z * (num4 - num11));
float num13 = ((value.x * (num6 - num10)) + (value.y * (num4 + num11))) + (value.z * ((1.0f - num8) - num5));
vector.x = num15;
vector.y = num14;
vector.z = num13;
return vector;
@ -3,89 +3,8 @@
// C++
#include <cmath>
// Static Variables
const NiQuaternion NiQuaternion::IDENTITY(1, 0, 0, 0);
//! The initializer
NiQuaternion::NiQuaternion(void) {
this->w = 1;
this->x = 0;
this->y = 0;
this->z = 0;
//! The initializer
NiQuaternion::NiQuaternion(float w, float x, float y, float z) {
this->w = w;
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->z = z;
//! Destructor
NiQuaternion::~NiQuaternion(void) {}
// MARK: Setters / Getters
//! Gets the W coordinate
float NiQuaternion::GetW(void) const {
return this->w;
//! Sets the W coordinate
void NiQuaternion::SetW(float w) {
this->w = w;
//! Gets the X coordinate
float NiQuaternion::GetX(void) const {
return this->x;
//! Sets the X coordinate
void NiQuaternion::SetX(float x) {
this->x = x;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
float NiQuaternion::GetY(void) const {
return this->y;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
void NiQuaternion::SetY(float y) {
this->y = y;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
float NiQuaternion::GetZ(void) const {
return this->z;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
void NiQuaternion::SetZ(float z) {
this->z = z;
// MARK: Member Functions
//! Returns the forward vector from the quaternion
Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetForwardVector(void) const {
return Vector3(2 * (x * z + w * y), 2 * (y * z - w * x), 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y));
//! Returns the up vector from the quaternion
Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetUpVector(void) const {
return Vector3(2 * (x * y - w * z), 1 - 2 * (x * x + z * z), 2 * (y * z + w * x));
//! Returns the right vector from the quaternion
Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetRightVector(void) const {
return Vector3(1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z), 2 * (x * y + w * z), 2 * (x * z - w * y));
Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetEulerAngles() const {
Vector3 angles;
@ -111,22 +30,9 @@ Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetEulerAngles() const {
return angles;
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
bool NiQuaternion::operator==(const NiQuaternion& rot) const {
return rot.x == this->x && rot.y == this->y && rot.z == this->z && rot.w == this->w;
//! Operator to check for inequality
bool NiQuaternion::operator!=(const NiQuaternion& rot) const {
return !(*this == rot);
// MARK: Helper Functions
//! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space
//! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space (Y-locked)
NiQuaternion NiQuaternion::LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint) {
//To make sure we don't orient around the X/Z axis:
NiPoint3 source = sourcePoint;
@ -136,7 +42,7 @@ NiQuaternion NiQuaternion::LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& d
NiPoint3 forwardVector = NiPoint3(dest - source).Unitize();
NiPoint3 posZ = NiPoint3::UNIT_Z;
NiPoint3 posZ = NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_Z;
NiPoint3 vecA = posZ.CrossProduct(forwardVector).Unitize();
float dot = posZ.DotProduct(forwardVector);
@ -148,10 +54,11 @@ NiQuaternion NiQuaternion::LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& d
return NiQuaternion::CreateFromAxisAngle(vecA, rotAngle);
//! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space
NiQuaternion NiQuaternion::LookAtUnlocked(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint) {
NiPoint3 forwardVector = NiPoint3(destPoint - sourcePoint).Unitize();
NiPoint3 posZ = NiPoint3::UNIT_Z;
NiPoint3 posZ = NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_Z;
NiPoint3 vecA = posZ.CrossProduct(forwardVector).Unitize();
float dot = posZ.DotProduct(forwardVector);
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#ifndef __NIQUATERNION_H__
#define __NIQUATERNION_H__
// Custom Classes
#include "NiPoint3.h"
@ -14,14 +15,14 @@ typedef NiQuaternion Quaternion; //!< A typedef for a shorthand version o
//! A class that defines a rotation in space
class NiQuaternion {
float w; //!< The w coordinate
float x; //!< The x coordinate
float y; //!< The y coordinate
float z; //!< The z coordinate
float w{ 1 }; //!< The w coordinate
float x{ 0 }; //!< The x coordinate
