/* * Darkflame Universe * Copyright 2018 */ #include "Entity.h" #include "ScriptComponent.h" ScriptComponent::ScriptComponent(Entity* parent, std::string scriptName, bool serialized, bool client) : Component(parent) { m_Serialized = serialized; m_Client = client; SetScript(scriptName); } ScriptComponent::~ScriptComponent() { } void ScriptComponent::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream& outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) { if (bIsInitialUpdate) { const auto& networkSettings = m_Parent->GetNetworkSettings(); auto hasNetworkSettings = !networkSettings.empty(); outBitStream.Write(hasNetworkSettings); if (hasNetworkSettings) { // First write the most inner LDF data RakNet::BitStream ldfData; ldfData.Write<uint8_t>(0); ldfData.Write<uint32_t>(networkSettings.size()); for (auto* networkSetting : networkSettings) { networkSetting->WriteToPacket(ldfData); } // Finally write everything to the stream outBitStream.Write<uint32_t>(ldfData.GetNumberOfBytesUsed()); outBitStream.Write(ldfData); } } } CppScripts::Script* const ScriptComponent::GetScript() { return m_Script; } void ScriptComponent::SetScript(const std::string& scriptName) { // Scripts are managed by the CppScripts class and are effecitvely singletons // and they may also be used by other script components so DON'T delete them. m_Script = CppScripts::GetScript(m_Parent, scriptName); }