float y{ 0 }; //!< The y coordinate
float z{ 0 }; //!< The z coordinate
//! The initializer
constexpr NiQuaternion() = default;
//! The initializer
@ -30,13 +31,12 @@ public:
\param y The y coordinate
\param z The z coordinate
NiQuaternion(float w, float x, float y, float z);
//! Destructor
// MARK: Constants
static const NiQuaternion IDENTITY; //!< Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
constexpr NiQuaternion(const float w, const float x, const float y, const float z) noexcept
: w{ w }
, x{ x }
, y{ y }
, z{ z } {
// MARK: Setters / Getters
@ -44,50 +44,49 @@ public:
\return The w coordinate
float GetW(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetW() const noexcept;
//! Sets the W coordinate
\param w The w coordinate
void SetW(float w);
constexpr void SetW(const float w) noexcept;
//! Gets the X coordinate
\return The x coordinate
float GetX(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetX() const noexcept;
//! Sets the X coordinate
\param x The x coordinate
void SetX(float x);
constexpr void SetX(const float x) noexcept;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
\return The y coordinate
float GetY(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetY() const noexcept;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
\param y The y coordinate
void SetY(float y);
constexpr void SetY(const float y) noexcept;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
\return The z coordinate
float GetZ(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr float GetZ() const noexcept;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
\param z The z coordinate
void SetZ(float z);
constexpr void SetZ(const float z) noexcept;
// MARK: Member Functions
@ -95,31 +94,29 @@ public:
\return The forward vector of the quaternion
Vector3 GetForwardVector(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Vector3 GetForwardVector() const noexcept;
//! Returns the up vector from the quaternion
\return The up vector fo the quaternion
Vector3 GetUpVector(void) const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Vector3 GetUpVector() const noexcept;
//! Returns the right vector from the quaternion
\return The right vector of the quaternion
Vector3 GetRightVector(void) const;
Vector3 GetEulerAngles() const;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Vector3 GetRightVector() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] Vector3 GetEulerAngles() const;
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
bool operator==(const NiQuaternion& rot) const;
constexpr bool operator==(const NiQuaternion& rot) const noexcept;
//! Operator to check for inequality
bool operator!=(const NiQuaternion& rot) const;
constexpr bool operator!=(const NiQuaternion& rot) const noexcept;
// MARK: Helper Functions
@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ public:
\param destPoint The destination location
\return The Quaternion with the rotation towards the destination
static NiQuaternion LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
[[nodiscard]] static NiQuaternion LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
//! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space
@ -137,7 +134,7 @@ public:
\param destPoint The destination location
\return The Quaternion with the rotation towards the destination
static NiQuaternion LookAtUnlocked(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
[[nodiscard]] static NiQuaternion LookAtUnlocked(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
//! Creates a Quaternion from a specific axis and angle relative to that axis
@ -145,7 +142,17 @@ public:
\param angle The angle relative to this axis
\return A quaternion created from the axis and angle
static NiQuaternion CreateFromAxisAngle(const Vector3& axis, float angle);
[[nodiscard]] static NiQuaternion CreateFromAxisAngle(const Vector3& axis, float angle);
static NiQuaternion FromEulerAngles(const NiPoint3& eulerAngles);
[[nodiscard]] static NiQuaternion FromEulerAngles(const NiPoint3& eulerAngles);
// Static Variables
namespace NiQuaternionConstant {
constexpr NiQuaternion IDENTITY(1, 0, 0, 0);
// Include constexpr and inline function definitions in a seperate file for readability
#include "NiQuaternion.inl"
#endif // !__NIQUATERNION_H__
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#pragma once
#ifndef __NIQUATERNION_H__
#error "This should only be included inline in NiQuaternion.h: Do not include directly!"
// MARK: Setters / Getters
//! Gets the W coordinate
constexpr float NiQuaternion::GetW() const noexcept {
return this->w;
//! Sets the W coordinate
constexpr void NiQuaternion::SetW(const float w) noexcept {
this->w = w;
//! Gets the X coordinate
constexpr float NiQuaternion::GetX() const noexcept {
return this->x;
//! Sets the X coordinate
constexpr void NiQuaternion::SetX(const float x) noexcept {
this->x = x;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
constexpr float NiQuaternion::GetY() const noexcept {
return this->y;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
constexpr void NiQuaternion::SetY(const float y) noexcept {
this->y = y;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
constexpr float NiQuaternion::GetZ() const noexcept {
return this->z;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
constexpr void NiQuaternion::SetZ(const float z) noexcept {
this->z = z;
// MARK: Member Functions
//! Returns the forward vector from the quaternion
constexpr Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetForwardVector() const noexcept {
return Vector3(2 * (x * z + w * y), 2 * (y * z - w * x), 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y));
//! Returns the up vector from the quaternion
constexpr Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetUpVector() const noexcept {
return Vector3(2 * (x * y - w * z), 1 - 2 * (x * x + z * z), 2 * (y * z + w * x));
//! Returns the right vector from the quaternion
constexpr Vector3 NiQuaternion::GetRightVector() const noexcept {
return Vector3(1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z), 2 * (x * y + w * z), 2 * (x * z - w * y));
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
constexpr bool NiQuaternion::operator==(const NiQuaternion& rot) const noexcept {
return rot.x == this->x && rot.y == this->y && rot.z == this->z && rot.w == this->w;
//! Operator to check for inequality
constexpr bool NiQuaternion::operator!=(const NiQuaternion& rot) const noexcept {
return !(*this == rot);
@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ struct RemoteInputInfo {
struct LocalSpaceInfo {
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 linearVelocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiPoint3 linearVelocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
struct PositionUpdate {
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
bool onGround = false;
bool onRail = false;
NiPoint3 velocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 angularVelocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 velocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiPoint3 angularVelocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
LocalSpaceInfo localSpaceInfo;
RemoteInputInfo remoteInputInfo;
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ void Character::LoadXmlRespawnCheckpoints() {
auto* r = points->FirstChildElement("r");
while (r != nullptr) {
int32_t map = 0;
NiPoint3 point = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 point = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
r->QueryAttribute("w", &map);
r->QueryAttribute("x", &point.x);
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ void Character::SetRespawnPoint(LWOMAPID map, const NiPoint3& point) {
const NiPoint3& Character::GetRespawnPoint(LWOMAPID map) const {
const auto& pair = m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.find(map);
if (pair == m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.end()) return NiPoint3::ZERO;
if (pair == m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.end()) return NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
return pair->second;
@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ const NiPoint3& Entity::GetPosition() const {
return vehicel->GetPosition();
return NiPoint3::ZERO;
return NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
const NiQuaternion& Entity::GetRotation() const {
@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ const NiQuaternion& Entity::GetRotation() const {
return vehicel->GetRotation();
return NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
return NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
void Entity::SetPosition(const NiPoint3& position) {
@ -2086,9 +2086,9 @@ void Entity::ProcessPositionUpdate(PositionUpdate& update) {
havokVehiclePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
havokVehiclePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
havokVehiclePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
havokVehiclePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
} else {
// Need to get the mount's controllable physics
@ -2099,17 +2099,17 @@ void Entity::ProcessPositionUpdate(PositionUpdate& update) {
possessedControllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
possessedControllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
possessedControllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
possessedControllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (!updateChar) {
update.velocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
update.angularVelocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
update.velocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
update.angularVelocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
// Handle statistics
@ -2123,9 +2123,9 @@ void Entity::ProcessPositionUpdate(PositionUpdate& update) {
controllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
controllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyVelocity(update.velocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
controllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3::ZERO);
controllablePhysicsComponent->SetDirtyAngularVelocity(update.angularVelocity != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
auto* ghostComponent = GetComponent<GhostComponent>();
if (ghostComponent) ghostComponent->SetGhostReferencePoint(update.position);
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ public:
void TriggerEvent(eTriggerEventType event, Entity* optionalTarget = nullptr);
void ScheduleDestructionAfterUpdate() { m_ShouldDestroyAfterUpdate = true; }
virtual const NiPoint3& GetRespawnPosition() const { return NiPoint3::ZERO; }
virtual const NiQuaternion& GetRespawnRotation() const { return NiQuaternion::IDENTITY; }
virtual const NiPoint3& GetRespawnPosition() const { return NiPoint3Constant::ZERO; }
virtual const NiQuaternion& GetRespawnRotation() const { return NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY; }
void Sleep();
void Wake();
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ void ProjectileAttackBehavior::Handle(BehaviorContext* context, RakNet::BitStrea
if (m_useMouseposit && !branch.isSync) {
NiPoint3 targetPosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 targetPosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
if (!bitStream->Read(targetPosition)) {
LOG("Unable to read targetPosition from bitStream, aborting Handle! %i", bitStream->GetNumberOfUnreadBits());
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void BaseCombatAIComponent::Update(const float deltaTime) {
bool stunnedThisFrame = m_Stunned;
CalculateCombat(deltaTime); // Putting this here for now
if (m_StartPosition == NiPoint3::ZERO) {
if (m_StartPosition == NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
m_StartPosition = m_Parent->GetPosition();
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void BuildBorderComponent::OnUse(Entity* originator) {
} else {
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "GhostComponent.h"
GhostComponent::GhostComponent(Entity* parent) : Component(parent) {
m_GhostReferencePoint = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_GhostOverridePoint = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_GhostReferencePoint = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_GhostOverridePoint = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_GhostOverride = false;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "EntityManager.h"
HavokVehiclePhysicsComponent::HavokVehiclePhysicsComponent(Entity* parent) : PhysicsComponent(parent) {
m_Velocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_AngularVelocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_Velocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_AngularVelocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_IsOnGround = true;
m_IsOnRail = false;
m_DirtyPosition = true;
@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ void InventoryComponent::SpawnPet(Item* item) {
EntityInfo info{};
info.lot = item->GetLot();
info.pos = m_Parent->GetPosition();
info.rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
info.rot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
info.spawnerID = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
auto* pet = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ MovementAIComponent::MovementAIComponent(Entity* parent, MovementAIInfo info) :
m_NextWaypoint = m_Parent->GetPosition();
m_Acceleration = 0.4f;
m_PullingToPoint = false;
m_PullPoint = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_PullPoint = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_HaltDistance = 0;
m_TimeToTravel = 0;
m_TimeTravelled = 0;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void MovementAIComponent::Update(const float deltaTime) {
NiPoint3 velocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 velocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
if (m_Acceleration > 0 && m_BaseSpeed > 0 && AdvanceWaypointIndex()) // Do we have another waypoint to seek?
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void MovementAIComponent::Stop() {
m_TimeToTravel = 0;
m_TimeTravelled = 0;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ PetComponent::PetComponent(Entity* parentEntity, uint32_t componentId) : Compone
m_DatabaseId = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
m_Status = 67108866; // Tamable
m_Ability = ePetAbilityType::Invalid;
m_StartPosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_StartPosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_MovementAI = nullptr;
m_TresureTime = 0;
m_Preconditions = nullptr;
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ void PetComponent::OnUse(Entity* originator) {
void PetComponent::Update(float deltaTime) {
if (m_StartPosition == NiPoint3::ZERO) {
if (m_StartPosition == NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
m_StartPosition = m_Parent->GetPosition();
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ void PetComponent::Update(float deltaTime) {
if (distance < 5 * 5) {
m_Interaction = closestTresure->GetObjectID();
Command(NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1, 202, true);
Command(NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1, 202, true);
m_TresureTime = 2;
} else if (distance < 10 * 10) {
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ void PetComponent::NotifyTamingBuildSuccess(NiPoint3 position) {
EntityInfo info{};
info.lot = cached->second.puzzleModelLot;
info.pos = position;
info.rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
info.rot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
info.spawnerID = tamer->GetObjectID();
auto* modelEntity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info);
@ -591,9 +591,9 @@ void PetComponent::NotifyTamingBuildSuccess(NiPoint3 position) {
@ -671,9 +671,9 @@ void PetComponent::RequestSetPetName(std::u16string name) {
@ -712,9 +712,9 @@ void PetComponent::ClientExitTamingMinigame(bool voluntaryExit) {
@ -763,9 +763,9 @@ void PetComponent::ClientFailTamingMinigame() {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ PhantomPhysicsComponent::PhantomPhysicsComponent(Entity* parent) : PhysicsCompon
} else if (info->physicsAsset == "miscellaneous\\misc_phys_640x640.hkx") {
// Move this down by 13.521004 units so it is still effectively at the same height as before
m_Position = m_Position - NiPoint3::UNIT_Y * 13.521004f;
m_Position = m_Position - NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_Y * 13.521004f;
// TODO Fix physics simulation to do simulation at high velocities due to bullet through paper problem...
m_dpEntity = new dpEntity(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), 1638.4f, 13.521004f * 2.0f, 1638.4f);
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "PhysicsComponent.h"
PhysicsComponent::PhysicsComponent(Entity* parent) : Component(parent) {
m_Position = NiPoint3::ZERO;
m_Rotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
m_Position = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
m_Rotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
m_DirtyPosition = false;
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdateModelPosition(const LWOOBJID id, const N
const auto modelLOT = item->GetLot();
if (rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
if (rotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) {
rotation = { rotation.w, rotation.z, rotation.y, rotation.x };
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ void PropertyManagementComponent::DeleteModel(const LWOOBJID id, const int delet
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ void PropertyManagementComponent::DeleteModel(const LWOOBJID id, const int delet
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ void QuickBuildComponent::OnUse(Entity* originator) {
void QuickBuildComponent::SpawnActivator() {
if (!m_SelfActivator || m_ActivatorPosition != NiPoint3::ZERO) {
if (!m_SelfActivator || m_ActivatorPosition != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
if (!m_Activator) {
EntityInfo info;
info.lot = 6604;
info.spawnerID = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
info.pos = m_ActivatorPosition == NiPoint3::ZERO ? m_Parent->GetPosition() : m_ActivatorPosition;
info.pos = m_ActivatorPosition == NiPoint3Constant::ZERO ? m_Parent->GetPosition() : m_ActivatorPosition;
m_Activator = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info, nullptr, m_Parent);
if (m_Activator) {
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ private:
* The position that the quickbuild activator is spawned at
NiPoint3 m_ActivatorPosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 m_ActivatorPosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
* The entity that represents the quickbuild activator
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ void RacingControlComponent::LoadPlayerVehicle(Entity* player,
auto spawnPointEntities = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByLOT(4843);
auto startPosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
auto startRotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
auto startPosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
auto startRotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
const std::string placementAsString = std::to_string(positionNumber);
for (auto entity : spawnPointEntities) {
if (!entity) continue;
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ void RacingControlComponent::Update(float deltaTime) {
// Some offset up to make they don't fall through the terrain on a
// respawn, seems to fix itself to the track anyhow
player.respawnPosition = position + NiPoint3::UNIT_Y * 5;
player.respawnPosition = position + NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_Y * 5;
player.respawnRotation = vehicle->GetRotation();
player.respawnIndex = respawnIndex;
@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ private:
* The current velocity of the entity
NiPoint3 m_Velocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 m_Velocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
* The current angular velocity of the entity
NiPoint3 m_AngularVelocity = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 m_AngularVelocity = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
* Whether or not the velocity has changed
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void TriggerComponent::HandleMoveObject(Entity* targetEntity, std::vector<std::s
if (argArray.size() <= 2) return;
auto position = targetEntity->GetPosition();
NiPoint3 offset = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 offset = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
GeneralUtils::TryParse(argArray.at(0), argArray.at(1), argArray.at(2), offset);
position += offset;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void TriggerComponent::HandleMoveObject(Entity* targetEntity, std::vector<std::s
void TriggerComponent::HandleRotateObject(Entity* targetEntity, std::vector<std::string> argArray){
if (argArray.size() <= 2) return;
NiPoint3 vector = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 vector = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
GeneralUtils::TryParse(argArray.at(0), argArray.at(1), argArray.at(2), vector);
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternion::FromEulerAngles(vector);
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void TriggerComponent::HandlePushObject(Entity* targetEntity, std::vector<std::s
NiPoint3 direction = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 direction = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
GeneralUtils::TryParse(argArray.at(0), argArray.at(1), argArray.at(2), direction);
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ void TriggerComponent::HandleSetPhysicsVolumeEffect(Entity* targetEntity, std::v
if (argArray.size() > 4) {
NiPoint3 direction = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 direction = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
GeneralUtils::TryParse(argArray.at(2), argArray.at(3), argArray.at(4), direction);
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ public:
bUsedMouse = false;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
EchoStartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int32_t _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY, uint32_t _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
EchoStartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int32_t _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY, uint32_t _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
bUsedMouse = _bUsedMouse;
fCasterLatency = _fCasterLatency;
iCastType = _iCastType;
@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ public:
stream->Write(iCastType != 0);
if (iCastType != 0) stream->Write(iCastType);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(optionalTargetID);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendPlatformResync(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAd
float fIdleTimeElapsed = 0.0f;
float fMoveTimeElapsed = 0.0f;
float fPercentBetweenPoints = 0.0f;
NiPoint3 ptUnexpectedLocation = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiQuaternion qUnexpectedRotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiPoint3 ptUnexpectedLocation = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiQuaternion qUnexpectedRotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendPlatformResync(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAd
bitStream.Write(qUnexpectedRotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (qUnexpectedRotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
bitStream.Write(qUnexpectedRotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (qUnexpectedRotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) {
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ void GameMessages::SendSetCurrency(Entity* entity, int64_t currency, int lootTyp
bitStream.Write(lootType != LOOTTYPE_NONE);
if (lootType != LOOTTYPE_NONE) bitStream.Write(lootType);
bitStream.Write(sourceLOT != LOT_NULL);
if (sourceLOT != LOT_NULL) bitStream.Write(sourceLOT);
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ void GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID,
if (spawnPos != NiPoint3::ZERO) {
if (spawnPos != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
bUsePosition = true;
//Calculate where the loot will go:
@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID,
bitStream.Write(finalPosition != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (finalPosition != NiPoint3::ZERO) bitStream.Write(finalPosition);
bitStream.Write(finalPosition != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (finalPosition != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) bitStream.Write(finalPosition);
@ -1110,8 +1110,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID,
bitStream.Write(spawnPos != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (spawnPos != NiPoint3::ZERO) bitStream.Write(spawnPos);
bitStream.Write(spawnPos != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (spawnPos != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) bitStream.Write(spawnPos);
auto* team = TeamManager::Instance()->GetTeam(owner);
@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ void GameMessages::SendPlayerReachedRespawnCheckpoint(Entity* entity, const NiPo
const bool bIsNotIdentity = rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
const bool bIsNotIdentity = rotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
if (bIsNotIdentity) {
@ -1646,8 +1646,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendNotifyClientShootingGalleryScore(LWOOBJID objectId, const
void GameMessages::HandleUpdateShootingGalleryRotation(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
float angle = 0.0f;
NiPoint3 facing = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 muzzlePos = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 facing = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiPoint3 muzzlePos = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
@ -2103,8 +2103,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress
bitStream.Write(position != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (position != NiPoint3::ZERO) {
bitStream.Write(position != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (position != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
@ -2118,8 +2118,8 @@ void GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress
bitStream.Write(rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
bitStream.Write(rotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (rotation != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) {
@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ void GameMessages::HandleSetBuildMode(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entit
bool modePaused{};
int modeValue = 1;
LWOOBJID playerId{};
NiPoint3 startPosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 startPosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ void GameMessages::HandleSetBuildMode(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entit
auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(playerId);
if (startPosition == NiPoint3::ZERO) {
if (startPosition == NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
startPosition = player->GetPosition();
@ -2384,13 +2384,13 @@ void GameMessages::HandlePlacePropertyModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity*
PropertyManagementComponent::Instance()->UpdateModelPosition(model, NiPoint3::ZERO, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
PropertyManagementComponent::Instance()->UpdateModelPosition(model, NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
void GameMessages::HandleUpdatePropertyModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
NiPoint3 position;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
@ -2612,7 +2612,7 @@ void GameMessages::HandleBBBSaveRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* ent
IPropertyContents::Model model;
model.id = newIDL;
model.ugcId = blueprintIDSmall;
model.position = NiPoint3::ZERO;
model.position = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
model.rotation = NiQuaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
model.lot = 14;
Database::Get()->InsertNewPropertyModel(propertyId, model, "Objects_14_name");
@ -3393,7 +3393,7 @@ void GameMessages::SendNotifyPetTamingMinigame(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID petId
const bool hasDefault = teleRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
const bool hasDefault = teleRot != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
if (hasDefault) bitStream.Write(teleRot);
@ -4218,7 +4218,7 @@ void GameMessages::HandleVehicleNotifyHitImaginationServer(RakNet::BitStream* in
int32_t pickupSpawnerIndex = -1;
NiPoint3 vehiclePosition = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiPoint3 vehiclePosition = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
if (inStream->ReadBit()) inStream->Read(pickupObjID);
if (inStream->ReadBit()) inStream->Read(pickupSpawnerID);
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ namespace GameMessages {
const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
bool bFirstTime = true,
NiPoint3 buildStartPOS = NiPoint3::ZERO,
NiPoint3 buildStartPOS = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO,
int sourceBAG = 0,
LOT sourceLOT = 0,
int sourceTYPE = 8,
const LWOOBJID& targetID = 0,
LOT targetLOT = 0,
NiPoint3 targetPOS = NiPoint3::ZERO,
NiPoint3 targetPOS = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO,
int targetTYPE = 0
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace GameMessages {
void SendStop2DAmbientSound(Entity* entity, bool force, std::string audioGUID, bool result = false);
void SendPlay2DAmbientSound(Entity* entity, std::string audioGUID, bool result = false);
void SendSetNetworkScriptVar(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, std::string data);
void SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID, LOT item, int currency, NiPoint3 spawnPos = NiPoint3::ZERO, int count = 1);
void SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID, LOT item, int currency, NiPoint3 spawnPos = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, int count = 1);
void SendSetPlayerControlScheme(Entity* entity, eControlScheme controlScheme);
void SendPlayerReachedRespawnCheckpoint(Entity* entity, const NiPoint3& position, const NiQuaternion& rotation);
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ namespace GameMessages {
void SendLockNodeRotation(Entity* entity, std::string nodeName);
void SendSetBuildModeConfirmed(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool start, bool warnVisitors, bool modePaused, int32_t modeValue, LWOOBJID playerId, NiPoint3 startPos = NiPoint3::ZERO);
void SendSetBuildModeConfirmed(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool start, bool warnVisitors, bool modePaused, int32_t modeValue, LWOOBJID playerId, NiPoint3 startPos = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
void SendGetModelsOnProperty(LWOOBJID objectId, std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID> models, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ public:
consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
StartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, LWOOBJID _consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int32_t _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY, uint32_t _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
StartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, LWOOBJID _consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int32_t _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY, uint32_t _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
bUsedMouse = _bUsedMouse;
consumableItemID = _consumableItemID;
fCasterLatency = _fCasterLatency;
@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ public:
stream->Write(iCastType != 0);
if (iCastType != 0) stream->Write(iCastType);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(optionalTargetID);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::WithdrawSpider(Entity* self, const bool withdra
GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(self->GetObjectID(), u"SetColGroup", 10, 0, 0, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
//First rotate for anim
NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, const std::string tim
const auto withdrawn = self->GetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn");
if (!withdrawn) return;
NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
//First rotate for anim
@ -597,12 +597,12 @@ void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnUpdate(Entity* self) {
if (!isWithdrawn) return;
if (controllable->GetRotation() == NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
if (controllable->GetRotation() == NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY) {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void AgLaserSensorServer::OnStartup(Entity* self) {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void AmDrawBridge::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, std::string timerName) {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void MastTeleport::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, std::string timerName) {
GameMessages::SendOrientToAngle(playerId, true, rads, player->GetSystemAddress());
GameMessages::SendTeleport(playerId, position, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY, player->GetSystemAddress());
GameMessages::SendTeleport(playerId, position, NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY, player->GetSystemAddress());
GameMessages::SendSetStunned(playerId, eStateChangeType::POP, player->GetSystemAddress(),
LWOOBJID_EMPTY, true, true, true, true, true, true, true
@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ void PetFromDigServer::OnNotifyPetTamingMinigame(Entity* self, Entity* tamer, eP
// TODO: Remove custom group?
// Command the pet to the player as it may otherwise go to its spawn point which is non existant
// petComponent->Command(NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 6, 202, true);
// petComponent->Command(NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 6, 202, true);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void GfBanana::OnHit(Entity* self, Entity* attacker) {
bananaEntity->SetPosition(bananaEntity->GetPosition() - NiPoint3::UNIT_Y * 8);
bananaEntity->SetPosition(bananaEntity->GetPosition() - NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_Y * 8);
auto* bananaDestroyable = bananaEntity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>();
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ void CrabServer::OnNotifyPetTamingMinigame(Entity* self, Entity* tamer, ePetTami
// TODO: Remove custom group?
// Command the pet to the player as it may otherwise go to its spawn point which is non existant
// petComponent->Command(NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 6, 202, true);
// petComponent->Command(NiPoint3Constant::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 6, 202, true);
@ -1031,8 +1031,8 @@ void HandlePacket(Packet* packet) {
Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(player, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true);
if (respawnPoint != NiPoint3::ZERO) {
GameMessages::SendPlayerReachedRespawnCheckpoint(player, respawnPoint, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (respawnPoint != NiPoint3Constant::ZERO) {
GameMessages::SendPlayerReachedRespawnCheckpoint(player, respawnPoint, NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY);
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#include "EntityInfo.h"
struct SpawnerNode {
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3::ZERO;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
NiPoint3 position = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
NiQuaternion rotation = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
uint32_t nodeID = 0;
uint32_t nodeMax = 1;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> entities;
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
TEST(dCommonTests, NiPoint3Test) {
// Check that Unitize works
ASSERT_EQ(NiPoint3(3, 0, 0).Unitize(), NiPoint3::UNIT_X);
ASSERT_EQ(NiPoint3(3, 0, 0).Unitize(), NiPoint3Constant::UNIT_X);
// Check what unitize does to a vector of length 0
ASSERT_EQ(NiPoint3::ZERO.Unitize(), NiPoint3::ZERO);
ASSERT_EQ(NiPoint3Constant::ZERO.Unitize(), NiPoint3Constant::ZERO);
TEST(dCommonTests, NiPoint3OperatorTest) {
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ public:
class GameDependenciesTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUpDependencies() {
info.pos = NiPoint3::ZERO;
info.rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
info.pos = NiPoint3Constant::ZERO;
info.rot = NiQuaternionConstant::IDENTITY;
info.scale = 1.0f;
info.spawner = nullptr;
info.lot = 999;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user